Fattening ship

Chapter The Village (2)

On the beach, we both asked for a cocktail and then on the beach we talked about:

Camila: -Lucy, is skinny normal for you in America?

Lucy: - Actually, it would be, but almost every third person is fat or chubby.

Camila: - And with us, the good thing is that the girl has a stomach in which she can store food. Every meal here has almost twice as many calories as elsewhere because they focus on taste, to make all the women fat. Now you are also involved in this, as long as you are here in this country, it will be like this everywhere. However, since this is the most popular place in the world, more and more people move here and care about their fate. Calm down, Lucy, while you're here, because you're thin, so they put a lot more calories in everything you drink and eat, so that you can be like me.

Lucy: - Then you say that he is a peda now
are there a lot of extra calories in this cocktail?

Camila: - Yes exactly.

Well, I had to put up with the thought, but I continued to drink it because I knew that I would remain addicted to it this week. In the evening, they gave me a lot, a lot of pasta in which they put even more calories. And Marco even brought us dessert, which Camila and I devoured very quickly. I can't even imagine how many calories I ate today and how much weight I gained.

I fell asleep peacefully in the evening, but Camila left the room at night and came back with a cake. He cut the cake in two and put it on two trays. He pushed one tray towards me and the other in front of him. I have to eat this too, and three hours before I ate it myself as full as I've ever been.

The next morning we had to go late and I could still see that my belly was swollen, so I pushed my pants down and now I also had a small belly with this foodbaby. Half an hour later they called me down for breakfast and now we ate even more.

In the morning, I walked around the village with Camila and we rested on a bench. Camila and I went back and went out into nature again with an electric bike. We went to the forest, but since Camila quickly sweated, we went back home.

At home, Marco welcomed me with a big lunch and I was so full that I had to rest. I slept all afternoon, so did Camila. We ate a lot for dinner again, but after that we were up for a long time. And Camila offered me sweets, of course I accepted them all. And then we fell asleep that day as well.

In the morning, we had a follow-up breakfast where we were well stuffed, we ate almost two more plates than yesterday's breakfast. I couldn't even fit into my jeans that day, so I wore leggings like last time. They took me back to the square where
a chubby Bethany, a puffy Tamara and a bloated Alexa. During these two days, everyone's belly grew, for sure, and as I can see, Bethany is starting to develop a double chin.
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