Fattening ship

Chapter Vésubia

Today we are not going home to the accommodation, but we are going to Vesubie in the capital.

As long as we drove the jeeps across the valleys and hills. The hot sun beats down on us and burns our skin. Bethany now also looks local in terms of body shape, but I don't think she would be so chubby after she wasn't bloated. On the way, Tamara opened a cookie box next to me and offered it to me.

They poured powdered sugar on the cookies, which probably makes us absorb more and more fat, but now I could only think about the cookies, so I took out a few pieces. My stomach didn't want it, so I ate it just for the sake of the view, which has been bad for a long time, because my stomach has expanded and in the future I will have to eat more and more in order to live well.

Upon entering the city, we find a lot of markets with all kinds of food, spices and small gems and jewelry. We got out of the jeeps in the city and are now walking around the main square. Then we stopped for a coffee, which included a croissant. The coffee was very tasty, the only problem is that it didn't really refresh me, and that's exactly why I bought it.

From the cafe, we visited a museum in the center of the city. We had to go through the museum with a boring guide. The coffee didn't refresh me, but I almost fell asleep.

The weather is getting hotter this summer, especially here in Mediterranean Europe, so I'm sweating a lot. After the museum, I longed for something colder that could refresh me. Ice cream is the perfect way to do this especially since I saw an ice cream parlor around the corner here.

I asked for three dumplings, one with lemon, one with blueberry yogurt and one with raspberry. The others also ate ice cream in the same way, but we didn't think that this was our third snack today. The point is just to refresh us.

Until the afternoon we tried more desserts from the market and then we went back to the accommodation as we are going back to the ship tomorrow.

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