Feed me your love

Chapter 1

Rubbing soot into the lanky strands of his hair turned it from brown to black, giving him a much needed extra edge of anonymity. Without a secondary gender, he had no problems disguising his scent from others, adding to the air of mystery he exuded. Odd to call a ten year old mysterious, but Evan’s trade gained him a reputation. Gone in a flash, a nameless shadow, picking up the pieces left behind by careless Alphas.

Information caught up in the web of his precocious mind or shiny baubles that he couldn’t help swiping. Sweets and treats he had no intention of eating, but kept simply to see others go without.

Tucking himself into the shadowy rafters of his current target, Evan did what he did best: he went unnoticed. No one looked up or paid attention to a little movement out of the former of their eye. Not when the security standards were subpar and the wealth lay in knowledge and bits of ostentatious food.

Worse than waiting for the two alphas to drop useful information and leave was the boredom of the streets. Stealing turned out to be the best way to beat both the boredom and the cold. Plus it kept the other boys off his ass, Alpha or otherwise.

Breathing into his hands, Evan snuck down past crates and tables to snag a piece of fruit. He tucked into his many pockets, eager to nibble on it back in the comfort of his cold room. , his fingers itching to grab a piece of fruit off the nearby table.

“Bunch of useless meat heads.” Evan mumbled as he snagged another bauble into his pockets.

Eventually the Alphas left, murmuring about their gambling ventures that Evan could only conclude would end up in bankruptcy. He might not have a proper education, but Evan had a nose for a deal, an uncanny knack that he’d used over and over to appease Alphas and Betas alike. Omegas were unheard of on the streets, quickly sequestered into brothels or marked by some Alpha, so he never listened in on those conversations.

He kept to his ill-gotten goods and fled with no one the wiser.

He’d have his wares stored, stashed, or trashed before anyone could even ask where their priceless goods had run off to.

Climbing through the labyrinthine underground tunnels meant avoiding detection, layers of tunnels long unused except by thieves like himself. No one paid attention to little shadows like him, so if he mindlessly wound his way back to the orphanage, no one would notice.

Still too young to have a secondary gender, he was used like all the other orphans: to pad the pockets of their so-called guardians for “continued safety and cohabitation”.

In other words, pay up or pay the consequences.

He’d had his fair share of heavy handed reminders.

Shaking his head, Evan paused to listen, drawn out of his thoughts by an echoing cry that grew in intensity the closer he got to the surface.

Drawing closer, Evan slowed down as the uproarious crying continued coming from his room.

“What the fuck?”

With a bang, his door swung open. An older alpha boy lurched out of the room with a storm of anger brewing in his ruddy cheeks.

“Evan, you little shit, where the fuck were you?”

He knew better than to respond.

The crying had only grown louder and it was most definitely coming from inside his room. A small kid, maybe a year or two younger than him, stood in the corner with his arms curled around a rolled up mat.

“This little shit is your new roommate. Show him where the fucking blankets are and get him to shut up.”

The kid in question kept wailing, large fat tears that smeared the dirt across his cheeks. His black hair fell in thick uneven chunks, hacked like he’d been fighting the scissors.

Door slamming shut, Evan slumped over to his mat and huffed out a heavy sigh.

“Hey, if you don’t stop crying Asshole Alpha’ll come back in here and make it so you won’t cry again.”

The boy hiccuped pitifully, red-rimmed eyes brimming. Chubby cheeks glistened with fat tears, revealing the pale faced boy beneath.

With a sigh, Evan leaned against the wall, relaxing into his now much smaller space. “What’s your name kid?”

“M-micah.” The kid croaked.

“Well, Micah, I’m Evan. How old are you?”

The kid grew quiet, slowly mimicking Evan’s relaxed seat, leaning against the far wall. “Ten.”

“Huh.” He looked the quivering kid up and down, from his shaking arms, to his hunched shoulders, “Really? Kind of small for a ten year old.”

The boy broke into a blubbering, messy cry that made Evan’s neck tingle, itchy beneath the soot of his faded collar.

Flustered, Evan scooted over to Micah, taking the smaller kid into his side. A few awkward, gentle pats in anxious circles had the boy quieting down.

If this was a flash of their shared future, Evan needed to change it quickly. In a fit of insane pragmatism, Evan wrapped his arm around the kid’s shoulder.

“What’s wrong?” He hedged, as if he, a nobody orphan, had any real chance of offering the kid any form of comfort. If nothing else, he could at least make sure that the kid was safe and warm.

