Fattening ship

Chapter Tamara pov:

Now is the time to soften Lucy up so she can finally get what she deserves.

When we got out of bed, I put the pill (hunger stimulant) in Lucy's drink again. He soon became hungry, and then the wonderful breakfast could begin.

In this hotel where we stayed, not only the special beach and the beautiful hills, but also the service. Breakfast and lunch are provided free of charge in the buffet cafeteria. Now, after getting dressed, Lucy and I could finally go. My choice was mixed and luckily Lucy packed her plate to the brim.

The taste of the food was very delicious, but the main thing is that you can't stop. After my second plate, I already reached my capacity, but after that I even ate a large portion of the desserts. My stomach is full of food like never before.

Fortunately, Lucy ate even more then, it's not enough to eat two full plates and two desserts after that. When I looked at the middle of it, I could see that the button would have come off soon if it continued to eat. Lucy's belly is like a pregnant woman's, even if I didn't know her, I'd think she was. After we got to the accommodation, I was curious to see how such a huge meal would affect my weight.

I stand on the scale and the number spins, even 120 is too much, in fact the number stops at 125, which at the moment means 6 pounds since we left the USA with our hair. These Europeans put something in their food that makes them gain weight because before yesterday the scales only showed 122 pounds. Of course, the amount of food that I haven't digested yet also puts a lot of weight on my mouth.

I'm curious how much Lucy would be, but I'd rather wait with her because I don't want her to worry about her weight and lose weight. That's why we eat even more for lunch, and if I count everything correctly, Lucy's consumption is now close to 5,000 calories. However, the sad news is that I have eaten about 4,000 calories so far.

In the afternoon on the beach, Lucy eats even more sweets of all kinds. By the evening, his belly is already completely inflated, so he wouldn't even fit into his jeans. My plan for the evening is to feed him until he bursts out of his clothes. The chefs also help in this plan, as they prepare amazingly delicious meals.

Lucy is completely drunk in half an hour, so I asked her for two large pies. He almost ate the first pie by himself, I only had to force him at the end. He also ate half of the second pie, so he couldn't eat any more, his belly was so swollen that I had to unbutton his pants.

As soon as I leaned out, a piece of fresh meat jumped out, which I started massaging, but that didn't calm me down either. Lucy's stomach must have been very painful, so out of kindness I ate the other half of the second pie.
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