Fattening ship

Chapter six: The measurment

At the party, my old tight pants were really, really tight. Since I ate enough food for a family, the button could no longer bear the burden and could not perform its task. I don't think I've gained weight because I can fit in my other clothes.

After the party, we went home and since it was late at night, we both went to bed. The next day, Sunday, we received a notice from the boss that there would be a medical examination for everyone to assess our health every month.

I didn't know what to think because I was wondering if I had gained weight or if my food baby was just huge. I was also curious about Alexa's weight, whether she weighs more because she has bigger breasts.

We went to that beer place for breakfast because it was a cozy and delicious place. When we got there, it turned out to be a pub, so we left it alone.

We found the Italian restaurant to be the closest, so we stopped for breakfast. Now we didn't eat spaghetti, we bought everyone a whole pizza. It's huge for a girl in her twenties, but none of us were interested anymore.

Tamara ate half of it and gave it to me because I wanted the pizza anyway. Bethany and Alexa ate it and wanted dessert. And I didn't want to miss out on the delicious dessert, so I asked for it.

When they brought it out, I was surprised by the size of the cookie, it took up almost my plate and was thicker than the pizza. My stomach was already full during the cookie, but since it was so delicious and I didn't want to leave it, I had to eat it.

In the afternoon, the weight of lunch and breakfast made my stomach bloated, so I couldn't digest it in front of the doctor. I went to the doctor with my polo shirt clinging to my curvaceous figure, thus emphasizing the fullness of my belly. Alexa and I got to the doctor at the same time. This is how my wishful thinking can come true.

The doctor asked us to remove our tops and then the examination could begin. Of course we did, and then he started checking our breathing and then our heart rate
then the height. Alexa is 5.6 tall and I'm only 5.5 tall. Then came the weight, which is different again.
Alexa weighs 127.3 pounds which means she gained 5 pounds in a week. And my weight is 127.8. which means I'm the heavier girl. I gained 8 pounds in that one week. So Alexa's BMI is 20.5 and mine is 21.3.

It seems that the weight of the breast does not matter. Jesus, we've gained too much weight.
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