I make my female classmates fat

Chapter 9

In the middle of autumn, when the leaves of the wood have fallen, the birds also chirp a little. Already the first colder weather shows itself, even those who are the least fussy already have at least one pullover in their wardrobe.

Emily and Kate are at a restaurant on the edge of town. Emily only has a thick sweater, but Kate has already put on a smaller jacket. Emily didn't like this because she can't see her belly when it's swollen.

Emily and Kate are having a two-course meal at a table by one of the windows. After they are in it, both of them simultaneously feel the mouth-watering taste that is in those different foods. In Kate's food, Emily sneaked a little secret weight gainer that she made with her new ability when Kate was in the bathroom.

By the time Kate got back from the bathroom, I was fortunately ready with my covert operation. Continuing the meal, Kate offered me what I tried to refuse, but in the end she transferred a small sampler from hers to my tray. At first I was afraid to try it because of the weight-gaining powder, but in the end I had to go in because didn't want to fall over. The truth is that I really liked it, would have even asked for it if it wasn't extra fat.

And for dessert, he ordered for both of us, and when it was brought out, he apparently had less. It is not certain that he can do anything about this, but even then it is unfair. By the end of the meal, my stomach was very full and started to hurt. Since Kate was wearing a jacket, I don't know if she was bloated, but if was, she probably was.

When we left the restaurant, we could have walked, but since I was full, offered to take the bus instead. Fortunately, Kate got in so we were able to take off after a few minutes. We got back to the dormitory in a short ten minutes, where we could finally rest.

The first thing for me after I changed was that lay down on the couch where Kate was playing next to me. Now could finally notice that her belly was bigger now. I know we just finished lunch, but it seems to be a little softer than before when it was hard.

After more than half an hour, I went into my room to get my phone, but saw my long-unused stone. I closed the door of my room and took out the notebook to check the current situation.

Kate was the first ali to show up at her current 128 pounds, the results of which were starting to show. Next was Evangeline who weighed 129 pounds, for some reason she stopped gaining weight, which I was not happy about. Samantha is now 118 pounds, so she has dropped a total of 8 pounds from her original weight. The Nysha Soccer team member has only gained 9 pounds from her original weight.

I was surprised by a few things, for example, hoped that Evangeline would give more of herself or that Nysha would get out of shape, but I was wrong. But what bothered me even more is the following:

My eyes slid down and I saw what didn't expect. The weight of my lips, which shocked and terrified me. Right, when I got here in the dorm, My weighed 112 pounds, but now that number is much more, 129 pounds. I don't understand how it came because shouldn't have gained much weight if I was wearing the necklace.

I go into the bathroom and stand in front of the mirror. I see myself and notice that my face is a little rounder, but it's good for him. My face is quite beautiful, I am completely satisfied with it. My breasts seem to have grown, but only a little. Then I look at my belly, where the tone has faded but is still visible and can grasp a little fat, but only half an inch. I turn to the side and then see that it leans forward a little more than before, but nothing noticeable or dangerous. My bottom is fuller and as I reach into it feel that it is a little softer, but it has also only become more shapely. I finally realized that I look better than before, so I just became happy.
19 chapters, created StoryListingCard.php 2 months , updated 1 month
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BS Writer 2 months
Are your characters non-binary? Totally cool if they are, but it would be helpful to have that noted because you switch pronouns a lot, including I or just no word at all. It gets very confusing.
Hannaeat33 2 months
Thank you for your help, I fixed it