Beneath all that messy hair and dirt, the kid had a cute face. Round and soft in that sweet, lost teddy bear kind of way.

“I’m— I’m just so hungry.” The boy sniffed, cradling his arms tight over his middle. His skin had a light blue tinge, as if he’d been sitting out in the cold for a long time.

Heat crept up Evan’s spine as he looked over at Micah’s new space and back to his own. In a huff, he tore his blanket over to Micah’s side, scattering bits of things he’d had stuffed under his pillow. Food, wrapped up tight so the mice couldn’t get to it.

A small, tasteless loaf of nothing bread and from his pockets, the apple he’d stolen.

“Here. It’s not much,” Evan offered.

Micah fell on it with desperate abandon.

Cautiously, Evan stood up. Beneath loose stones, hidden from view, he’d stored other treats away, things that he never ate and just stole for the sake of seeing someone else go without out of righteous anger. Preserves, candies, tinned and canned food that he’d never had the appetite for beyond seeing it in his hands.

Feeling bold, he pulled them out with an increasingly quick flourish and a toothy grin, spreading them on the blanket which he then brought over to Micah.

“I’ll go get another blanket. You just sit there and get warm and fed.” He declared, watching with marvel as those glittering eyes looked at him as if he’d strung the heavens up. Red-rimmed eyes glittering with a smile that left Evan breathless.

“Thank you.”

“Don’t mention it. Blake’s a recently revealed Alpha, so he’s being extra assholish these days. You finish up there and I’ll get you some blankets. It gets awfully cold around here.”

As he left, Micah’s relieved, grateful smile won him over, and he wondered briefly how he could make that smile appear again.

Food. That had to be the answer. It’s what everyone wanted most.

He grabbed the blanket from an upstairs cupboard, shoving it beneath his arm.

“Food and warmth,” Evan nodded as he slipped into the kitchen. Hands working overtime, he grabbed a forgotten piece of food that he tucked into the folds of the blanket with a too giddy smile.

This had to make the kid happy. A full belly and a warm blanket made even the worst days bearable.

That was the first of many days spent in their shared room.

It didn’t take long for their admittedly amicable roommate status to blossom into an inseparable friendship. They both had an insatiable appetite, Evan for stealing and Micah for food. Anything Evan managed to pilfer that didn’t go to keeping the Alphas complacent—-or them from being thrown out onto the streets—-went straight to Micah.

Jogging for his life, breathing out cool mist in front of his face, Evan made it past guards, alphas, and back into the hole they called home. Panting, Evan ran up to their door with his arms overladen with fresh goods.

He could hear Micah’s humming before he opened the door to their shared room. The kid was soft, not meant for the seedy underbelly they’d managed to fall into. Noisy and clumsy, with an observant eye that caught on far too quickly, but a lousy thief.

The best way to distract Micah from feeling guilty over Evan’s constant thieving was with treats, so Evan was quick to bring them, if only to make sure Micah didn’t see how hard it was going out onto the streets every day.

With his usual flourish, Evan triumphantly displayed his heavy bag of spoils.

Hissing out in a triumphant whisper, Evan crowed,“Tonight, we feast like kings!”

Evan sat down on their shared mat. At one point, they’d pushed their mats together out of necessity. Better to share warmth and a few pillows if it drove off the chill.

At Micah’s gasp of excitement, Evan’s heart leapt, pattering eagerly at the unexpected pride at his friend’s obvious enjoyment.

“For me?” Micah wiggled up and down on his mat biting his lip with barely concealed restraint.

Laughing, Evan fell into Micah. Of a similar height now, Evan slid into Micah’s side with ease. Grinning ear to ear, he slipped a juicy meat bun into Micah’s chubby fingers.

“Who else?” He winked, pulling out the rest of the bulky bundle from beneath his jacket. “And you’ve gotta eat it all, okay? No evidence left behind.”

Micah patted his soft, pudgy belly with a devilish grin. “Don’t worry. I’ve got plenty of room. Now grab the blankets and scoot in closer. The food awaits!”

Tucked side by side, their combined laughter and warmth soothed the cold that had settled in Evan’s bones. A warm, soupy joy that made it hard to take his eyes off Micah as he enjoyed the pile of glistening buns, treats, and fruits. Even if it was hard to go out there, running away from Alphas and Betas hellbent on making him pay, Micah’s smile made it all worthwhile.

Warm and content, they burrowed together beneath their blanket while Evan slowly nibbled away at an apple. Micah powered through the rest with breathy exclamations of delight and excitement.

