Fattening ship

Chapter The Village (1)

The trip:
Lucy Pov:

Today I'm wearing leggings so I can go on a hike comfortably. After all, today they organized a trip to an old village where the people have to host us. The men stay at home that day, but all of us girls go to a house separately, so we can get to know this cultural tour.

The goal for each woman was to blend into the lives of the women there during those two days. We have to do and eat the same as the other girl/girls in the household.

This morning we left the hotel on foot on a path. Then across a valley that led through a central mountain range. During this time I got tired and I'm glad that I chose my outfit well.

When we finally reached the border of the village, the bell rang and it wasn't even noon. All seven families were waiting for us in the central square. All of us were assigned and told that the meeting would be here in two days. In my family, what I got was a muscular man who is kind and caring, two women, a mother and a daughter. The mother is slightly overweight, but she wore clothes that made it even more noticeable. The girl was wearing a crop top and leggings, she wasn't skinny either, but she wasn't overweight, just chubby. The mother and daughter probably don't work, so I wasn't worried about eating, since I need to eat as much as two chubby girls.

The mother took us to the house where they introduced themselves to me. The mother's name is Rosalia, the daughter's name is Camila, and the father's name is Marco. And then everything started, I got a shared room with Camila and since it was lunchtime, Marco invited us in. All three of us sat down and were given huge plates that were so full that if I had brought them, the food would have tumbled off the edge. Camila and Rosalia started the food, so I did the same, the problem is that I was full with the first plate, but since now I have to do the same as them, I continued as long as possible. The two women had already finished their plates so now I was next. I also finished quickly, two minutes after us. Afterwards, Camila and I went up to our room, where I lay down to rest my stomach because it hurt a lot from all the food. While I was lying there, Camila unwrapped a large bag of gummies. Then he threw me the same one and told me to eat it because it was very delicious. I was silent on Camila's words, since this was my job, but this food is a lot for a thin woman like me. After we both ate Camila gave me a controller and turned on her PS5 console. I could play with whatever I wanted and I chose sims. An hour later, Camila took me to the beach where there were only chubby or fat women, this is somewhat nice but also bad. All the girls looked beautiful and they carry extra weight which they shouldn't.
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