Fattening ship

Chapter 30

I took my old leggings and tank top out of the closet. The leggings were a little tight on my thighs, but otherwise it's not bad, but the tank top turned out to be very tight. My belly takes up all the space in the polo so there are no wrinkles in it.

The problem is that the new fat that has been smeared around my stomach is now becoming completely one with the tank top. This makes me quite insecure and afraid to go out for a run in rivers. Instead, I prefer to stay at home in my room and plan to buy new training clothes in the afternoon and go for a run in my new clothes in the evening.

However, for lunch, Lucy ordered food, of which I also took my share (not a little). Now my stomach is full, so I'm resting so I can just go to the store in the evening. So you miss the evening run.

In the store, I try on a sport short with a new tank top. I think it's still in good shape, so tomorrow there are no more excuses, I have to run!

We go to a restaurant with Lucy and the other girls for dinner, I don't want to go but I have to because they are forcing me to go. I eat a lot, so even today I cheated on losing weight, I gained weight rather than losing weight. But tomorrow will be a different day, not a "cheat day".

I don't eat anything for breakfast, so I go for a run in my new set on an empty stomach. It succeeds quite well, but after fifteen minutes I get hungry, so I buy a diet breakfast in common sense. The breakfast is not very tasty, it is not enough, but after that I rest and we go to the beach. Of course I ask for a cocktail, because it's unmissable and I'll be splashing in the water. I'm going to try some slides with Bethany since Alexa and Lucy are quite scared on them, until then they go for ice cream.

After the slide, Bethany orders food and finishes it for me too, without my asking. I know Bethany was just trying to be nice, but she's sabotaging my diet. Of course I'll eat that gyro because I don't want to get into trouble.

I'll have dinner with this gyros, but I have to run tomorrow morning, which I'll do for my shape, and then after I get home, I'll receive this news.
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