Party hard, gain hard

Chapter 5 - Reaching for a heavy truth

The morning after, Ethan woke up feeling unusually heavy. He tried to get up, with very disappointing results, just to end up turning to his side, still half asleep. A few minutes later, the smell of eggs and bacon hit his nostrils, making him realize how unbearably hungry he was. He opened his eyes slowly, noticing just now that Jack was sitting beside him in the bed, holding a tray full of hot food. Before his rationality could intervene, his hunger moved his body towards the freshly prepared breakfast. Jack stared happily as Ethan devoured a meal that could have satiated five people, knowing he had hit jackpot.
Lunch and dinner were no different: Ethan kept eating, dozing off, then eating again. There was very little space for thoughts in his head, the food taking up all of his energy and drive.
Jack thought he had done it: his "captured" twink now looked like someone who had never seen a gym in his life; a thick, heavy roll of fat enveloped his waist, his pecs were turning into soft, drooping moobs, his thighs had gotten wide and round with a pair of cantaloupe sized balls hanging in between.
Ethan, however, wasn't going to stay brainless and submissive for long. Maybe it was a miscalculation, maybe the drinks weren't strong enough, maybe all that food was helping him process the weight gain drugs more quickly. What matters is that on Wednesday morning, Ethan woke up before Jack. He was still half asleep , but he decided to look around and then, unable to fall back asleep, he decided to grab a snack from the kitchen. Careful to not wake Jack, he tried to get on his feet, only to realize how heavy he had gotten. Getting up was a great struggle, his weight shifting with every movement, throwing him off balance, but he still managed to shakily stand up from the bed. Swaying and waddling, he made his way to the kitchen where he opened the fridge in search of something tasty. He grabbed a prepacked ice cream from the freezer drawer and sat at the dinner table, eating and looking at his surroundings. That's when he noticed a covered panel in front of the counters. Out of curiosity, as soon as he finished his treat, he approached the covered rectangular item and removed the cloth from it. Now, a very overweight man with massive balls was staring back at him and after a few seconds, Ethan recognized himself in the hidden mirror. The sight left him speechless, he couldn't fathom how he let himself go this much, how he didn't notice. What had he even been doing for the last few days? That's when it hit him. The drinks, the food, the enormous hospitality, the generosity. Jack had been tricking him all along. He couldn't figure out his purpose but he knew he had been played.
As quietly as possible he roamed the house until he found his clothes and his phone, then, still naked, he tried for the door. It was unlocked. He got out the house, into the street, then into an alley. There, he caught his breath and he made an attempt at fitting in his clothes.

An illustration for this chapter is available on my profile, check it out!
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