A heavy price to pay - complete

Chapter 8

“You're doing so well.”

Alice’s heart raced as she took in his words, trying to ignore the uncomfortable fullness in her stomach. She knew what was coming next, and she wasn’t sure she could handle it.

Mr. Smith leaned back in his chair, his eyes raking over her body. “You’re looking more voluptuous every day, my dear.”

Alice blushed, feeling a strange mixture of embarrassment and pride. She knew she was gaining weight faster than she ever has before, but the thought of Mr. Smith's leering gaze made her skin crawl.

“Thank you,” she murmured, looking down at her belly-filled lap.

Mr. Smith chuckled. “No need to be shy, Alice. You’ve got nothing to be ashamed of.”

Mr. Smith reached out and placed a hand on her arm, causing her to jump slightly. She looked up at him, her eyes wide with uncertainty. He smiled at her, his eyes softening just a bit.

“I mean it, Alice. You’re a beautiful girl, and you’re only going to get more beautiful as you grow. Embrace it.”

Alice nodded slowly, unsure of what to say.

She knew that Mr. Smith had a strange and perverse fixation on her weight gain, but she didn’t fully understand why. All she knew was that she had to keep gaining weight in order to keep her father safe. But what was to stop Smith from tacking another 50? Maybe another 100? Alice gathered her thoughts, and reflected on the way Smith’s eyes softened. What if, just a big if, she could convince him to let her dad go and also stop him from doing this type of shit to anyone else?

“Thank you, Mr. Smith. Same time next week? I’d hate for you to miss on my… progress,” Alice said sheepishly, almost with a bit of flirt behind it. She held her enormous bloat tenderly as she bit her bottom lip and looked up at Mr. Smith, hoping he’d take the bait. She knew she needed to play his game if she wanted to keep her father safe, but every part of her being ached at the thought of continuing the grotesque routine.

"Until next week then, Alice," Smith said, a smug look on his face. As he walked out of the diner, Rose rushed back over to Alice's side, a look of concern on her face.

"Hey, are you okay?" she asked, taking in Alice's pained expression.

"No, I'm not okay. But I'll be alright. I know what I have to do now.”

Alice rose from the booth, her swollen belly leading the way. This kind of weight gain felt foreign and uncomfortable to her. But she knew that this is what Mr. Smith wanted, and she was willing to do whatever it took to keep her father safe.


Pulling into her apartment, she saw John, her ever attentive neighbor, rushing out from his back patio to meet her at the car door. His eyes lit up as he took in her fuller figure, his appreciation evident on his face. Alice couldn't help but feel self-conscious under his gaze, but she tried to hide it with a smile. She knew John liked this new weight, and she liked that he liked it.

"Hey, Alice," John greeted her, his eyes drifting to her round belly. "You look amazing."

Alice blushed at the compliment. "Thanks, John. I feel... bigger."

John chuckled. "That's an understatement."

She raised an eyebrow.

"Is that a problem?" she asked, half-joking.

John shook his head quickly. "No, not at all. I mean, you look beautiful no matter what," he stammered.

She stepped up and out of her car with a big “oomph” as John caught a glimpse of the dress she was wearing. It was a loose maxi dress, or rather it was supposed to be, that barely contained her growing curves.

"Wow, Alice. That dress looks great on you," John said, his voice husky.

Alice couldn't help but feel a surge of excitement at the sound of his voice. She knew she shouldn't be attracted to John, but she couldn't help her body's response to him. Maybe it was the way he looked at her with unfiltered admiration or the fact that he never judged her for her rapidly changing appearance. Whatever it was, Alice found herself enjoying the attention.

John offered his arm, a gentlemanly gesture that made Alice's heart flutter. "May I escort you to your door, Lady Alice?"

She giggled, taking his arm. “You’re such a dork. You’re lucky you’re cute. Make it the pool for me to rest these aching feet and you’ve got yourself a deal,” Alice replied lightly.

John nodded, leading Alice past his roses and through the gate that led to his backyard. The sound of water flowing could be heard before they even reached the poolside, and Alice felt a sense of relief wash over her as John pulled out a lounge chair for her to sit on. She kicked off her flats, letting them drop to the ground with a relieved sigh.

John sat down on the edge of the pool, his legs dangling in the cool water. He gestured for Alice to join him, and she hesitated for a moment before sliding off her chair and into the pool alongside him.

The cool water felt refreshing against her swollen ankles, and she couldn't help but let out a contented sigh.

John smiled at her, his eyes soft with concern. "You look exhausted," he said gently.

