The roommates

Chapter 29

Lexi waddled into the restaurant as her stomach was beginning to rumble. Although she had gotten multiple sweet treats and snacks on the plane as well as a full-blown fast-food meal after landing her stomach was starting to rumble. Lexi had gotten so used to eating every few hours that when she went without her body was almost in shock. Lexi made her way to the table as she followed Matt close behind. The two took their seats and began to read their respective menus.

Lexi’s mouth was already watering once she laid eyes on the possible food options. Southern soul food, Cajun seafood, and sweet French cuisine had Lexi daydreaming about the intense favors that she would be eating. “Does anything look good?” Asked Matt as he looked at Lexi from across the table with a smirk on his face. “Everything looks amazing it’s so hard to choose just one thing,” said Lexi as her eyes continued to scan the menu. “Well, I know how big your appetite can be why limit yourself to just one dish,” said Matt as Lexi looked at him with a smile. “You’re right I am a hungry girl,” said Lexi as she gently patted her large belly causing it to jiggle.

“A hungry girl who’s already had 4 meals today and it’s not even 2pm,” joked Matt as Lexi returned to her menu. “Sorry I eat so much I promise I’ll cut back for you,” said Lexi sarcastically as she kept her eyes glued to the menu. “Well, we can’t have my beautiful girl wasting away can we,” said Matt. “I would hardly call this big fat ass wasting away,” joked Lexi as she felt up her massive hips and fat thighs.

“So have we decided on anything yet,” said the young waitress. Lexi looked her up and down as there wasn’t much too her. She was maybe 19 and barely 5 feet tall and was incredibly thin and dainty. She had long blonde hair and large thick glasses that were massive on her face. Lexi never liked having a thin waitress because that only meant that the food couldn’t be that good because a thin staff meant that the portions were small or not fattening enough. “Yes everything looks so good I’ll take your fried shrimp po boy, seafood boil, and let’s do and order of your pastries,” said Lexi as she put in her massive order. “Sounds good I’ll get that put in for you,” said the girl as she turned away to head to the kitchen and have them get started on her massive order. “Wait I haven’t ordered anything yet,” said Matt before the girl could make it too far away. “Oh, I’m so sorry but you ordered the sea food boil, that feeds 3 people as well as the other stuff you ordered,” said the waitress as she looked at her notes then back to Lexi with an unsure look on her face.

“Yes, that’s all for me,” said Lexi as she continued to make eye contact with the waitress. “I’m so sorry I just started here so what can I get you?” Asked the girl as she turned to Matt. After taking Matt’s order she walked away as Lexi was already starting to feel horny. Her meal being mistaken for two people was making her incredibly wet. “Get enough food?” Joked Matt poking fun at Lexi and the misunderstanding that had just occurred between her and their waitress. “You’re the one that likes when I eat until I’m full,” said Lexi as she was already impatiently waiting for her food. “Even with that much food I don’t think that could happen,” joked Matt. “We’ll see,” said Lexi in a confident tone as she knew that she could finish whatever was put in front of her.

Lexi felt like she was waiting forever as her stomach continued to rumble from her increasing hunger. Finally the small girl had returned with the couples food but it was not only her a male waiter had come to help carry the absurd amount of food for two people, really for only Lexi. The two servers set the food in front of Lexi as she was ravenous for something to eat. In front of her laid out a huge crab boil with potatoes, corn, and fresh crab, along with her sandwich fries and fresh pastries. Lexi quickly dug into her food as she ate the seafood with her bare hands only using tools when absolutely necessary. Her wet spot continued to grow as she stuffed her face full of the delicious foods. “Matt these tastes so good,” said Lexi as she managed to say in between bites. “Eat as much as you like tubby, it’s all for you,” said Matt as he patted Lexi’s fat thigh causing Lexi to get even more horny from his touch.

