Fattening ship

Chapter six Liguria Vésubie (2)

Liguria Vésubie:

First day of the second week, Monday:

Fortunately, we don't have to work this week while we're here, of course we get paid less this week, but it's worth it. After all, we are staying in a beautiful European state: "Liguria Vesubie". Many famous artists come from here, where women rule, so to speak.

We are here on Monday morning, on this great sunny day, the spring-early summer sunlight is shining on the Italian grape hills. Well, this is where we arrived. As soon as the ramp opened, I got off with my smaller suitcase, trying to stay next to Alexa. On the beach, chubby/bellied women lined up and were waiting for us. They invited men who seemed to live a much more modest lifestyle than their women.

A woman guided us and led the four of us to a special place. He sat me down at the table, the woman also sat next to us, and soon busy men were bringing more and more delicious dishes to our table. Everyone was served a different special menu, the woman clicked and everything quieted down and the feast could begin. - said the women in a gloomy voice.

We quickly ate a much larger portion than we usually eat, but it still seemed like I was hungrier. And now we trudged up to our rooms amid lingering stomachaches. Where now Tamara became a roommate who had goals for me.

Now it was a strange feeling to be on land after a week of sailing on water. And now we can try the real sea. In the afternoon, Tamara and I went to the beach, and after an hour I notice that I'm licking a three-scoop ice cream in my mouth. Maybe I've never eaten something so delicious. This place is stunning, the sea is also very pleasant, especially in this sandy part. It has a huge wildlife and beautiful blue water from the bottom.

At the end of the evening, I ended up at a party where there are only women, but there are still pole dancing and provocatively dressed girls. Perhaps I consider myself one of them, especially with this foodbaby, I resemble them the most. Almost all women are overweight, yet we look very sexy. I would also like to compare them, but only as a thinner version.
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