A heavy price to pay - complete

Chapter 14

Mr. Smith didn't move to leave. Instead, he grabbed Alice by the arm and tried to pull her towards the back door of the mansion."Come on, Alice," he said, his voice urgent."We have to go."

But Alice couldn't move. She was too heavy, her body weighed down by the sheer amount of food she had consumed. She tried to stand up, but her legs wobbled beneath her, unable to support her newfound weight."I can't," she said, her voice trembling with fear. "I can't move."

Mr. Smith looked at her with a mixture of frustration and concern. He had never anticipated this problem, and now he was stuck with a woman who was too heavy to be moved.

"We have to get out of here," he said, his voice low and urgent. "They're coming for me, and they'll take you down with me if they find you here."

Alice could hear the panic in his voice, and she knew that he thought he was telling the truth. In one last bout of deception, she said “run, save yourself. I’ll pretend to be a prisoner.” Alice said, her voice shaky but determined.

Mr. Smith nodded, understanding the gravity of the situation.

Suddenly, the sound of breaking glass and shouting could be heard from downstairs. SWAT had entered the dining room, their weapons drawn and aimed at Mr. Smith.

"Freeze! Put your hands up!" one of them shouted. Mr. Smith did as he was told, slowly raising his hands above his head.

Alice watched in fake shock as the SWAT team moved in, handcuffing Mr. Smith and leading him away.

"Miss, are you okay?" one of the SWAT members asked, turning his attention to Alice. She nodded, still too stunned to speak."Can you tell us what happened here? When are the babies due? We’ll get you medical attention immediately,” he asked, his voice gentle and reassuring.

Alice took a deep breath, trying to gather her thoughts. She knew that she had to tell the truth, no matter how embarrassing it might be."I'm not pregnant," she said quietly with her face going red. "I’m just fat."

The SWAT member looked at her massive body and protruding navel with confusion. "It's a long story," she said, taking a deep breath.

"It all started when my father racked up a huge gambling debt…” she explained, and led him through the whole saga before ending with, “and I’ve gained like 250 pounds in just the last couple months.”

The SWAT member's eyes widened in shock. "That's insane," he said. "Why would he do that?"

"He's a sick man," Alice replied, her voice shaking with anger and disgust. "But I couldn’t let him get away with trapping my dad or doing this to anyone else ever again. That's why I called you guys. I wanted to take him down. I needed to."

The SWAT member nodded sympathetically, patting her hand. "Well, you did the right thing, albeit in an unconventional way. We'll make sure he pays for his crimes."

Just then, another SWAT member appeared in the doorway, leading a disheveled and bewildered-looking man towards Alice. That man said, his voice cracking with emotion, "Alice? Is that really you?"

Alice gasped, tears springing to her eyes as she recognized her father. "Daddy!" she cried, reaching out to embrace him, before quickly being hit again with the realization of her enormous size.

The SWAT member released her father's arm, allowing him to run to where Alice sat. As he hugged her, she could feel the weight of his body against hers, and it was a reminder of just how much she had changed over the past few months. But she didn't care. She was just relieved to see him alive and safe.

“So much has changed. I didn’t know what to do or if I’d ever see you again. I love you, dad.” Alice said, ashamed of her weight now that she’d finally freed them all.

But her dad took her full cheeks in his hands and looked at her with admiration."Alice, you've done what you had to do. I'm proud of you. And you look gorgeous."

Alice was taken aback by her father's words. She had been so consumed by her own self-doubt and shame that she hadn't stopped to consider how her weight gain might be perceived by him. But hearing her father say that he found her beautiful, even at her current size, filled her with a sense of relief and happiness."Really?" she asked, her voice filled with disbelief.

Mr. Thompson nodded, his expression serious. "Yes, really. You are beautiful, Alice. Don't ever let anyone tell you otherwise."

Alice felt tears prick at the corners of her eyes as she hugged her father tightly. Over his shoulder, she saw that John and Rose were approaching.

John’s eyes widened as he took in Alice’s massive size, and she couldn’t help but flush with embarrassment. She had never been this large before, and she was almost as surprised as everyone else by the sheer vastness of her expanse.

“Alice, you did it! ” John said excitedly. Looking at her preposterous belly, he added timidly, “he’s not, you know, in there… is he?”

Alice burst into laughter. She couldn't help but find humor in John's innocent question. "No, John, I didn’t fucking eat a full grown man. Jesus, it's just a lot of food. Like, a lot," she said, patting her belly.

Rose couldn't help but chuckle at John's expense, before embracing Alice in a hug that was almost as big as her waistline. "You did it, Alice! You saved your dad and took down that slime ball!" she exclaimed. “I thought you were crazy, but you really did it… though John’s right; it really does look like you could fit a whole person in there, maybe two or three,” gesturing to her belly.

John couldn’t help himself, he looked at Alice lustfully with all this talk about her size. Alice winked at him while holding her gargantuan belly.

The SWAT team had returned to the rescued group to discuss how they could remove Alice from the property due to her size. They were concerned about her safety and well-being, as well as their own ability to extract her from the building without causing further harm or damage.

"I'm afraid we have a bit of a problem," one of the SWAT members said, addressing Alice and her father. "As you can see, your daughter is, umm, quite large, and we're not sure how we're going to get her out of here safely."

Alice felt a pang of embarrassment and frustration at herself. She couldn't believe she had let herself get so big.

