Fattening ship

Chapter 36

(Tamara pov):

Alexa invited us to her party tonight. It will probably end the same, except that now Abigail is also coming, with whom we are planning something fattening for the evening. All afternoon I went to the massage shop and there we came up with our fattening plan. The plan is almost perfect but not completely perfect, as there is a small chance that Abigail's food will be the fattening one and not Bethany's, but if I calculated everything correctly, it will work out as planned.

We also bought the things that we will take as special gifts. It is the most fattening of all, so even if we messed it up, it will balance out with this.

The party:

When we arrived, it was very surprising to see so much food on the table where there was a lot of food. It started with a dinner served by Alexa. Alexa was dressed in a waiter's costume, but it was a little tight, so if she eats a lot, the button might pop off.

He piled three overstuffed greasy tacos on everyone's plate. Now I wonder how much Abigail eats, because she is a feeder, but who doesn't want the food.

We started dinner and quickly ran out of tacos. However, everyone remained hungry, so Alexa stood up in her increasingly tight waiter costume and brought everyone two more tacos. Those tacos were harder to go down and I didn't even ask for more. However, I was surprised that Abigail also ate cake and their sums did not work out, so they added fattening delicacies.

After dinner, however, he was the only one who did not snack. Actually, everyone looked very puffy and probably me too. Then we also drank the protein shake with the girls. The evening was perfect, so there was nothing to worry about, so we could safely drink alcohol. However, we quickly got drunk, so I took my share of mass-building sweets while drunk.

Alexa also ate a cookie, which was not a good idea, because her button on her skirt is carrying an even greater burden. So it popped out quite noticeably, everyone paid attention and there was complete silence. It was a very embarrassing moment for everyone, but especially for Alexa.

Today's party ended quickly, almost perfectly, thanks to which Abigail promised to tell the story of how she became a feeder.
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