Fattening ship

Chapter 27

After Lucy and I got out of bed on Sunday morning, we had a hearty breakfast and then we received a phone call from Bethany to come over for breakfast. Lucy accepted the offer because she lied that we hadn't had breakfast yet and our bellies were completely bulging from the big, abundant breakfast.

This is not how I used to know Lucy, who would be such a glutton. In the past, he barely ate anything, let alone this much, twice. But if that's what you've decided, I'm only happy, even though I have no appetite.

Of course, Bethany made delicious meals that can only be eaten in large portions. It's so delicious that I even rehearsed it. My belly is unrecognizable now, I don't think it was this big before.

Of course, Lucy shoveled more into her mouth. She is really gluttonous, because if she wasn't thin, I would pair this eating habit with a fat/overweight body.

We thanked you for the great meal and the hospitality and went home, as it is very sleepy when your stomach is full. We slept until lunch and then went to a restaurant to eat. In the restaurant, I only asked for one portion, but we got it on our table in an important bowl.

In the afternoon, we ended up at the beach, where it appeared that Lucy's bikini was too tight. That's how I should convince you to go buy new ones. Lucy led an ice cream parlor where we ordered three large scoops (myself and Lucy's age).

We rested until the evening and Lucy and I ordered a family pizza. I tried to eat little in the evening so that tomorrow the number that the scale will show is not huge. But for Lucy, let the display spin up to the highest possible number. And the doctor should pinch the fatty tissue on his soft belly, which is now starting/trying to develop into a nascent belly. And my goal is to make it happen, gluttonous Lucy eats herself and becomes overweight. My goal is that none of the boys love Lucy and that she is no longer more popular because of that, and then more people will love me. This is also the case with Alexa, as both girls are more girlish and prettier than me, but if they reach the target weight I have set, the problem will disappear.
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