The roommates

Chapter 26

“Yes, let’s go,” said Katie as she threw her arms into the air as she jumped of her bathroom scale. “Finally broke 175,” said Katie as she excitedly danced around her new body jiggling with every movement. The last 6 months had been a dream for the two girls. Everyday basically consisted of waking up, ordering food, lounging around on the couch, and adding inches on to their expanding bodies. Katie’s weight gain started off with a bang as she followed everything that Lexi had laid out for her, and the results were showing. Her slim face was now sporting a double chin most of the time as it became much fuller and rounder. Her dainty arms packed on some mass as they doubled in size as they became much flabbier. Her toned core was now a soft pot belly that protruded out from her gut. Her long slender legs were all but gone now replaced with two thicker pieces of flesh that constantly rubbed together when she walked.

“Katie you are looking bigger, I’m telling you it’s that new gaining shake that I’ve been giving you,” said Lexi as she congratulated her friend. The gaining shake that she was talking about was a combination of melted ice cream and body builder calorie powder that Lexi and Katie now drank every night. “I know ever since then I’ve just exploded, just look at the size of my ass,” said Katie as she turned around to let Lexi see. Katie wasn’t lying her ass had widened out and was covered in cellulite as it jiggled from the small movement. Lexi was jealous of Katie’s rapid weight gain she missed the days where she could put on 10+ pounds a month.

“Alright Lexi now it’s your turn,” says Katie as she attempted to move out of the way of her massive roommate. The two fat girls squeezed themselves together into Katie’s small apartment bathroom. The lack of room caused the two girls to bump into each other as their doughy belly rubbed up against each other. “Katie, you have to move to the side,” said Lexi as she tried to squeeze past her. “It would be a problem if you did have this fat thing on your stomach,” said Katie as she slapped Lexi’s belly causing it to jiggle. “Oh, you’re one to talk, you’ve got a nice fat new belly growing don’t you,” said Lexi playfully as she jiggled Katie’s new chubby belly back. “Sorry a girl likes to eat,” said Katie as she gave Lexi a wink.

Lexi stepped on the scale, as she had put on more and more weight it had been a while since she was able to see the numbers on the scale due to her growing belly. “Alright Katie tell me how much?” Asked Lexi as she stood there nervously. “Oh Lexi,” said Katie with a sheepish smile. “Katie I’m not over 500, am I?” Asked Lexi. She knew that she had been pigging out lately but that was a stretch. “Not exactly,” said Katie in a avoidance tone as she tried dancing around the bush. “Bigger than 500?” Asked Lexi as she daydreamed about what Matt would do to her when she revealed that she had broken the quarter ton milestone. “Well not exactly, you weigh 465 pounds,”

Lexi’s heart began to sink when she heard her current weight come out of Katie’s mouth. “Katie that can’t be true, I’ve been pigging out the last couple months I couldn’t have put on only 15 pounds,” said Lexi as she got off the scale. Sure her belly was fat but as Lexi looked closer she didn’t seem to look any bigger than she was 6 months ago. “I’m sorry Lexi but it’s the truth,” said Katie as she placed a hand on Lexi’s back to comfort her. Lexi knew how she’d managed to only gain a small amount of weight. With her help to Katie she was grabbing everything for her so she would have to move an inch. The increased walking and moving was burning calories almost as quickly as Lexi could eat them. “It’s okay,” Lexi said in a disappointed tone. “I just wanted to tell Matt something good since he’s coming off nights I wanted to show him that I’m over 500,” said Lexi as she attempted to squeeze into her shirt. “Well I think he’s still going to enjoy this big round belly that you’re carrying around,” joked Katie as she grabbed her lower belly. “Just so you know I would kill to be 465 pounds right now,” Katie added. “Well you’ll get there soon enough,” giggled Lexi as she put on the remainder of her clothes. She hadn’t seen Matt as much as she had wanted since he worked nights due to their schedules, but for the first time in forever their schedules were going to match up and Lexi couldn’t wait to actually spend the night together.
29 chapters, created StoryListingCard.php 3 months , updated 2 weeks
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Mikeboi1994 1 month
Really love this story! This is outstanding Tonyperkis! 😊 I wish Rachel returns one day perhaps not able to adjust her appetite back to normal 😃 Really love where this is going. 🤩
Mental5125 1 week
I like this idea!
NipNip 1 month
Well I’m excited for another fit girl like Katie to join the fat gal club.
Tonyperkis 1 month
Lexi needs a new fat friend since Rachel turned skinny
4funnow 1 month
Secretpassenger 1 month
I love this story!
I like it that Lexi goes deeper and deeper into her desires.
Keep on writing in this style!
Tonyperkis 1 month
Thank you there will be plenty more story to come
4funnow 1 month
Love the Lexi’s dive into her desires. Awesome story
Tonyperkis 1 month
There’s more than Lexi who gives into their desires
Mental5125 2 months
Big fan of this one. Hoping plenty more story and growing to come!
Tonyperkis 2 months
Thank you, the pair has plenty of weight to gain
4funnow 2 months
Love your sense of humor
4funnow 3 months
Love this couple - looking forward to their growing appetites
Also did you post The Rise Of Nancy Henderson?
great story but I can’t find it
Tonyperkis 3 months
Thank you, I did but I was let known that the author still has the story on this site and I didn’t want to steal their work
4funnow 3 months
Idk who told you that but they’re wrong - it’s been removed for a while - glad you found it - please post it and just give credit
AthleteTurne... 3 months
Love this so far definitely need more it’s really good
Tonyperkis 3 months
There will be plenty more for sure