Alice grimaced, leaning back against the edge of the pool. "I am," she admitted. "Between the constant eating and Mr. Smith's... demands, it's been a lot to handle."

John nodded sympathetically. "I can imagine. But just remember that you're not alone in this. I meant it when I said I would help however I can.”

John's voice was gentle but firm, his hand reached for hers as she absentmindedly fiddled with her bangles.

“I know, John,” Alice replied, her gaze fixed on the water's rippling surface. “It's just hard to accept that I have to keep gaining weight like this. Every day feels like a battle with myself, and sometimes I feel like I'm losing.”

John squeezed her hand reassuringly, his thumb tracing comforting circles on the back of it. “But you’re not losing, Alice. You’re fighting. And every day you win. I feel like you’re a little bit bigger every day! I don’t know if that’s what you want to hear, but it’s true, and it’s a win!”

"I know it is," Alice said, her voice barely above a whisper. "But I don't know what else to do. I can't keep living like this, and I can't let my father suffer because of me not gaining weight fast enough. Smith has to pay for what he's done."

John nodded slowly, his mind racing with thoughts and possibilities. "I understand. But how do you plan on beating him? He's a powerful man with a lot of resources at his disposal."

Alice took a deep breath and let it out slowly. "I know. But I have something that he wants more than anything else in the world: Me, in all of my full-figured glory. I've been making a point to show off my body to him more and more during our meetings, wearing tighter clothing and eating more than I need to. I can see the desire burning in his eyes, and I know that he will do anything just to see me keep getting bigger for him.”

John looked at her with a mix of concern and admiration as she shared her plan with him. "That's quite a bold move," he said, tracing patterns in the water with his fingers. “But do you really think that's enough to make him release your father from his debt?" John asked, furrowing his brows in worry.

Alice shrugged, her skin glistening with water under the late afternoon sun. "It's worth a try. I can't risk my father's safety any further, and I know Smith's obsession with me will be my trump card." She paused, taking a deep breath before continuing.

"I'm going to make myself irresistible to him. I'll gain more weight, show off my curves, and make him believe that I'm all his. And when the time is right, I'll demand that he frees my father in exchange for one last meeting with me."

John looked at Alice with uncertainty. He knew how much she disliked the idea of gaining weight, but he also knew how strong she was. If anyone could pull off this plan, it was her.

"It's a dangerous game you're playing, Alice," John said quietly. “What can I do?”

Alice told him softly, “I’m not sure what this is between us, but I don’t want to ruin it with this. I know you like the way my body is growing, so I suppose showing me how much you enjoy it would be a good place to start,” as she looked at him under her lashes. “Plus, when in doubt, feed me. I have to grow, John, and I have to grow enormous.”
15 chapters, created StoryListingCard.php 2 months , updated 1 month
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Butter On A ... 1 month
Loving this story so far, and can't wait to see the rest. I hope Alice manages to take Smith down!

One thing - I think Chapter 12 got cut off a bit at the end. It might only be missing one word...
Heyson1313 1 month
A full sentence and a half was cut off! Thanks, man. I didn’t realize there was a character limit. Oops 🤷‍♂️
Karenjenk 1 month
12 - I love stories like this. from forced gain to acceptance but still that edge of no choice.
thank you for one of the best recent reads on here
Heyson1313 1 month
Observer 1 month
Great story, well written…
Heyson1313 1 month
Thanks, mate.
Fanedfox 1 month
Great job, Alice is getting bigger and now getting used to over eating. Wonderful.
Jazzman 2 months
Just wanted to say this a favorite among quite a number of good stories going on. And it's a plot that I can't recall in 25 years of reading stories. Going all the way back to Dimensions Weight Room.
Heyson1313 2 months
Thanks, Jazzman. I appreciate it.
Fanedfox 2 months
Very well written, interesting plot and great characters, except Mr. Smith of course. I envy both John and Alice! I’d love to gain fifty pounds for any reason!
Heyson1313 2 months
Thanks! Means a lot coming from you! I’ve followed you for probably a decade at this point. I think you’ll like where Alice goes with this smiley
Twinklingjup... 2 months
This is by far the best story I’ve ever read
Heyson1313 2 months
Thanks, Twinklingjup. Check out Growing Gaia! I should have another up this weekend called Amassing Andi too.
CarpyFA 2 months
Is this AI? It reads like AI
Heyson1313 2 months
That makes sense as I’m a robot.
LiBe 2 months
Really interesting start! I am excited for more chapters smiley
Heyson1313 2 months
Thanks, LiBie! I’ve got a couple more ready to go. Check out my other story, Growing Gaia. It’s complete now, but I’ll also be adding a couple other stories here soon too!