A heavy price to pay - complete

Chapter 7

As Alice walked through the local shopping center, she couldn't help but feel self-conscious about her new figure, even with John ogling over her every second of the day. She had gained 15 pounds in just the last week, and it showed. Her new pants were tight, her shirts were snug and riding up, and she hated to admit that Rose’s teases were right- it was time to start shopping for maternity clothes to accommodate her growing size and… unique shape.

She sighed as she walked into the maternity clothing store, feeling out of place and uncomfortable. She had never been able to find clothes that fit her well before inflating like a human balloon. She had no idea how she was going to do it now.

Walking through the store, her body felt like a foreign entity to her. The rolls and bulges, the tightness of her skin, it all felt like a cruel joke. She had always prided herself on her athletic build, never having to worry about her weight or size, but now she felt like a stranger in her own skin.

Just as she was about to reach for a maternity swimsuit, she heard a voice behind her.

"Hey Alice, I picked up some things for you." John's voice was warm and inviting, a stark contrast to the coldness of the store.

She turned around to see him holding up a dress, some jeans, a few blouses, and a swimsuit. She raised an eyebrow, confused by the sudden appearance of clothes.

"What's all this?" she asked, taking the dress from him.

"I figured you could use some new clothes that actually fit," he replied with a smile. "And I thought we could have a little fashion show to lighten things up."

She couldn't help but smile back, touched by his thoughtfulness. “Thanks, John," she said, her voice softening. "I'd like that."

They found a fitting room and Alice tried on the clothes one by one, stepping out each time to show John. The dresses and tops hugged her curves just right, accentuating her newly round figure. She had to admit, she felt sexy, even if it was due to her forced weight gain.

As she slipped into the last piece of clothing, a lacy black bra and matching underwear set, she heard John's breath catch in his throat.

She turned to face him, her newly full breasts on display, and saw a hunger in his eyes that she had never seen before.

"Alice, you, wow, yeah, Alice, wow," he whispered, his eyes glued to her chest.

She felt a thrill of excitement and danger shoot through her at his mumbles. She knew she shouldn't be encouraging him, but she couldn't resist the attention. She felt so out of control these days, like she was losing herself to the weight gain. She needed something to hold onto, something that made her feel sexy and desired.

So, she let out a slow breath, took a step forward, and leaned into John’s arms. His eyes widened, but he recovered quickly and pulled her closer, wrapping her in a warm embrace.

“I’m so glad you’re here, John,” she whispered.

She didn’t want to admit it, even to herself, but she needed him. She needed his support, his encouragement, and his acceptance. She didn’t want to feel so ugly in this journey, even if it was only temporary.

Seeing Rose never failed to remind her of the body she was forced to give up: fit, toned, and able to find clothes in her size anywhere she went.

John, however, was the complete opposite. His eyes sparkled like stars as he admired each garment she tried on and his admiring gazes did nothing but help her confidence rise. It was almost as though John saw her blooming, her body metamorphosing into something more beautiful, despite the weight gain making everything more uncomfortable.

It was a welcome contrast to the cold and uncomfortable gaze of Mr. Smith, who watched Alice's compulsory gorging like a hawk, taking delight in her growing size.

As John and Alice exited the fitting room, Rose walked into the maternity store, seeing the two through the window. "Well, if it isn't the dynamic duo!" she exclaimed, surprised, yet pleased by their appearance. "I see you've found a new stylist here," she teased Alice.

Alice laughed, playfully rolling her eyes before introducing John as her neighbor and friend.

John smiled, his gaze lingering on Alice's face. "We were just trying on some clothes. She's in need of a whole new wardrobe." He looked down at Alice's belly with approval, making it clear that he liked the direction her clothes were taking as they expanded to fit her growing body.

Rose's eyes narrowed as she caught John's admiring gaze, but she didn't say anything - not yet.
Alice, on the other hand, blushed scarlet and looked down at her feet, grinning like a schoolgirl. It was such a rare sight to see her so happy these days, with everything that had happened.

"Well, darlin', you look positively ravishing in that dress," Rose purred, placing a hand on Alice's shoulder. "I think we might have to get you a few more in different colors.”

Alice chuckled and shook her head.

"Well, I don't know about ravishing, but thank you, Rose. And John, these clothes are perfect. I can't thank you enough." She grinned at him, pink filling her cheeks.

