

Chapter 7 - Terms of Surrender

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“Coming!” Jessica shouted as she struggled to pry herself from the couch. Opening the front door to her apartment, the 5’3” woman found herself staring at a stack of large BBQ Hawaiian pizzas, the intoxicating smell instantly flooding her nostrils and sending a tinge of excitement traveling down her spine.

“So I take it you have seen the proverbial light and have embraced your situation?” Dan asked the distracted woman as he pushed his way forward through the front door.

“Hardly,” Jessica bemoaned as she closed the door behind him. “But I’m clearly losing the fight. Your fucking porker girlfriend handed me a body that has completely gone off the rails. Despite desperately wanting to eat healthy and exercise, all this thing ever wants to do is eat junk food and sit on its fat ass. Then, when I finally do manage to get outside and go jogging, her body was so out of shape that it cramped up on me after just fifteen seconds of jogging.”

“Jogging?” Dan exclaimed. “Now that’s a site I would have loved to see. I don’t think I ever saw April… oh god damn.”

Turning around, the feisty woman glared at him in confusion. “What!? Did you drop the pizza?!”

Dan laughed. “No, the pizza is fine. It’s just, I’ve tried to give you some space at work since you hadn’t reached out to me after our conversation a few weeks ago. Guess I hadn’t noticed…”

Jessica’s face turned bright red as she watched the man’s eyes surveying the surface of her body.

“Noticed what? That your girlfriend’s body is still piling on the pounds despite being under new management?”

Dan kept his eyes on the short meatball of a woman as he laid the stack of pizza boxes on the counter. Slowly circling Jessica like a shark playing with his prey, he scanned the curvature of her new body, his eyes locked on to the two juicy orbs bouncing along the short woman’s behind.

“That ass is looking good. Let me guess, these clothes are new?” Dan asked as he pointed to her stretched out pink yoga pants and tightly fitted t-shirt, each one seemingly clinging to dear life across her bloated frame.

Jessica sighed as she lost some of her edge and opened one of the pizza boxes before grabbing two slices.

“Ordered them online two weeks ago and they just came in,” she explained flatly as she took a large bite from her dinner. “I… I can’t control this body Dan. It is always hungry. Always lazy. My mind knows what the right thing to do is, but I can never get this body to listen and obey. Even when I try to eat healthy, this damn thing craves so much food it doesn’t even matter. I’m still eating way way too many calories every single day. I never used to have these issues before the procedure, it just doesn’t make any sense.”

Dan laughed to himself as the woman stuffed her face with pizza. “You know, I did try to warn you back at the restaurant. Remember?”

The woman only rolled her eyes, her mouth too occupied with her second slice to dignify his questions with a response.

“Think of April’s body as if it were a car. Well, she decided to go out on a disastrous joy ride. Then just as the car began to veer off a cliff, she dipped out and handed you the keys.”

“BUUURRRRRRRRPP” Jessica exclaimed before wiping away some of the BBQ sauce that had smeared across her face. Dan waited for the woman to say something following the unapologetic interjection, but the hungry woman instead opted to go back into the pizza box and grab another slice.

“Anyways. So now here you are, plummeting towards the inevitable, anguishing over your situation and fighting reality itself as if there’s a single thing you can do to change course. But the hard truth is that you never had a chance. April spent her entire life building the self-control necessary to keep her body’s primal urges at bay, and even then she was still overweight. You, however, have no such experience. By the sound of it, your old body hardly put up a fight at all.”

Dan paused to let the woman speak, however all that came from her throat was a soft moan as she tore into her meal.

“Even with all that self control, April was chubby when we met. She had a lifetime of forces pushing her away from gaining weight, years of pent up anxiety and fear developed all throughout early adulthood. Even with all that swirling in her head, she was sporting a pot belly and bubble butt long before she ever met me. Do you understand what I am saying?”

Gulping down the last bite of her third slide, Jessica sighed and took a deep breath. “I just can’t believe that I’ve been so powerless to stop it. I was a fucking personal trainer Dan! If anyone could turn this body around it should be me!”

The man sighed as he looked towards one of the piles of discarded snacks sitting across the room. “You may have had a fit body with all the healthiest habits before the procedure, but you are in denial of what is very obvious to me.”

“And what’s that?” Jessica asked as she reached for her fourth slice of pizza.