Lexi quick ate her sandwich and pastries as she continued to try and tackle the vast amount of seafood. Lexi’s stomach was starting to get more and more full as she had slowed her eating down. Her jeans that she was wearing were increasingly feeling tighter around her belly, but the amazing flavors kept her stuffing food into her face. “Looks like you’re starting to have trouble,” said Matt pointing out how Lexi had started to slow her eating pace down. “No, I’ll finish it all babe I promise,” replied Lexi as she stuffed another handful into her fat face. She was little over halfway through, but she felt as if she was about to burst. Her jeans were feeling the strain of her meal as there was no excess room in her pants as her fat body was squeezing out of her pants. As she reached the 3/4 way of the last of her food, Lexi felt a great relief coming from her fat belly as she felt it freed from the tight constraints of her jeans. Lexi reached down to the front of her pants thinking the worse had occurred as she was unable to find her button to her jeans.

In the chaos she had bursted out of her jeans and completely popped off the buttons to her jeans. When finally making the realization that she had become such a fat pig that she couldn’t fit into her clothes Lexi felt like she was on the edge of cumming. “Matt, I think I may have just popped a button,” said Lexi as she continued to eat her food. “What?” Asked Matt as he was slightly confused. “I said my button popped off and my belly is out of my jeans,” said Lexi. “Are you being serious Lexi?” Asked Matt as Lexi looked at him with the horniest look that he had ever seen from her. “Yes,” moaned Lexi quietly as she looked at Matt with fuck me eyes. “Lexi that’s so hot,” said Matt as he gripped Lexi’s fat thigh from underneath the table. “I know I want you soooo badly, I need you to humiliate me and my fat habits,” said Lexi as she finished eating.

Matt quickly flagged dow their waitress and paid their bill. Lexi waddled out of the restaurant with her pants without their button and her fat belly handing out of her pants. Lexi adored the strange and disgusting looks she was getting from the other restaurant goers. Lexi felt as if she was going to film on the walked out as she quickly tried to get to the car the two had rented. As soon as she had plopped her large ass into the car. Her fingers reached past her fat belly and into her soaking wet clit. She came instantly but it did not scratch the itch that only Matt could. “Fuck Lexi that was so hot you stuffed yourself until you bursted out of your clothes,” said Matt as he gently rubbed Lexi’s fat swollen belly. “Please can you take me to the hotel and fuck me like the good growing girl I am,” begged Lexi as she looked at Matt with longing eyes. “Of course, baby,” said Matt as he started the car and quickly made his way to the hotel.
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Mikeboi1994 1 month
Really love this story! This is outstanding Tonyperkis! 😊 I wish Rachel returns one day perhaps not able to adjust her appetite back to normal 😃 Really love where this is going. 🤩
Mental5125 1 week
I like this idea!
NipNip 1 month
Well I’m excited for another fit girl like Katie to join the fat gal club.
Tonyperkis 1 month
Lexi needs a new fat friend since Rachel turned skinny
4funnow 1 month
Secretpassenger 1 month
I love this story!
I like it that Lexi goes deeper and deeper into her desires.
Keep on writing in this style!
Tonyperkis 1 month
Thank you there will be plenty more story to come
4funnow 1 month
Love the Lexi’s dive into her desires. Awesome story
Tonyperkis 1 month
There’s more than Lexi who gives into their desires
Mental5125 2 months
Big fan of this one. Hoping plenty more story and growing to come!
Tonyperkis 2 months
Thank you, the pair has plenty of weight to gain
4funnow 2 months
Love your sense of humor
4funnow 3 months
Love this couple - looking forward to their growing appetites
Also did you post The Rise Of Nancy Henderson?
great story but I can’t find it
Tonyperkis 3 months
Thank you, I did but I was let known that the author still has the story on this site and I didn’t want to steal their work
4funnow 3 months
Idk who told you that but they’re wrong - it’s been removed for a while - glad you found it - please post it and just give credit
AthleteTurne... 3 months
Love this so far definitely need more it’s really good
Tonyperkis 3 months
There will be plenty more for sure