Fattening ship

Chapter 34

(Lucy's pov):

Abigail, the masseuse, is a lesbian, but there's really no need to be afraid, as she doesn't tend to fight with any of us. She's a thin and pretty girl but I'm straight so it doesn't matter to me sexually.

(Tamara pov):

I noticed that Lucy has been seeing a certain Abigail lately. The lesbian masseuse girl who always carries bulking powder with her for some reason. I know this because I looked into his bag once, because it wasn't completely closed and some kind of bag was hanging out of it. When I looked inside, I found some kind of powder in a rather large bag with the words "weight gainer" written on it. And once I saw him at work, when he asked me to take something out, then I found the same thing in one of the cabinets. This can only help because I have the same goal as him, but I don't want to be the main target for weight gain.

I need to meet him sometime where we can tell each other our intentions and work together.

On Wednesday I went to her workplace and asked for a massage because it was really good. Meanwhile, I started talking to him:

- I know what your goal is with us. I said.

- ? What do you mean. Abigail said.

- I know you have some kind of feeding frenzy and want to make the girls fat. I said

- Well, I failed now, but please don't tell them. Abigail said.

- I don't take it lightly, I just ask that we work together, since this is my goal as well. I said.
- Really? I take this deal. Abigail said.

- Good, but then don't gain weight! I said.

I'm happy because together we will be able to fatten Lucy, Tamara and Alexa much more soberly. But even then there is no risk of weight gain.

Before I said goodbye, we gave each other our phone numbers so that we could communicate with each other at any time. Then we said goodbye and I happily went back to my room.

This morning, however, we chatted on messenger and he shared advice and experiences about gaining weight. And I asked him how this fetish took shape, but he answered:
-I'll tell you about it another time.
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