It wasn’t until Micah stopped mid bite, hand slipping downward, that Evan finished his second serving of fruit.

Crumbs littered the mat, slipping off of Micah’s chest and cheeks.

“Hey, you said you had enough room in there.” Evan joked, poking at Micah’s belly. Micah’s belly radiated heat. His usual soft, squishy belly had grown hard and taut with little to no resistance.

Warmth seeped out, drawing Evan in closer as he whispered, “Whoa.”

Micah’s slow, steady breathing came out in tiny little pants between pained breaths. His cheeks glowed a deep rosy red, as if he’d just run a marathon. Evan pressed a hand to Micah’s face, concern flooding him at the alarming color.

Micah’s hand moved in restless circles over the swell of that too hard sphere.

“You okay?” Evan wrapped an arm around Micah’s shoulder.

The eleven year old nodded and shook away his concern, “Just need a breather.”

Evan quieted, watching in stunned silence as Micah managed to finish the last bites of food with a soft groan.

Chuckling, Micah mumbled sleepily, “I wish we could eat like this every day, It’s so warm.”

Evan mindlessly nodded, unable to move from Micah’s warm side.

“Yeah,” Evan chuckled beneath his breath, easing Micah onto their mat, “It’s nice to be warm.”

Micah’s limp weight pulled Evan along with him.

Curls of cold winter air seeped beneath their blankets, making Evan shiver and curl closer into Micah’s overheated side.

“Stay,” Micah whimpered, “Stay here.”

“As if I’d go anywhere else.” Evan snorted. He wouldn’t argue, not when the winds howled through the windows, leaving frost in its way. Too drowsy to think any more, hands resting side by side for warmth, Evan fell to sleep wondering how he could make something like this happen again.

In the morning, Evan woke to the hungry growl of Micah’s angry stomach.

“Better get breakfast,” Evan joked, ruffling Micah’s hair, slipping out before Micah could wake up fully.

Laden with their less than amazing servings, Evan dropped down to Micah’s sleepy side with a huff.

All Micah had to do was whimper sweetly and say, “I’m a growing boy,” and Evan would hand over his extra rations.

As winter howled its freezing melody outside their window, it grew easier and easier to indulge Micah. They found those nights of overindulgence to be far warmer than the rest.

“They say the more you eat, the bigger you’ll be when you grow up.” Micah declared with a curt nod, plowing through another treat Evan handed him.

Evan sighed, “Maybe we’ll get big enough that no one will bother us anymore.”

Evan tore his food into tiny pieces, toying with it.

“Not if you don’t actually eat.” Micah plucked the food from his fingers and popped it into his mouth.

“Feel,” Micah grinned, grabbing Evan’s hand and pressing into the hard ball of his overfull stomach. “If nothing else, at least we’ll be warm.”

Micah waited for Evan’s smile, making his cheeks turn pink. Out of nowhere, Evan had felt an odd vibration start deep in his chest, a breathy little sound that he had to tamp down. Cheeks turning an even deeper shade of pink, Evan choked out a sound of agreement.

“Your hands are so cold, come on, just put them here. It feels good for me too.” Micah groaned, eyes drifting shut as he hummed sleepily.

“Gotta keep me well fed so you stay nice and warm,” Micah teased sleepily, rolling into their shared mat without a second thought.

Necessity may have bred their closeness, and their friendship with it, but the feelings stirring in Evan went beyond both . It was as if these new, eager emotions were trying to fill in the spots left empty by their shared trauma.

With his arms wrapped around Micah for warmth, cheek pressed into his back, Micah turned into Evan’s personal furnace.

Evan couldn’t help but smile into the pudgy rolls of Micah’s back. At some point, they’d reversed their rolls. Instead of Evan guarding the door, Micah had taken the role, giving Evan a chance to sleep without constant worry.

“Micah?” Evan whispered, waiting to see if he’d respond

He kept his hands from wandering too far, more curious than anything. Wondering where the sudden change in his feelings had started.

Was it the times he’d tried to pull Micah on top of him for warmth, even as Micah protested he was getting too big? It’d been on one of those especially cold nights, where they sat side by side listening to a recent radio play.

They’d spend hours lazing on the weekends, conversations growing increasingly animated as they complained about the unbelievable omega romances. Like most boys, they preferred the adventurous tales of faraway swashbuckling heroes, and if there were hints of two men kissing in it, that was fine. Romance wasn’t always bad.

