Fattening ship

Chapter 35

(Alexa pov):

At the last measurement, my weight was 140.8 pounds, which shocked me because I had gained a lot of weight. I've already gained over 16 pounds since first time, if I keep going like this I'll soon be like Bethany. Bethany's BMi is already overweight. A real belly is starting to take shape since last time he weighed 168 pounds and has only gained weight since then especially here in Thailand. I always eat because of him, and my belly is not the same anymore, as it has become a little fatter, but fortunately, my weight falls mostly on my ass and breasts.

However, Bethany's evening is different, because her belly gets the most weight, so it's getting rounder. Today, for example, her stomach was sticking out under her dress, I had to comment on that.

But it wasn't just the two of us who gained weight, as neither Lucy nor Tamara are so toned now. Although it is difficult to notice on Tamara, Lucy has noticeably gained weight. I don't even understand why they eat so much by themselves. I only because Bethany wants it and orders a lot for me and for herself.

Bethany's thighs are completely thickened, they rub together when she moves, her stomach twitches every time she moves, and she finds it increasingly difficult to walk. Actually, it's starting to get completely boring, the situation was similar yesterday as we called a taxi from the restaurant in the city and we were only five blocks away. And today we just ordered because he didn't feel like going out.

Bethany and I have grown together completely, we always do everything together. When he eats, I eat, when I eat, he eats. It is precisely for this reason that I eat twice as much as normal.

And tonight we are organizing a big party where, in addition to Lucy and Tamara, we are also inviting Abigail the masseuse.

And for lunch, we ordered a total of four pizzas from Don Pepe, another great place, so I had two and Bethany had two. We were overstuffed again from lunch, and we relieved it with a night's sleep. Early in the evening I went to the candy store and also ordered from a restaurant for the party. All kinds of snacks and a plate for everyone at the table.
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