Fattening ship

Chapter 32

The day started with a huge and divine breakfast with the girls. My stomach suddenly swelled up, but I didn't care now, because this week I eat whatever and as much as I want or desire. I filled my plate as much as possible, but I reached for another portion, since it is an all-inclusive service. After the second plate, I even ate a whole bowl of cookies, which was perhaps too sweet, as there was a lot of powdered sugar poured on top. In any case, the food was very tasty, maybe too fattening, but that doesn't matter now.

After breakfast, we walked around the market and tried all kinds of delicacies, as there are rarely people in Thailand. Throughout the day, my stomach became fuller and fuller, I didn't really have time to digest because whenever I could, I devoured something delicious again.

It's not enough that the meals were delicious, and therefore probably fattening, but they were enormous in size. I'm glad that I decided this way in the end, because you can't lose weight here, only gaining weight is possible if you're a tourist, and the more you stay in Thailand, the more you gain weight. The truth must be admitted, this is a place of food where you can find mountains of food everywhere you look.

I just noticed that while I was thinking about this, I got a box of donuts. I think Lucy gave it to her because it's her favorite candy, but I really like it. Well, if there are so many doughnuts here, eight pieces, then why not eat them, since these are not just ordinary doughnuts, they are Chinese. It was transported directly on the Mekong River from China to Thailand and from Chiang Kong to Khai Noen Wong near the coast, where we are now.

Donuts are important not only because of their origin, but also because of how durable they are, since they left China a week ago and are still fresh. The other is the taste, the taste is not that of ordinary donuts. The donuts we are used to are also very sugary and sweet, but these are bigger and they sprinkle a lot of sugar on them and put jam on them. It's divine, but I can't even imagine how many calories there are. I'm thinking of taking a look, since I haven't thrown away the box yet, but I'm afraid I'll get some shocking information.

The following is written on the box:
Chinese donuts contain a lot of sugar and sweet things, so they will probably be a delicacy for those with a sweet tooth. We draw the attention of our dear customers to the fact that this secret recipe contains a lot of calories, so it is only eaten if someone really wants to gain weight. After all, there are 8,070 calories in these eight donuts, so each donut is 1,000 calories
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