The witches’ spell

Chapter 4

“Oh! I could feel your presence, the nymph, the witch, and the egg!” The witch proclaims. “Girl. What is your name?”

“My name is Azalea” Azalea replied.

“What a strange name for a witch, I’ve never heard that before” replied the witch “Call me Sandy. Come with me, I’ve got things to show you.” In that moment I am floating out of Azalea’s arms and left by myself lying on my back at the entrance of the house.

Not before long, a black cat comes up and sits on my chest and starts grooming itself. “Hello Tucker…” the cat speaks to me in a deep soothing voice.

“How are you talking to me? How do you know my name.” I nervously reply to the cat within clawing distance of my face.

“It’s because I am a nymph, and you’re going to be a nymph. Nymphs just so happen to be named Tucker.” The cat replied.

“What? Why?” I questioned the cat.

“Just kidding, It’s because I have perception abilities.” The cat responded. “…and I perceive that Sandy is teaching Azalea how to make a nymph omelet right now. And you, are going to eat it.”

“I don’t believe you” I said.

“Well Tucker, you don’t have to.” The cat says as he gets up and uses my chest as a launch pad.

Sandy the witch rushes into the room to lift me up. Guiding me by her hand she leads me to the kitchen, where Azalea is bent over a cauldron with an apron and a chef’s hat.

“Alright Tucker, one bite of this omelet will make you into Azalea’s personal nymph and servant if you eat it. You will gain magical powers of your own, but consuming it must be done by your own will. As a general basis, you will not be able to interact with Azalea any other way. It is a solitary life for a witch.” Sandy explained.

Given that set of principles, I would much rather be with Azalea than without, and surely she has shown that I can trust her. Azalea plates the omelet and puts it in front of me. Without much hesitation I take a bite. It felt wrong to follow with the cat’s intuition, but I knew I wanted a life with Azalea, no matter what.

Instantly upon swallowing I see the very intuition the cat was referring to. I felt much better than before, my body despite it’s frail skin and bones, I felt like I had the energy to do anything.

“Alright Azalea, it was good to see another witch, but you better be going. You have all the starter spells you will need in that spell book, by the time you need more you’ll already know how to make your own.” said Sandy.

My intuition was telling me that I wouldn’t be receiving a goodbye from Sandy. I also felt that I would be transforming into a baby pig, and like that, Azalea waves a wand and I’m a small pig, just the size of the cat.

As Azalea gathers her new things from the witch, I am placed upon Azalea’s shoulder. She makes it to the entrance, and I’m beginning to see the implications of eating that egg. I could see multiple visions far out into the future, but the farther they were the blurrier it seemed, except for one thing. Azalea wanted to keep me fat, much fatter than anyone else.

I am placed upon Azalea’s new broomstick, left to look into my futures as we traveled through the sky. No matter how far in the future, every outcome showed me amassing a weight of over 1000lbs with crystal clarity, but I appeared content. As Azalea took this new liberating freedom taking the role of a witch in training, I was now bound to her, and despite being free from everything else, I was now trapped again.
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Letters And ... 1 month
You made it in time for the April writing prompt, and with a crazy story! Love it!