The witches’ spell

Chapter 3

Its been 5 months since I first arrived. I had a big layer of fat on my belly and some on my arms. My upper chest had a humid sheen under my thick chest hair which caged my bearish moobs. The fat on my back had thickened my entire frame. I had grown out of my original clothes long ago and had to start wearing the shirts Azalea wore. You could see my stalky legs peeking through, seemly without much fat at all.

Azalea however, was growing thicker all over. The fat on her midsection appeared to droop to her waist, which was bearing stretch marks. Although, most of the time I saw her midsection, the fat was slamming back and forth during sex. Her ass and thighs were also filled out, more than a handful could hold them.

I attribute the softness of the both of us to the constant amount of sex we were having. The only reason we probably weren’t bored of sex was because we kept discovering new things on each other’s body.

Out of nowhere, Azalea started glowing green instead of the yellowish white the both of us had become accustomed to. To accompany her glow, was an addictive scent driving me towards her. It was maddening. My dick was throbbing hard and she was soaking wet. We hadn’t even had any foreplay. She seemed dizzy and intoxicated with sexual energy as much as I was. I started pounding her frame at an intensity I didn’t know was possible. Her body was rippling like the ocean. I couldn’t last long at this rate, I was going to come. As I prepare to pull out Azalea grabs my back and pulls me in, despite everything I didn’t fight it either. I let out a massive load and didn’t pull out. Within seconds I was at it again as if I hadn’t just put all that manpower into it. Azalea was just as receptive the first time. My head rolls into my back and I see my vision flooded with colors and fireworks. This feeling of pleasure soon fleets in a haze as a tingling pleasure turns to heavy static.

“TUCKER!” Marnie screeches. “How long have you been like this?” I look over and see myself still positioned with my dick inside of Azalea. I move myself slightly and collapsed after the slightest bit of movement. My body falls down to the side of Azalea, unplugging my dick from her pussy, which begins to ooze my cum. Almost like a reflex she reaches down to plug it with her hand, but couldn’t reach over her fat body. As a second measure she crosses her legs preventing any more cum to escape. Other than that Azalea gave no further intention to move.

As I try to muster the energy to speak, I am interrupted by Azalea, “I started glowing green, and then I couldn’t stop craving his cum. I still can’t, I need it…” She was obviously still under a spell. I now felt indifferent, but very weak.

Marnie runs over to me and grabs my hand. When I glance down at the hand, I instantly can tell what she was clamoring about. My hand appeared that of a skeleton. My sausage fingers were now thin like twigs with knots where my knuckles are. Marnie had grabbed the funnel and began to feed me both the bowls she had planned to give us. While I may have been skinny, my appetite was still large, and handling both of the bowls was no problem. My belly protruded from the porridge Marnie gave me. She helped keep me upright as I slowly sipped on some water she held.

Azalea then started tossing in turning from her previous stationary bliss. While still captured by the haze of whatever spell she was in, she appeared to still feel an immense amount of discomfort from her face. Her legs no longer remain closed to hold whatever cum was in. Instead they were wide open, knees bet and feet tense. Marnie gently set me down to now focus on Azalea.

My body was positioned in a way that I could see everything happening. Marnie swiftly coming to the side of Azalea and assisting. I could tell it was loud by the intensity of the room, but I was so tired, I heard nothing. Just the shuffling movements of Marnie, and the stressed and tense actions of Azalea. It was in this weird, yet peaceful silence, I had noticed Azalea was no longer glowing. After that realization it became apparent that she not only wasn’t glowing, but she was 200 lbs bigger as if all of my weight was moved to her. Marnie blocked my view and grabbed the both of Azalea’s hands as she was twisting and turning. I didn’t mind, I didn’t feel much, like a silent spectator.

Not before long, Marnie moves out of the way to reveal that Azalea cradling a giant egg as if it were her child. Marnie was relieved, but still stressed.

“Tucker” I hear Marnie’s voice reverberating around my head. “I’m taking you and Azalea to the witch. I can’t ensure your safety here, you could die if I keep you.”

Not before long, I am tossed over Marnie’s shoulder like a towel. After being jostled around only able to see her back, her steps stabilize and I can see the upside down image of everything behind Marnie. We are no longer in the basement, and are in the inside the ground floor of her house. Azalea waddles up the stairs slowly and out of breath, still carrying her egg like a child keeping it warm. Marnie closes the bookshelf behind and we begin our journey to see the witch.

My body aches, and my vision is that of a toddler going to time-out. But in my vision was Azalea, her clumsy walk added to the jiggle each time she took a step. The extra 200 pounds changed her center of balance greatly. She was much slower compared to Marnie, who had to stop every now and then for her to catch up.

When we arrived, Marnie handed me over to Azalea, having my body wrapped around the egg as she cradled me. Marnie was quick to leave us, maybe in fear for what the witch would do to her if she found out she was harboring two wanted people. We said our goodbyes and Azalea knocked on the door.

We patiently awaited the witch to arrive to the door. The touch of Azalea’s skin never felt so soft and squishy, it was a tease being pushed up against her arms, breasts and belly, but I had no desire to have sex at this moment, not until there was an explanation from the witch. An explanation soon to come.
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Letters And ... 1 month
You made it in time for the April writing prompt, and with a crazy story! Love it!