The weight of the crown

Chapter 3

The Bitter Truth

As the days pass, their secret endeavor brings a delicate hope to their grim surroundings. The heavy burden of ALARIC’s body, once a symbol of his defeat, now holds the potential to be their means of escape. In the cold, harsh winter, the warmth they find in each other’s company and their shared mission rekindles the flame of resistance that QUEEN MORGANNA sought so desperately to extinguish.
As dawn breaks, PRINCE ALARIC, driven by the previous night's planning with ZEE, attempts once again to bend the bars of his cell. Despite his immense size, the bars barely yield. Frustrated but not defeated, ZEE proposes a drastic measure—further weight gain to increase his leverage against the iron.

PRINCE ALARIC (concerned): Zee, if I continue, I might lose what little mobility I have left. It is already a struggle.

ZEE (determined): It is our best chance. We need more force, and that means more weight.

Reluctantly, ALARIC agrees to double their efforts. Confused but following orders, the guards increase the food supply. Over the ensuing weeks, ALARIC’s weight climbs dangerously. Each day, using his growing mass, he pulls on the bars to aid ZEE's nightly escapes through the slowly widening gap.
During these escapades, ZEE gathers support from those still loyal to the true king. However, her return one-night bears grim news: the queen has deceived the populace about food distribution, leaving many to starve while the prince appears to live in gluttonous excess.

PRINCE ALARIC (distraught): How can I sit here in comfort while my people suffer?

His despair deepens, and he begins to eat not out of necessity for their plan, but from emotional turmoil. As ZEE continues her nightly missions, ALARIC's weight gain accelerates, now driven by his sorrow.
During one of QUEEN MORGANNA's routine visits, she finds ALARIC in a state of complete defeat, his body now truly immense. Attempting to mock him further, she commands him to stand, a task he finds impossible due to his size.

QUEEN MORGANNA (mockingly): Oh, look at what you have become! A helpless, bloated version of a prince. Stand up, show some dignity!

Struggling, ALARIC tries to lift himself but collapses back with a heavy thud. The sight of him—his face almost entirely round, his neck buried beneath layers of fat, his arms and legs swollen to enormous proportions—brings a cruel smile to the queen’s face.

QUEEN MORGANNA (laughing): No need for chains anymore. This hippo won't be moving anywhere on his own. (To the guards) Get him something to cover up. We wouldn’t want to scare the children, would we?

As the guards scurry away to obey, QUEEN MORGANNA outlines her next vicious plan—to parade ALARIC before the starving populace, showing them the stark contrast between their suffering and his apparent excess.

QUEEN MORGANNA: Let the people see their prince. Let them see what gluttony while they starve looks like.

The queen's cruel intentions are clear to turn his subjects against him completely by exposing his now grotesque figure as a symbol of excess and neglect.

As QUEEN MORGANNA leaves the dungeon, her mocking laughter echoing behind her.

PRINCE ALARIC (to ZEE, despairingly): She intends to use me as a tool to crush any remaining loyalty among the people. What have I become?

ZEE (reassuringly): You are still their prince, and we will not let her win this way. We must accelerate our plans. I will gather more allies tonight.

ALARIC feels the weight of his predicament. But in ZEE's determined eyes, he finds a sliver of hope—a reminder that his physical state does not define his worth or his potential to reclaim his throne.
As the Harvest Festival approaches, PRINCE ALARIC finds himself caught in a spiral of despair and defiance. QUEEN MORGANNA's plan to parade him as a symbol of decadence and excess during the festival drives him into a frenzied effort to make himself too heavy to move, eating ceaselessly in a desperate bid to become immovable.
His enormous size, now clothed in a purple, tent-like garment designed to cover but barely containing his vast girth, serves as a physical barrier and a mental shield.
ZEE, witnessing his drastic actions, realizes the urgency of their situation. She knows that while ALARIC’s rebellion against his physical exhibition is brave, it is not enough to counter the queen’s cruel intentions.

ZEE (pleading with ALARIC as he mindlessly eats): Your grace, I must leave for a while. I am going to ask my father, the king of the nearby kingdom, for military aid. We need more allies if we are to stop the queen.

PRINCE ALARIC, buried under the weight of his own body and his heavy consumption, barely acknowledges her words. His mind is clouded by food and defeat, yet a part of him understands the necessity of her departure.

In ZEE’s absence, the days blur into nights, each marked by endless servings of food. The night before the festival, QUEEN MORGANNA visits the dungeon one final time to gloat over her captive prince and reveal more of her sinister plot.

QUEEN MORGANNA (with a cold smile): Tomorrow, your subjects will see what their prince has become—a bloated spectacle. And after that, we will need to secure the succession of my throne. Since no other royal blood will ally with us, you will provide the heir.

PRINCE ALARIC laughs, a deep, rumbling sound that shakes his massive frame.

PRINCE ALARIC (amused by the irony): And how do you propose to achieve that, Your Majesty? I doubt there is much I can offer now.

QUEEN MORGANNA (her voice dripping with disdain): Do not flatter yourself. I would never lower myself to touch you. We will simply extract what is needed. There are ways, and we have people skilled in such... tasks.

Her words are cruel, intended to humiliate, but ALARIC continues to eat, his response muted by his focus on his food and the absurdity of her plans.

After laying out her vile intentions, QUEEN MORGANNA leaves the dungeon, her laughter echoing off the cold stone walls. ALARIC is left in the silence of his cell, the reality of the next day’s horror settling around him like a cloak.
The morning of the festival dawns bright and clear, a stark contrast to the darkness in ALARIC’s heart. As the castle prepares for the day’s events, a sense of impending doom hangs over the dungeon. Yet, there is a flicker of hope—ZEE is out there, gathering forces to intervene before the queen can further her depraved agenda.

**Here two Endings Sit before Us One Good filled with Fattening One Evil Fill with Fattening***
Page 4 -Good Ending
Page 5- This one Gets dark. Hogs, breeding & pregnancy, lactation, degradation.
Choose Alaric's and Zee's fate. (or read both, I'm a prompt not a cop.)
5 chapters, created StoryListingCard.php 1 month , updated 1 month
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Otherday99 1 month
Really good story! The two options felt so well narrated smiley