John smiled back, enjoying the feeling of making her happy. "You're welcome, Alice. It's the least I can do." His gaze drifted down to her belly again, and he felt a stirring in his loins. The way she was filling out those clothes...it was doing funny things to his mind.

"Hey, why don't we all go get something to eat?" Rose suggested, interrupting John's thoughts.

At that moment, they all heard a loud rumble coming from Alice's belly. It was so loud that it echoed through the store, causing a few people to turn and stare.

"I think someone's hungry," Rose said with a laugh.

Alice's face turned bright red as she placed a hand on her belly.

"I guess I am hungry," she said, trying to laugh it off. She had been feeling ravenous lately, but she hadn't realized just how loud her stomach was until now.

John and Rose exchanged a look, both silently acknowledging this new facet of Alice's weight gain journey. It was yet another reminder of the changes she was going through, and how those changes were affecting her life in both big and small ways.

"Well, we can't have you going hungry," John said, his eyes sparkling with mischief.

Rose adds, “let’s go fill this thing up!” While prodding Alice’s growing gut.

As Alice continued to rub her belly in response, the trio ventured towards a nearby food court. Rose, ever the supportive friend, offered to carry Alice's shopping bags for her, while John eyed her newly plumped figure with keen interest. He couldn't help but feel a growing attraction to Alice and her new body shape, which only intensified with each passing day.

Once they had reached the food court, the three of them scanned the various food stalls and restaurants available. Alice's mind raced with the sheer amount of options before her.

She glanced at John and Rose, both expecting her to choose something to eat. But with the dizzying array of food, she couldn't help but feel overwhelmed.

John's voice broke through her thoughts. "Why don't we try that new burger joint over there?" He pointed towards a bright neon sign reading "Fatty's Burgers - The Best in Town."

Rose threw out the idea, "I was actually going to suggest Italian since it’s so filling,” looking at the big tomato with “Grassa’s” written in vine.

Alice, now caught in the middle, tried to placate them both by saying “why don’t we grab some Chin Chin’s. It’s cheap, it’s a lot of food, and who doesn’t like Chinese? Bang for your buck and all, you know?”

Rose and John look at each other with an understanding as they both shout “or we can get you all three!”

Alice grabbed her hefty belly and figured it was for the greater good, even though it was a ridiculous situation.

"Why not?" she replied with a weak smile. "I suppose I could use a feast."
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Butter On A ... 1 month
Loving this story so far, and can't wait to see the rest. I hope Alice manages to take Smith down!

One thing - I think Chapter 12 got cut off a bit at the end. It might only be missing one word...
Heyson1313 1 month
A full sentence and a half was cut off! Thanks, man. I didn’t realize there was a character limit. Oops 🤷‍♂️
Karenjenk 1 month
12 - I love stories like this. from forced gain to acceptance but still that edge of no choice.
thank you for one of the best recent reads on here
Heyson1313 1 month
Observer 1 month
Great story, well written…
Heyson1313 1 month
Thanks, mate.
Fanedfox 2 months
Great job, Alice is getting bigger and now getting used to over eating. Wonderful.
Jazzman 2 months
Just wanted to say this a favorite among quite a number of good stories going on. And it's a plot that I can't recall in 25 years of reading stories. Going all the way back to Dimensions Weight Room.
Heyson1313 2 months
Thanks, Jazzman. I appreciate it.
Fanedfox 2 months
Very well written, interesting plot and great characters, except Mr. Smith of course. I envy both John and Alice! I’d love to gain fifty pounds for any reason!
Heyson1313 2 months
Thanks! Means a lot coming from you! I’ve followed you for probably a decade at this point. I think you’ll like where Alice goes with this smiley
Twinklingjup... 2 months
This is by far the best story I’ve ever read
Heyson1313 2 months
Thanks, Twinklingjup. Check out Growing Gaia! I should have another up this weekend called Amassing Andi too.
CarpyFA 2 months
Is this AI? It reads like AI
Heyson1313 2 months
That makes sense as I’m a robot.
LiBe 2 months
Really interesting start! I am excited for more chapters smiley
Heyson1313 2 months
Thanks, LiBie! I’ve got a couple more ready to go. Check out my other story, Growing Gaia. It’s complete now, but I’ll also be adding a couple other stories here soon too!