Fattening ship

Chapter 29

(Tamara pov)

After Lucy and I got home, I thought that Lucy would gain weight, but I was not aware of my own weight gain. At least to that extent, since I guessed that it had slipped a little, but I didn't expect that. Now I'm fully committed and losing weight to get back in shape and get rid of this little belly bulge.

I now feel this determination very strong and I am sure that nothing can stop me. I want to get back to my original weight that I arrived on this ship with as soon as possible. I am already sure that I will start playing sports tomorrow. However, I don't want to stop making the girls fat, so I'll have to eat a few bites. After all, I will be surrounded by plenty of food if I want the girls to eat a lot.

Right now, I'm still fasting today, and from tomorrow I'll start working out, I mean, here on the ship you can only run, since there isn't even a gym. That way, I can't force myself to do sports, but if I have to, I have to. Once I make a commitment, I keep it.

Lucy took me to the restaurant for lunch, where I ate almost nothing from my plate because I want to lose weight, but luckily she didn't notice because she was busy digesting her food.

In the afternoon, Lucy had all kinds of snacks and offered me almost everything. I tried to refuse so that I wouldn't have to eat one, but I had to accept it a couple of times.

For dinner, Lucy ate pizza, which was very tempting, but I knew I shouldn't, so I resisted. I have never felt so restrained as I did at dinner. You rarely feel a more uncomfortable feeling than this, because I could eat that delicious pizza, but I can't because my stomach can't expand.

I couldn't sleep at night because I was very hungry. I had to get up many times because of this, but in the end I endured a fight against my appetite.

The next morning, I couldn't take it anymore, so I ate a little. After all, I couldn't take the pressure of hunger coming from inside any longer.

After breakfast, after a little rest, I decided to work out and with that I looked for my workout clothes.
36 chapters, created StoryListingCard.php 1 month , updated 1 day
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