One day, as they’d been listening to a rather rambunctious story, Evan had pulled Micah into his arms, wrestling him onto the ground. Micah easily pinned him, using his greater weight to squash Evan down.

Evan had grown pale, eyes wide at Micah’s full weight.

Micah had stolen off of him so fast that Evan had no time to hide his reaction. Micah helped him up while Evan tried to desperately hide his arousal.

“I think I’m getting too big for games like that,” Micah apologized shyly.

When had Micah’s playfulness become something that made Evan heat up inside?

Evan brushed it off as a part of growing up, his body's natural response, and tried not to think too hard on it.

Each day went much the same, with Evan noticing more of Micah's appetites. Meticulously, Evan found what foods Micah liked more, which elicited more joy, more of that wild hunger and breathy sounds of delight.

Evan found himself spending more time stealing from patisseries and grills instead of the banks and gambling houses.

He wanted to know what made Micah smile and glow like a furnace. Whatever sent him into a blissful slumber, stuffed beyond reason.

Micah knew better than to ask where Evan got the food, he kept their room safe, and Evan provided the necessities.

Alphas stayed away, appeased by Evan’s consistent thieving. Four years they lived like this, Micah keeping to the books Evan stole, making their shared room a place of warmth and comfort.

No Alpha scent mucked up their space, smelling like cigarettes and lighter fluid. No stinging, alcohol-sharp Beta pheromones. Their room smelled sweet and clean, comforting.

“You nest like an Omega.” Evan joked, watching Micah’s cheeks burn. His chubby cheeks puffed outward as he fell into a heavy pout.

“It’s because you keep on bringing me more stuff. We only have so much space.”

Micah grew quiet, putting aside a journal.
“I need new clothes.” Micah huffed, pulling the too small shirt over his overfed belly. It pulled above his navel, trapped between rolls two and three, and Evan had to close his eyes before he jumped his friend.

Micah had grown overnight. Now, Evan had to look up just a little, right at the pudgy double chin that smiled down at him. It’d been both a surprise and inevitability that Evan realized how much he liked Evan’s size. Liked it in the way he’d scene lovers go at in those brothels he sometimes peeked in on like a deviant.

Micah’s not-so-slow transformation over the years awoke a fire in Evan’s blood equal to Micah’s appetite. He could never say no to Micah, and it shouldn’t have been a surprise that Micah kept growing with each year.

It didn’t help that they shared the same bed space, not when Micah’s clothes had been getting smaller and smaller leaving nothing from Evan’s imagination.

Why? Why do I have to be such a fucking pervert?

At night, he kept himself under a tight leash. He let his fingers trail over Micah’s rolls or pinch his puffy nipples, he didn’t salivate at the thought of licking them, nor did he dream of grinding helplessly into Micah’s massive bulk.

No, he didn’t wake up, wet across his belly, hands cupped around Micah’s plush chest.

His hands didn’t grope those soft mounds, praying that Micah wouldn’t wake, keeping all the little sounds bottled up in his chest.

No, Micah’s plushness was undeniable.

Ashamed at taking advantage of Micah’s vulnerability, Evan turned away, touching his twitching cock and wiping the wet evidence away before he made an even bigger mistake.

Three years into their shared living and Evan still managed to get caught up in Alpha bullshit. Nursing his aching arm , letting it lie at his side, he limped back to the orphanage. Sixteen fucking years of this bullshit. A bit of a bruising wouldn’t stop him, not when the nights were so cold and long and Micah was waiting nervously for him to return.

All of his worries melted away as he made it back, barring the door shut from any intruders as he slipped into their room.

Micah looked up from his journal, nodding briefly as he finished scratching another tally into a column. Having one of them in their room at all times had also become a necessity. Orphans and Alphas alike stayed away when Micah was nearby. It was likely due to his explosion in size. No longer a scrawny ten year old, he towered above everyone. Micah kept their room safe while Evan ran off into the shadows.

“Not kings tonight, but it’s good eating.” Evan smiled, hoping he could hide his wince with a flourish of his jacket.

“Smells good.” Micah’s stomach growled in agreement. “Wasn’t much trouble tonight, was it?”

Micah winced, watching Evan too closely again. Evan plopped Micah’s favorite food into his lap, and his attention shifted dramatically, engrossed in his treat.

“Nah, it was worth it.” Evan mumbled, knowing full well that they could survive on less. He kept going out, compelled to steal, even if all he got in return was a smile on Micah’s face.
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