Jessica watched as Dan walked over to the couch and grabbed a freshly emptied ice cream carton with his hand. “April’s biological nature has easily overpowered your willpower since the day you were zapped into her body, or were ice cream binges a normal part of your diet back in your original life,” he asked while holding the carton into the air, the emptied container still glimmering with droplets of melted ice cream.

Staring at the empty carton, tears formed along Jessica’s eyes as the woman felt a pang of shame. She had consumed the entire thing the second she got back from her brief exercise. Despite wanting to eat healthier, she had been completely incapable of convincing herself to throw away all of the unhealthy junk food in her apartment, and she had gone straight for the most delicious one available as soon as she threw in the towel.

“I just don’t know what to do and I’m freaking out! I was entrusted with her body and I’m failing her. I have quarterly check ups with the research team and I’m already dreading the looks they’re going to give me when they see what I’ve done to April!”

“What you’ve done to her?” Dan asked incredulously as he walked back towards the crying woman. “Come with me. Now.”

The man grabbed the sobbing woman’s greasy hand and urged her towards her bedroom. Jessica followed him hesitantly, walking close behind until the two were standing just a few feet away from the long floor mirror propped up in the corner.

“Look at this body,” he taunted while lifting her food-stained shirt upward and revealing a pale and distended belly that sagged slightly over her shorts. “You aren’t doing anything to April except living out the exact fantasy she had dreamt of her entire life.”

Jessica stared at her slobby appearance in the mirror. Her eyes were red from crying while her lips and cheeks wore the remains of her ice cream and pizza binge. Her bloated and pudgy belly had grown even more stretch marks and her already thick waist appeared to have gained at least an additional inch in diameter in the weeks following the start of the experiment.

“This is what April wanted,” he taunted as he moved behind the frozen woman. Without warning, his muscular hands grabbed her bloated belly, cupping its soft shape in his grasp. “She didn’t want to be thin. She wanted to be soft. She wanted to be lazy. She wanted to be a pig.”

Jessica whimpered as Dan suddenly pressed himself against her backside. Part of her wanted to push him away, yet she felt her body’s desires once again overriding her willpower as the tall and strong man explored her body with his hands.

“I can feel the extra pounds you’ve added since taking over April’s body, Jessica. Let me guess, you’ve gained at least ten pounds in the last month, haven’t you? Don’t even try to lie to me.”

Jessica closed her eyes and moaned softly, her pale and pudgy hands clasping his strong arms. “No, even worse. I’ve put on fourteen pounds since I was measured at the lab. I weigh 217 pounds now even after weeks of trying to exercise and eat better. This damn body just won’t stop consuming everything in sight.”

The words leaving her chocolate and sauce covered lips provoked an eruption of heat to swell within. Every teasing word seemed to raise the temperature in the room two degrees, and a layer of sweat once again began to permeate across her padded form as she felt a raging fire building between her legs.

“Mmm and let me guess, almost all of it’s going to your midsection? April always told me she wanted a fat ass and sagging gut. Looks like you’re coming along perfectly.”

Jessica felt weak in the knees as she looked upon her bloated form in the mirror once again. “Everything is just getting so big. My ass and thighs are tearing my pants apart at the seams. My belly is pushing up my shirts and turning them into bras. Every time I find something that fits, my body gets bigger and outgrows my clothing.”

“You don’t need to wear shirts anyways,” Dan whispered as he pulled the fabric further upward. “You’ll just stain them with all the greasy food you’re eating.”

The whimpering woman watched as her shirt was lifted from her torso, her sagging breasts flopping back upon her chest as the man tossed her clothing to the floor.

“These certainly haven’t changed much since the last time. At least your tits still seem to somewhat resemble themselves. Not for long though. They’re going to grow bigger and heavier just like the rest of you. It’s only a matter of time.”

Dan moved his hands across the woman’s breasts, grabbing and twisting her chubby pink nipples.

“Oohhh gooddddd,” Jessica shuddered as a tingling wave of excitement traveled down her spine.

“So much for that diet and workout plan of yours,” he continued to tease as his hands continued to explore the woman’s body. “You know Jessica, your body is fast approaching the point of no return. Pretty soon your chubby little body is going to blossom into a canvas of obesity. You talk a good game about getting fit, but I bet you’d like that, wouldn’t you? Deep down, you want to lose control. You want to give in.”

Jessica moaned as she felt the room swirling around them. Closing her eyes, she found herself increasingly leaning back against the much taller and stronger man as her legs grew weaker.

