Daddy’s Girl

  By Anonymouslyfat

Chapter 1

When you opened the door to come in from work I was there waiting for you..

“I thought I told you to stay put baby, no moving without me to help you hunny” but then you notice my swollen tits leaking and add “I see my milky baby just couldn’t wait for daddy huh? Come on baby let’s get you taken care of” you say as you take my hand and lead me back to the bedroom.

“Lucky I picked my baby up a snack on the way home so we can make up for those calories you just burnt” you say as you help lay down onto the bed.

“Now let’s get these snacks out and then daddy can have his” you say with a cheeky grin as you hand me a box of donuts.
“Thankyou daddy” you hear as you lay across my belly and take one of my nipples in your mouth to suckle while your right hand finds my other breast and you start squeezing it.
Eventually you decide to swap sides repeating the process before stopping to say “mmm my milky baby has so much for me today, daddy is full now but you’re still leaking baby! Let me get your breast pump princess I’ll be right back”

You come back with my breast pump and latch to my nipple while rubbing my growing belly “mmm that’s my good girl. You’ve been so good for daddy today.. tonight as a treat I’ll mix up your milk into a shake for you baby, I’ll even give it to you in your funnel for being such a good girl today while daddy was at work”

Ju st a little something maybe other people will enjoy 🤷🏼‍♀️

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1 chapter, created 2 months , updated 2 months
5   0   1661