Fattening ship

Chapter 33

(Lucy's pov):

Since we've been here, food has become more and more central to my life. I adapt my day to the meals, as I take advantage of every meal. If this schedule doesn't work, I get upset.

We were completely seduced by the many dishes. I think Thailand is the most ideal place in the world because it is peaceful and you can pamper yourself as much as you can. Fortunately, I don't have to worry because I'm not gaining weight. No matter how much I eat, I don't gain weight, although the numbers on the scale increase, but in reality I stay the same. And if I don't gain weight, there is no obstacle to my endless pampering. But I was afraid of Tamara because she started gaining weight.

Today, for example, he ordered a lot of food and I'm sure he wanted to eat it, but I ate it instead because I don't want him to gain weight. Fortunately, I'm not gaining weight.

Alexa's birthday:

Alexa's birthday has arrived, where she invited girls to a party. There was also a giant cake, but the food ordered from Taco Bell was also divine. That day, we stayed up late and almost only ate. Nobody cared about anything but food. Finally, at midnight, Alexa decided not to go home, to sleep with them.

So we stayed there at night and after we fell asleep I still wanted the cake, so when the others slept I ate the rest of the cookies and cake. Then my belly was so full that I had to massage my stomach to relieve the pain. Finally, with a completely bloated stomach and slightly drunk, I fell asleep, just like the others an hour ago.

In the morning, my stomach was still bloated, but I had to taste Alexa's breakfast, at least according to Alexa. I did it anyway, but I didn't regret it because it was divinely delicious. Thus further burdening and increasing the capacity of my stomach.

Then we somehow trudged home with a slight hangover. At home, after a bath, we settled down in our bed and continued to sleep.

Sorry for slow continued
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