Fattening ship

Chapter 31

that tomorrow we will arrive in Thailand for our second stop. Where we are treated to the All-inclusive pampering of more delicious meals. Which is great, but now that I want to lose weight is the worst possible thing that could happen to me. Feelings are swirling inside me now, as I am dreaming before a difficult decision (the stakes are high). The question is whether I should let it go for that one week and enjoy it or rather miss such a great experience.

It's a difficult decision, but it has to be made, because in a day I'll be in a restaurant. And my decision drifted towards the experience, since this could be an extremely rare experience if I don't postpone it. I'd rather make the most of it now and forget about my weight, try as many delicacies as possible.

However, today I am fasting and working out until then, so that I will have to lose so much less weight. Today I'm giving it my all to lose weight, because from tomorrow ultra indulgence will come into effect. I won't be able to control my calorie intake because I will eat whatever I see.

Actually, gaining weight is not so bad if you don't include my belly. My bottom became more shapely, as did my breast and thighs, but not in proportion to my stomach. My belly always grows a little more than the rest of my body. Actually, the changes are only very small, but the tighter bra and pants help to notice the change.

I don't eat anything for lunch that no one else can know about, because Lucy went to a restaurant with Bethany (fortunately without me, because that way I don't have to eat). In the afternoon, I eat fruits and rest a little.

Instead of dinner, I went to the beach and now I exercised more, since I also swam a quick 100 meters. And today I was tired, so I went to bed early while Lucy was still eating.

The next day

We got off the ship early in the morning and our feet touched land again. Then we met up with Bethany and Alexa, and together we went to a hotel with four rooms.

Since we haven't had breakfast today, here's the next thing.
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