“I thought so. Nobody will ever call you thin or even chubby again. You’ll just be plain fat. That double chin you’re developing will stick out loud and proud as your face develops into a perfect moon shape. Your juicy fupa will get hidden by a bloated sagging paunch belly that protrudes beyond your chest. Your breasts will lose their last vestiges of youth as they become heavy and shapeless sacks. Pretty soon not even April’s friends and family will be able to recognize what has happened to her body. You’re becoming a mountain of lard, and I bet you can’t wait.”

“Oh god,” Jessica gasped as her entire body shuddered.

Dan’s hands ran down the length of her sides, his fingers digging into the woman’s waistband. “My goodness these things are clinging to your hips for dear life.”

Grabbing the yoga pants in his palms, the man forcefully pulled the skin-tight pink clothing down below her knees, causing the woman’s cellulite-coated ass to wobble right in front of his face.

“Wow Jessica you were holding back on me. I know April’s ass wasn’t THIS juicy before you took over.”

Just as the woman opened her eyes, she felt a hard slap land across her right ass cheek, sending the pliable flesh jiggling wildly.

“Oh SHIT,” she gasped as her stinging skin began to turn red. The heat roiling within the short meatball was reaching a fever pitch as sweat permeated across her entire body. The young woman felt as if her entire body would soon melt into a puddle if relief didn’t come soon.

“What do you want from me,” she whined as the sexual heat raging between her plush thighs threatened to consumer her.

Pulling the woman in close once again, she felt the man’s rock hard member pressed firmly between her cheeks.

“I want you to tell me exactly what you’ve been doing to my girlfriend’s body, because clearly it hasn’t been exercising.”

Jessica whimpered again as she closed her eyes. Everything he was saying was so degrading, and her body was eating it up.

“All I fucking do is sit on my ass and eat,” she said weakly before gaining confidence. “It’s all I can ever motivate my body to do. I wake up, go to work, and then I order delivery just so I can plant my ass on the couch and fucking eat until it feels like my stomach will explode. Then I wake up and do it again the next day.”

Another loud crack echoed in the room as Jessica felt the familiar stinging sensation on her plush ass cheek, the sharp pain pushing another involuntary moan through her lips.

“Don’t fucking lie to me Jessica. We both know what effect stuffing yourself has on this fat body of yours. You don’t just eat to sate your hunger, do you my little piggy?”

Jessica’s mind tensed up. From the day she stepped foot into her temporary home and “participated” along with the video left by her body’s prior owner, the former personal trainer didn’t want to believe all the overeating was anything more than an overindulgent appetite, yet her new body’s peculiar reactions to her unrestrained gluttony and softening exterior were hard to ignore. Her brain was frozen in its tracks, stalled out with no path forward. Then, she felt the man’s hand slowly inching towards her fupa.

“What do you think you are doing?” She snapped suddenly, her pudgy hand reaching and grabbing him just inches away from her plump sex.

“Tell me to stop if that’s what you want,” he whispered tauntingly. “But we both know that’s not what you want, just like we both know you don’t simply fall asleep right after stuffing that big gut of yours, do you Jess?”

The woman hesitated for a moment before her grip loosened around his much larger and stronger hand. A brief second later, a loud gasp escaped her lips as his index finger connected with her sensitive clit.

“Oh GOD,” she yipped as her hips bucked against his rigid shaft.

“All of this turns you on, doesn’t it Jessica? The teasing. The food. The lethargy. The feeling of your gut growing taut as you stuff it full of junk that you know will only make your flabby body even fatter and lazier. No matter how much the old you hates the idea of being a fat and lazy pig, you just can’t get enough of it. I bet you even felt a tinge of excitement when your leg cramped up and you knew your exercise days were over.”

Jessica’s eyes opened wide as she felt the man quickly grab his shorts and pull them down in one swift motion. Without warning, she felt the warmth of the man’s 8” long shaft wedging itself between her two fleshy ass cheeks.

“No matter how afraid you are of losing your old self, you know deep down that you want this, ALL of this. Admit it Jessica. Tell me that your fat and bloated body turns you on. Admit to me that you get hot at just the idea of gaining another pound, and that you dream of becoming so much bigger. You can’t wait to be nothing more than a massive pile of useless fat, a prisoner to your most carnal desires.”

Gazing into the mirror, Jessica looked upon her short plump body being manhandled by the larger and stronger man and felt the heat within consuming her. Sweat coated her body from head to toe, and a slight stroke of her sensitive sex caused the woman to nearly scream in pleasure as her weight fell into his chest. Her body was begging for release, and she could deny her urges no longer.

