I make my female classmates fat

Chapter 16

Yesterday's foodbaby started to wear off today, but there was still a little bit left. Now I'm in the store getting new clothes for running / training. My problem with the whole thing is that even if it comes up on my legs, it will come up near my stomach
it gets stuck so I should wear something short.

In the changing room, I tried on these short jogging pants, which fit quite well, so I put them in my basket. When I took off my top, I saw large test marks in the mirror. The smallest thing was that the line of my stomach extends further than the line of my breast, and it is not even a little bit thinner. What's even worse is the muffin top, which makes it the most difficult to put on leggings, jeans and the rest. My navel isn't real either, because skinny people have vertical navels, but mine is horizontal, so this is also typical for bloated people. The worst thing is that my belly hangs on the waistband and even if I'm not wearing anything. It's really shit, but I can still hold a lot of fat, which disgusts me. After choosing the right top, I got dressed again and paid at the cashier.

After I was ready, I went home and made muffins for Kate to snack on while I went to work out. Of course, I made it as high-calorie as possible. Then, luckily, the foodbaby I got yesterday was nowhere to be seen, so I got dressed and went for a jog. I was getting hungrier and hungrier on the way, but I didn't really care, I was mostly distracted by the beautiful late autumn landscape. As that orange spot of light appears everywhere and all kinds of orange leaves that have almost fallen. I like spring better, but there is also something beautiful to enjoy.

My pace wasn't fast, but I could feel my new fat shaking with each step. The fat I gained on my belly is mostly soft, but when I eat my fill, it hardens. I had barely gone a mile in 20 minutes, but now I needed to rest. I sat down on a bench in the park and stared at the wildlife, people. I've seen few girls my age who haven't started to get their 15th bullet. What Kate and I got over a long time ago, we still piled on the pounds. We've already gained more than twice as much weight since we've been here, so I'm trying to lose weight because it can't go on like this. If I continue to gain weight like this, not only will I fail to make others fat, they will make me fat.

While I was thinking on the bench, the time flew by, I rested for almost an hour, so I had to go home. Of course, I jogged the distance, but I didn't feel like it. By the time I got home, I was sweating, but the weather was cold, so I might have caught a cold because I wasn't properly dressed, that's for sure. Anyway, it was quite difficult to jog with this new fat that I had acquired. My legs also had a harder time than before because now I was carrying more weight.

When I managed to get home, I was greeted by a beautiful sight as Kate ordered not only the muffins but also a hamburger, which she ate there. Her belly was so swollen
like a piglet. I didn't even know her, she became so chubby over time.

I kindly thanked him:
- Hi Kate, I'm here.

- How was the run?

- Very tiring.

- then I think you'll be happy with the hamburger I brought you.

At first, I would have said no thanks, but I was so hungry and if I didn't eat it, he would lose weight, so I said:

- Uh, thank you, I'm very hungry anyway.

So I'm back in the caloric glut.
19 chapters, created StoryListingCard.php 2 months , updated 1 month
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BS Writer 2 months
Are your characters non-binary? Totally cool if they are, but it would be helpful to have that noted because you switch pronouns a lot, including I or just no word at all. It gets very confusing.
Hannaeat33 2 months
Thank you for your help, I fixed it