Fattening ship

Chapter 20

Today when we loaded into the ship and are ready to go. I'm really not looking forward to work, which will continue from next week. And to make it not boring, you should include some kind of competition against Alexa and Bethany. The problem is that the winner doesn't know what to win and it needs to be something in which the others are also involved.

I suggested the idea to Alexa and she was happy about it, but she was also uncertain about what the winner should win. Alexa was now munching on the chips I had taken to bed, of which I had asked for a bite. Then we both thought about the food, what if the winner won the food. So I called Tamara, who came up with the idea that the loser should also be made guilty. We also agreed to this, but we had no idea how it would work well.

Then together we figured out what we wanted to compete in, and that's when the idea came. You have to perform better every day at work, because work is measured in pages, so they can compete. I'm on a team with Tamara and Bethany with Alexa. And the loser must eat as much as the winner beat him with. And after many competitions, the one who stays the thinnest wins.

Yes, it's quite perverse, we know that, but it seemed like a good idea and I wasn't worried, because so far nothing shows up on me. In principle, I have gained weight, but practically it is not visible and I am curious to see how long it will stay like this. Curious when anything will start to appear. When I get there, I immediately stop and turn it back, but I'm curious, so I push the limit.

Eventually everyone got in. Me out of sheer curiosity, Alexa out of her ego, and Tamara wanted to harm Alexa. And Bethany just wants to play with us.

We discussed some basic rules and planned the punishment for the first day. They have to eat as many pages as we overtake them. Of course, this is also true the other way around, so if they win, we eat. I have nothing to lose in this situation, so I can enjoy it to the fullest. And to make it even better, the loser has to walk around the ship in the outfit chosen by the winner after he's had his fill.

We will start next week.
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