The roommates

Chapter 27

Lexi walked into Matt’s apartment with her head down, she was slightly ashamed that she had not gain as much weight as she had hoped. “Hey babe,” said Matt as he turned around and when in for a hug as he had not seen Lexi over the past couple months. Since Matt worked night shift it was incredibly difficult for him and Lexi’s schedules to match up and with Matt finally having some time off he was excited to see his girlfriend. “Hey babe,” said Lexi sheepishly and she went to hug Matt. She felt his hands dig into her back fat as she had had become softer over the last couple months.

“What’s wrong Lexi?” Asked Matt as he lifted Lexi’s double chin so that their eyes would meet. “Well it’s just I was trying so hard to hit 500 pounds before today and I wasn’t even close,” said Lexi as she gave Matt a disappointed look. “I barely gained any weight over the last 6 months and I’m kinda ashamed,” said Lexi as her eyes started to water slightly. “Lexi it’s okay I still think you’re so hot, I’d still think you’re sexy even if you gained no weight,” said Matt as he placed his hand on Lexi’s lower belly and massaged it lightly. “Besides I have something that will put weight on you faster than you could imagine,” said Matt as he moved his hand away from Lexi’s belly. “And what is that?” Asked Lexi as she was growing curious about how she was going to fix her current weight gain stagnation.

“I’ve planned a romantic getaway, just the two of us to the country’s best food destinations,” said Matt as he leaned in to kiss Lexi. Lexi accepted his kiss as she had started to get wet, it had been a while since the two of them had had sex and Lexi was beyond horny. “Matt are you serious, where to?” Asked Lexi as she was becoming hornier and excited for tonight and the trip. “We’ll hit up Louisiana, Texas, California, and end in somewhere special,” said Matt as he moved his hand from Lexi’s back down to her massive ass and gave it a squeeze. “Matt that sounds amazing and really hot,” said Lexi as she referred to the up coming trip as well as Matt’s current advances. “I missed you so much,” said Lexi as she moved her own hand over Matt’s chest and abs as the wet spot in between her legs was growing larger. “And I missed my big fat girl,” replied Matt as he leaned in and kissed Lexi passionately.

“I have another surprise for you today,” said Matt as he broke away from the kiss and started walking into the kitchen. Lexi stood there antsy as she was sexually ready to go but was intrigued about what Matt was going to grab. Matt returned with an entire sheet cake with the words ‘eat up Lexi’ printed on the top. Lexi could feel her stomach rumble as she was starving and her mouth and pussy we’re watering. “This is for you but I have another part to you getting this cake,” said Matt as he set the cake down and reached into his back pocket. “I want you to use this as well,” said Matt as he pulled out a purple vibrator and gave it to Lexi. Lexi had used plenty of sex toys when stuffing her face but never really with Matt so she was curious on how this would work. “ this is special because I can control how fast or hard it vibrates so if you’re my good girl then I won’t have to go too hard,” said Matt as he grabbed Lexi’s exposed lower belly that had poked out of her shirt. “But if my naughty fat girl doesn’t listen to me then I might have to turn it up,” said Matt as he gave Lexi’s belly a slight jiggle.

Lexi was ready for what ever Matt had in store for her so she quickly without saying a word removed her yoga pants and her shirt leaving her just in her bra and underwear. “Matt that’s so hot of you, but how does the cake come into play?” Asked Lexi as she eyed the large and delicious cake sitting on the counter. Matt walked over and lifted Lexi’s fat belly and slid the vibrator in with almost no resistance, a testament to how horny Lexi was. “Ahhhh fuck Matt,” moaned Lexi as the initial insertion had already brought her close to cumming. “I want you to get on your hands and knees and eat this cake with nothing but your mouth like the fat pig you are,” whispered Matt into Lexi’s ear as she moaned slightly. Matt placed the cake on the floor as Lexi took her position. “Now eat up fatty,” said Matt as Lexi started to dig into her desert. The sweetness of the frosting combined with the moderate buzzing coming from Lexi’s soaking wet pussy was pure ecstasy. Lexi was so horny that she could barely moan in between bite of cake as the frosting was coving almost every part of her face.

“God look at you,” said Matt as he walked around Lexi admiring all parts of her flabby body. “You used to be a college athlete now look at you no better than a fat barnyard animal,” said Matt as Lexi continued to stuff her face uncontrollably. “I bet if your old self could see you now she probably cry but you don’t care about anything other than stuffing your face and cumming don’t you,” said Matt and he gripped a piece of flesh from her hip and shook it causing Lexi to moan audibly between bites. “Yes Matt I’m just your fat piggy her for you to feed and fuck,” said Lexi as she was on the verge of cumming. Matt could sense that Lexi was close as he turned up the intensity of the vibrator. Lexi could barely breathe as her first orgasm washed over her as she moaned loudly. “Oh god I’m cumming,” she screamed as Matt looked at his handy work. “Only 15 pounds in 6 months, I’ll have 15 pounds in the next 6 days if you promise to be my good fat girl,” says Matt as he slapped Lexus ass. The surround area around Matt’s hand print jiggled as Lexi let out a small yelp but she was incredibly turned on when Matt took control in their sex life.