John looked at Alice's belly and smiled. "Well, if we take out that wall with the door, we could probably get you out that way," he suggested, gesturing towards the nearby wall.

Alice felt her cheeks grow hot as all eyes turned to her. She couldn't believe this was happening. But she also couldn't deny the relief she felt at the prospect of finally being free from this place. "Okay, let's do it," she said, nodding resolutely. "I just want to get out of here."

The SWAT team quickly got to work, bringing in heavy equipment to take down the wall. As they worked, Alice couldn't help but feel a mix of emotions - embarrassment, fear, excitement, and even a little bit of pride at what she had accomplished.

As the wall came down, Alice took a deep breath and prepared herself for what was about to happen. She knew that it would be a tight fit even still, but she was determined to make it work.

She watched as the authorities, Mr. Thompson, Rose, and John fashioned a makeshift hoist to lift her belly. They had attached thick ropes to sturdy beams in the ceiling, and were tying them around her waist to create a pulley system. Alice felt a mix of embarrassment and gratitude as they all worked together to help her.

"Alright Alice, are you ready?" Mr. Thompson asked as he tightened the knot around her waist.

Alice took a deep breath and nodded, feeling the weight of her belly shift slightly with the movement. "I'm ready," she said, her voice steady despite the nerves she felt.

The group began to lift the ropes, slowly raising Alice's belly off the ground. She let out a gasp as she felt herself lifting into the air, the sensation both strange and relieving. They all supported her belly once she was up off the ground, and the group slowly led her towards the open doorway, carefully navigating around debris and furniture.

As they reached the fresh air, Alice couldn't help but feel a sense of freedom. The cool air felt refreshing on her skin, and she was grateful to be out of the confined space of the mansion.

A flatbed truck was waiting, its driver looking on with curiosity and concern. The group carefully guided Alice towards it, her belly swaying and bobbing slightly as they moved. With some effort, they managed to lift her onto the bed of the truck, where she lay back with a sigh of relief. The weight of her belly was still there, but now it felt more manageable.

"Thank you," Alice said softly, looking up at her father and friends with gratitude. "I couldn't have done this without you."

Her father smiled down at her, his eyes full of pride and love. "And we couldn't have done all of this without you," he said, his voice filled with awe.

Tears welled in her eyes as she looked up at her father. But hearing her father say that he found her beautiful, even at her current size, filled her with a sense of relief and happiness. "I love you, dad," Alice said, her voice shaking with emotion.

Her father hugged her tightly, careful not to squeeze too hard. "I love you too, Alice," he said. "And I'm so proud of you."

As they pulled away from the mansion, Alice couldn't help but feel a sense of relief wash over her. Riding with her in the back, John asked “so what now?” as they passed the city limit sign.

Alice smiled at John's question and asked, “that depends. Do you think I’m big enough?”

“I mean, you’re already quite, ermmm, large, but I think you’re just right,” John answered with a smile, unsure where this question was coming from.

Alice chuckled, feeling a bit more comfortable in her new body after her ordeal. “I guess I just wanted to make sure that I was fulfilling your… preferences.”

John's face turned bright red as he realized what Alice was implying. “Oh, umm, yes, of course! You’re perfect just the way you are… unless you want to get bigger, of course.”

Alice reflected on the fact that she was on the bed of a truck after having a wall knocked down to fit her leaving a mansion after her unbelievable weight gain journey up to this moment. She looked at John, took his hands to put on her massive belly, and just smiled.
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Butter On A ... 1 month
Loving this story so far, and can't wait to see the rest. I hope Alice manages to take Smith down!

One thing - I think Chapter 12 got cut off a bit at the end. It might only be missing one word...
Heyson1313 1 month
A full sentence and a half was cut off! Thanks, man. I didn’t realize there was a character limit. Oops 🤷‍♂️
Karenjenk 1 month
12 - I love stories like this. from forced gain to acceptance but still that edge of no choice.
thank you for one of the best recent reads on here
Heyson1313 1 month
Observer 1 month
Great story, well written…
Heyson1313 1 month
Thanks, mate.
Fanedfox 1 month
Great job, Alice is getting bigger and now getting used to over eating. Wonderful.
Jazzman 1 month
Just wanted to say this a favorite among quite a number of good stories going on. And it's a plot that I can't recall in 25 years of reading stories. Going all the way back to Dimensions Weight Room.
Heyson1313 1 month
Thanks, Jazzman. I appreciate it.
Fanedfox 1 month
Very well written, interesting plot and great characters, except Mr. Smith of course. I envy both John and Alice! I’d love to gain fifty pounds for any reason!
Heyson1313 1 month
Thanks! Means a lot coming from you! I’ve followed you for probably a decade at this point. I think you’ll like where Alice goes with this smiley
Twinklingjup... 1 month
This is by far the best story I’ve ever read
Heyson1313 1 month
Thanks, Twinklingjup. Check out Growing Gaia! I should have another up this weekend called Amassing Andi too.
CarpyFA 1 month
Is this AI? It reads like AI
Heyson1313 1 month
That makes sense as I’m a robot.
LiBe 2 months
Really interesting start! I am excited for more chapters smiley
Heyson1313 2 months
Thanks, LiBie! I’ve got a couple more ready to go. Check out my other story, Growing Gaia. It’s complete now, but I’ll also be adding a couple other stories here soon too!