“Fucking take me!” Jessica screamed desperately as she grabbed Dan’s hand, pulling him down towards the carpeted bedroom floor.

The couple tossed their clothes to the side as the 217-pound woman got down on her hands and knees and raised her thick and meaty rear end into the air for easy access. Looking eagerly in the mirror, Jessica watched as the man positioned himself behind her, his strong hands sinking into her doughy love handles as he guided himself inside her welcoming slit.


Jessica’s eyes rolled into the back of her head as she felt the man’s large shaft pierce and stretch her sex, her lubricated walls welcoming him openly as it swallowed more of his cock with each additional thrust. She knew she had never been with someone so big before in her life, yet her new body deftly accepted each inch into her warm walls, her sex stretching around his rigid member as if it had been molded just for him.

“Do you like it when I pound your fat ass?” Dan teased as he slammed his hard body into her plush backside, the assault sending every inch of her overweight form into motion. Her new body moved in ways she simply could have never understood before the experiment. Every ounce of fat latching to her decadent shape joined in with each thrust, wobbling along as her lover assaulted her flank.

“Mmmhmmm,” Jessica moaned as her head dipped. Nothing about having sex as a fat girl felt the same, and she couldn’t help but feel even more turned on at the thought of what he must have seen from his vantage point. The very thought pushed her closer to the edge.

“Good. Now fucking admit everything to me or I’ll stop!”

Jessica’s eyes widened at the threat. Looking back into the mirror, she glanced up towards his face, their eyes connected momentarily before he intensified his assault.

“GOD YESSSS” she screamed as the sound of her juicy ass clashing against his hard body echoed loudly throughout the apartment.

“Admit it! Now!”

Jessica trembled as she felt her climax approaching. She needed release, and nothing would stop her.


Jessica’s words were cut short as she felt the man strike her right ass cheek once again, the impact stinging her backside and leaving a visible red handprint across her pale white skin.


The two lovers screamed in ecstasy and Jessica’s eyes rolled into the back of her head as she felt her lover’s shaft expand within her sex, it’s rigid length swelling before pulsating inside its soft confines as the man dumped load after load inside her womb. Stars shot across the woman’s vision as her entire body convulsed, and her arms gave way as she slumped forward into the carpet.

When the two lovers finally came down from their highs, they laid next to each other on the bedroom floor with their bodies pressed firmly together, a smile spread across each of their faces.
18 chapters, created StoryListingCard.php 2 months , updated 3 weeks
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DoomBot 2 days
The antici... pation is killing me!
Cheers1758 3 days
Can’t wait to hear what happens next. Fantastic story!
Chasingtruth14 3 weeks
Loving everything. Really dying to know what the original April’s plan was and what she’s doing as Jessica
4funnow 1 month
Getting juicy
NipNip 1 month
Looks like someone’s new promotion just brought her some joyful and kinky happiness. I almost thought she was gonna get fired for sure for getting quite fat, but this is a welcome surprise
SLDB 1 month
Sorry for the delay but the next installment is coming soon! April’s been a busy travel month for me and this next chapter is pretty long but it’s just about ready for release.
SLDB 1 month
Chapter had to be broken in two due to length constraints. Part 2 coming soon.
Wafflel55 1 month
Yeyeyiyo 1 month
this is an incredible story, i can’t wait for the next chapter!

how much longer do we have to wait? smiley
SLDB 1 month
Thanks everyone for the kind words! We are fast approaching the big reveal I think everyone has been waiting for!
Cheers1758 1 month
Amazing story man
Kertus 1 month
Super, wau
LoveMuffin 1 month
Jessica is going to balloon with pregnancy.

Here's hoping the boyfriend has been feeding and seeing both of them at the same time.

Imagine if Jessica swaps back and her fit body is a pregnant bbw?
Cheers1758 2 months
You are a master at this! Love your story. The way you capture the corruption and surrender is second to none in this genre
Mickmick 2 months
I’d love to see April and Jessica meet
DoomBot 2 months
This story is incredible. Can’t wait to read more.
Informatio 2 months
I can't help but wonder what April is doing to Jessica's body.
SLDB 2 months
Sounds like you will enjoy where this is heading 👀
Informatio 2 months
Seems like you could either have April destroy Jess's figure, or Jess's acclimated to eating and gaining causes her to destroy her own figure once she returns to her body. It will be interesting to see which route you go. Keep up the great work
4funnow 2 months
The way you delve into the psyche is a joy to read
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