Fattening ship

Chapter Two: First Day on the Ship (1)

After that, we headed towards the ramp that allows you to get onto the ship. At the entrance of the ship, we were checked in and a young lady was sent to us to guide us through the ship. He led me up to the rooms where we could unpack. Then he showed us our offices on a long river. And Onann will take you to the gym, sauna and solarium. The next place is the party club where they hold a party every night. It has a buffet and a cocktail bar where you can have a drink. Then he led me to the bow of the ship where there were pools, which I already thought I would like. There is also a pool elsewhere, and a water park can be found on top of the ship. After that, there was only one thing left. He led me down to the ground floor and from there we went around the rows of shops. Fortunately, there are toilets on every corner. When we got upstairs, we looked at another row of shops. There were more well-known stores and restaurants, but there were also unique brands and craft shops.

I was very happy when the lady finally left and set us free. Because I was already very hungry because I didn't have anything for breakfast. The others went up to their rooms and I went to the shopping mall to find something to eat. Because I found an artisanal restaurant, they are a bit more expensive than a regular one, but also tastier.*The Fat Chiken Food*.

I went into the restaurant and it was strange because there were few people and those who were there were all women except for one man. As soon as I entered the door, I was greeted by a smell that I was not prepared for because it made me even hungrier. Before I could sit down, a waiter greeted me and showed me to a table and took my order. Since this is a "Chiken", I think that there are chicken dishes. Of course, the menu also had only chicken dishes apart from the cookies. Since I had no better idea, I asked for a taco with sprouts and even two because I was very hungry.

Fortunately, it was prepared and served within ten minutes. And I immediately jumped on it and ate one, and by the second I was already full, but I still wanted it, so I devoured that too. Until now I was very hungry and now that I suddenly ate a lot, I strained my digestion.

I paid everything and went to the second floor where the hostels are located. To my surprise, there are two for one accommodation, so I get someone
needed. Since I was the last one, Bethany must have booked. It doesn't matter to me because I'm good with Alexa and Tamara. I go to my room and it turns out I'm getting Alexa. I'm actually happy about it because I could have gotten worse.

Unfortunately, Alexa and I shared a double bed, but that's okay. Alexa got the side facing the door where she is now sitting and talking on the phone. And I start undressing the other side. I took off my jeans first, which is nothing special, but as soon as I removed my top, my amazingly large food baby came round. Alexa saw it, and since she is fat phobic, it took a while for her not to speak up. (Fortunately, he didn't do it now, but he will definitely do it later).

After I changed into a bikini, I put on a pair of denim shorts in which my stomach became exposed and Alexa was amused by the sight of my overfilled stomach.
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