The weight of the crown

Chapter 5

Alternate Ending: The Dark Coronation

As dawn creeps across the horizon, casting a pale light through the small window of the dungeon, PRINCE ALARIC awakens to the sound of clanking armor and the heavy footsteps of the guards. With a heart heavy with dread and defiance, he resolves that he will not be paraded like a spectacle for the queen’s amusement. Summoning all his strength, he pushes himself to stand, grasping a nearby banner emblazoned with a pig—a symbol meant to mock him, now serving as his support.
His muscles strain and his flesh shake uncontrollably as he rises, sweat pouring down his face. His vision blurs from the effort, and as the door swings open, he swings the banner towards the figure he sees. Off-balance from his own exertion, he stumbles and falls forward, crashing onto his massive belly. The room fills with the cruel laughter of the guards, a sound soon overshadowed by another, more menacing laughter.

QUEEN MORGANNA steps into the cell, her presence chilling the already frigid air.

QUEEN MORGANNA (smirking): Looks like you have a little fight left in you, good. Want to give the people a show?

As she speaks, guards rush to lift ALARIC, struggling under his weight. They dress him in a pale pink robe and humiliatingly place a rubber pig nose over his face. Incensed and humiliated, ALARIC spits at the queen’s feet, his voice filled with both defiance and desperation.

PRINCE ALARIC: Soon Fedier will arrive, and Zee will save me from this hell.

The queen’s laughter booms through the room, her delight in his misery palpable.

QUEEN MORGANNA: You mean this little sow?

At her command, two more guards enter, dragging between them a cadaverous figure—ZEE, starved to the bone, her skin stretched taut over her frail frame. She had been caught trying to infiltrate the castle walls months ago and had been denied food as punishment for her refusal to cooperate.

ZEE (barely able to lift her head, her voice a whisper): Fear not, my prince... the people will do what is right.

QUEEN MORGANNA laughs again, a sound that shakes the very stones of the dungeon.

QUEEN MORGANNA: The people will do as I say. And when I offer them all the food their greedy prince has been eating, they will come to my aid and support my rule.

The queen’s words strike ALARIC with the weight of a thousand chains. As the guards prepare to haul him to the streets, the full extent of his and ZEE’s defeat becomes painfully clear. They are not merely prisoners; they are pawns in the queen’s cruel game, symbols of her absolute power and her disdain for those who would oppose her.

As PRINCE ALARIC is paraded through the streets, the people, hungry and desperate, are swayed not by the sight of their once beloved prince but by the promise of food—a simple, devastating trade of dignity for survival. The queen watches, her victory complete, as the kingdom that once thrived under just rule succumbs to her manipulative cruelty.
This alternate ending explores a much darker conclusion, where QUEEN MORGANNA triumphs completely, using both ALARIC and ZEE as tools to solidify her power. It serves as a grim reminder of the potent combination of fear and need, and how easily a populace can be led astray when survival hangs in the balance.

A year has passed since QUEEN MORGANNA’s brutal subjugation of PRINCE ALARIC and his kingdom. The once dignified prince, now stripped of his name and humanity, is known only as "Hog." His new prison, a repurposed storage room near the castle kitchens once used for ale barrels, has become his dismal world. His enormous size fills much of the space, his speech lost to the fat that engulfs his cheeks, reducing his voice to grunts and moans befitting the name he has been cruelly assigned.
The only attention he receives comes from the milk maids, tasked with feeding his insatiable appetite and "Milking" the would be prince, jobs he can no longer perform himself as his hands are buried under his own unchecked flesh
On this particular day, QUEEN MORGANNA visits, her belly swollen with pregnancy. She saunters in with a cruel glee, reveling in her evident victory.

QUEEN MORGANNA (mockingly rubbing her perfect belly): Twins, my dear Hog. The midwife assures me. My reign is more secure than ever.

QUEEN MORGANNA : I must be careful during these later months less I want to become a Sow like your would be lover.

Her mocking tone fills the air as guards drag in another massive form—a grotesquely enlarged ZEE. Broken in spirit and body, she is barely recognizable, her form distorted into what the queen describes as a "The Great Sow," intended to serve as nothing more than a breeding tool for the kingdom’s knights.

QUEEN MORGANNA: With the need for knights at an all-time high, we require a steady supply of royal bastards. And ZEE here will serve that purpose wonderfully.

ZEE's body bears the scars of relentless exploitation; her massive udders, a source of nourishment for the offspring of forced encounters, hang heavily from her. Her legs have massive chains holding her from fleeing again

As QUEEN MORGANNA gloats, her eyes gleam with malice.

QUEEN MORGANNA: And think the milk from those udders will nourish my children wonderfully.

ALARIC, reduced to a state of near-animal existence, can only huff and groan in response, his despair and rage trapped within his massive form. The queen, satisfied with the suffering she has inflicted, delivers one final blow.

QUEEN MORGANNA: Too bad you probably won’t live to see me conquer your father-in-law's kingdom as well. I hear he has a thing for full-figured women.

With a harsh laugh, she exits the room, her steps echoing in the gloomy corridor. The door slams shut, leaving ALARIC and ZEE in darkness, their fates sealed by the cruelty of a tyrant whose ambition knows no bounds.
The prince, once a beacon of hope and justice, and ZEE, once a symbol of resistance and strength, are left to endure their existence in the shadows of the queen’s brutal regime. Their spirits, like the light in their cell, extinguished.
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Otherday99 1 month
Really good story! The two options felt so well narrated smiley