The witches’ spell

Chapter 2

We sort of developed a pattern, I would wake up, socialize a bit with Azalea, she would help funnel me food, I would get sleepy from the food and take a nap, finishing the cycle. As this happened, I started to bond more with Azalea, growing closer and closer. Then the cycle changed.

It’s probably been a week or so since I had arrived. I have noticeably plumped up alongside Azalea. I’m awoken by Marnie dropping by our food, which is another funnel friendly dish.

First Azalea feeds me through the funnel, then asks, “could you use the funnel on me now?” By now this feels like a normal question, so I nod my head and fill her up with the hearty bowl of soup.

We sit there digesting our food, when suddenly Azalea starts opening up to her past. She says “A few days ago when you said I don’t really have manners when I eat-“

I quickly respond, “Don’t worry, I understand it’s not like it was being down here alone did you any favors.”

“No Tucker, it’s not that, it has nothing to do with that.” She replied “You told me that your parents shipped you here by yourself to live a better life, and you were so positive about it. I tried to empathize but I just couldn’t. In all honesty, I’m not poor mannered from being trapped here a couple months. I’m like this because I wasn’t taught any better, I’m an orphan. Well.. not really, I was dropped off in front of the orphanage as a baby. My parents fully well could be alive. I used to sneak off and explore the city. That’s where I met Marnie, she acted as a mother to me, raising me as much as she could. We talked over tea, played cards, but now we don’t have any of that. I think it’s just because she just had the heart to take me in, but she doesn’t have the heart to see me like this.”

“Oh, wow. That’s a lot to take in. I hope you are doing okay.” I said. It was nice to finally see her open up in the way I have this past week with her. It was a garbled up mess of everything all at once but I could tell she was being honest. I had no words to respond so I just pulled close to her to wrap my arm around her. I run my fingers down her unkempt blonde hair. I feel warm and tingly now that Azalea opened up.

I continued to stroke Azalea’s hair for a couple minutes until I felt no more hesitation to give her a kiss on the forehead.

“Thank you for being open with me.” I let out, and she moved her lips up towards mine. I moved in the rest of the way for a short but intense kiss that opened up the floodgates for more, and the more kisses we had. The passion was unmistakable, my mind kept getting lost in a haze, mouth to mouth and tongue to tongue. I moved us to the bed, all while we were continuously pecking at each other’s lips like we couldn’t get enough of it.

I could tell we both were starting to get greedy, exploring each other and grasping at anything and everything. Eventually I slipped my hand past down her abdomen and overfitted white tshirt. I start rubbing her clit with both of my fingers, feeling her body throb with each slight movement until I can’t take it anymore. I tried the best to undo my pants while kissing. Lining up and inserting my cock into her. The release of sex felt so great and intimate. Gripping her sides as we tried to keep kissing despite all the movement. Eventually the sensitivity was too much and overcame us. We both finished at the same time. I pulled out just in time for her to quickly snap her mouth around and suck it straight out.

Once we were settled Azalea rested her head on my chest. I finally felt like I could feel her body instead of just oogle at it curiously. I gripped her sides, her butt, and then finally gripped her pudgy belly. I’m not sure why, but it made me feel more aroused than just grabbing her butt would. She returned and grabbed my belly, which also gave me a similar feeling. My belly was far less impressive than hers but still, it was definitely larger than when I came in.

Eventually, we passed out, Azalea’s head still rested on my chest as we fell into slumber.

The days after were much different than the first week. We didn’t talk anymore. Our mouths were full with either the bottom end of the funnel or each other’s tongues. It was a hedonistic paradise.
4 chapters, created StoryListingCard.php 1 month , updated 1 month
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Letters And ... 1 month
You made it in time for the April writing prompt, and with a crazy story! Love it!