“Matt that would be so hot, I want you to stuff my big fat belllllllly,” said Lexi as she struggled to finish her words as Matt increased the speed on the vibrator. Lexi was only a third of the way through her cake as she was starting to get full, she knew that she was going to have to stretch her stomach to her limits if she wanted to finish it. “Oh well grow that fat belly even bigger than it is now Lexi,” said Matt as he grabbed a chunk of her flesh and jiggled it. “My fat piggy has too much weight to gain before I’m done stuffing her fat face,” said Matt. Lexi’s second orgasm was on the verge of starting as Matt alternated between a quicker and slower pace of the vibrator. Lexi was having a difficult time keeping the savory cake in her mouth with the intense pleasure her pussy was receiving. She wanted to eat at a faster rate but the multiple moans that she was letting out were preventing her.

“Looks like my good girl is slowing down,” said Matt as he inspected the sheet cake that was in front of Lexi. “Ye..sss it’s soooo ha…rd to keeeeep ea…..ting daddy,” moaned Lexi barely able to complete a sentence she was so close to cumming for the second time. “Oh is it because of this,” said Matt playfully as he cranked the vibrator to it highest setting causing Lexi to cum immediately. “Ohhhhh fuck,” moaned Lexi as she came for the second time putting her almost out of breath. “Ma…tt please…… I ca…..nt eat … with the vibraaaaaator,” moaned Lexi letting Matt know how hard it was that Lexi could barely eat. “My good girl deserves to have a full belly as well as sexually stimulation,” said Matt. “Ok…..ay” spit out Lexi as she dove back into the rest of the sheet cake.

“Look at that fat belly, it’s so huge that it touches the floor when you’re on your hands and knees,” said Matt as her grabbed Lexi’s lower belly and gave it a jiggle causing Lexi to moan. “Just a couple of years ago you it was toned and muscular and now it’s so fat and flabby, the old you would be ashamed,” said Matt as he slapped Lexi’s belly and watched it jiggle around. Lexi was so close to cumming for a third time but she was only two thirds of her way through the sheet cake so she had no time to waste on her eating. Lexi was starting to get increasingly full as there seemed like there was more cake than Lexi could handle.

“The only thing you’re good for is to be fed and fucked Lexi,” said Matt as he gave a strong smack to Lexi’s ass causing her to yelp. “You’re right I’m just a helpless little fat ass that only deserves to have a full belly and a wet pussy,” said Lexi as she took a breath from eating. The sensation of an orgasm was starting to develop in Lexi’s pussy as she shoved her head back into the sheet cake. The flavor of the cake was becoming monotonous as her stomach started reaching its limit. Her stomach was nearing its end. “Matt I’m so full…. I do…my thinnnnnk I can …. Finish it,” moaned Lexi as the orgasm was coming closer and closer. Matt increased the strength of the vibrator bring Lexi to the edge of cumming. “That’s not the Lexi I know she’d stuff her fat face past her limit and grow her fat body to the size it should be, now start eating fat ass,” demanded Matt as Lexi came for the third time. Matt was in complete control of Lexi’s body and mind as she started eating again.

Her belly was so full that she felt as if she was going to throw up but she knew that she had to keep going. “You’re almost done baby just a little bit more tubby,” encouraged Matt as Lexi had managed to eat over 90% of her sheet cake. Her stomach felt taut as he was increasingly full but she knew that she had to finish it. As she was nearing her last couple bites Matt increased the strength of the vibrator to the max as Lexi was feeling pleasure so intense that she could hardly breathe. She managed to eat the last of the cake where she collapsed next to it and had the most intense orgasm of the night as she moaned loudly. She laid there huffing and puffing, as Matt gently rubbed her full belly. “That’s my good girl, you’ll reach 500 pounds in no time,” said Matt as Lexi gave him a weak smile, tired from all her eating. “I’m going to be so fucking huge,” said Lexi as she had even greater aspirations than a meager 500 pounds.
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Mikeboi1994 1 month
Really love this story! This is outstanding Tonyperkis! 😊 I wish Rachel returns one day perhaps not able to adjust her appetite back to normal 😃 Really love where this is going. 🤩
NipNip 1 month
Well I’m excited for another fit girl like Katie to join the fat gal club.
Tonyperkis 1 month
Lexi needs a new fat friend since Rachel turned skinny
4funnow 1 month
Secretpassenger 1 month
I love this story!
I like it that Lexi goes deeper and deeper into her desires.
Keep on writing in this style!
Tonyperkis 1 month
Thank you there will be plenty more story to come
4funnow 1 month
Love the Lexi’s dive into her desires. Awesome story
Tonyperkis 1 month
There’s more than Lexi who gives into their desires
Mental5125 2 months
Big fan of this one. Hoping plenty more story and growing to come!
Tonyperkis 2 months
Thank you, the pair has plenty of weight to gain
4funnow 2 months
Love your sense of humor
4funnow 2 months
Love this couple - looking forward to their growing appetites
Also did you post The Rise Of Nancy Henderson?
great story but I can’t find it
Tonyperkis 2 months
Thank you, I did but I was let known that the author still has the story on this site and I didn’t want to steal their work
4funnow 2 months
Idk who told you that but they’re wrong - it’s been removed for a while - glad you found it - please post it and just give credit
AthleteTurne... 2 months
Love this so far definitely need more it’s really good
Tonyperkis 2 months
There will be plenty more for sure