Feed me your love

Chapter 4

Dizzily, Evan looks down at him, nodding as he crawls over the swell of Micah’s mountainous belly.

Tree trunk thighs, thicker than Evan’s waist, spread out to give Evan access.

Through sheer determination and a body built from decades of clandestine movement, Evan buries himself beneath the massive weight of his Alpha. Pressed into the pillowy softness of Micah’s body, there was no way Micah could see Evan’s delicate expressions, not the way he shoves his face into Micah’s fat belly, licking at the angry marks there. The mystery of Evan’s movements seem to feed a frenzy inside of Micah.

Almost too thick, the pressure builds at both ends.

“Fuck, you’re, you’re so big,” Evan pants, overwhelmed on all sides by Micah’s massive body.

“So full,” He pants as Micah’s swollen *** settles deep inside of him.

Micah lifts his thighs up, nearly slipping out of Evan, but the press of his big belly keeps Evan seated. Desperately, Micah’s hands wrap around Evan’s waist, tugging him deeper into the sweaty mess of his body.

His grip tightens as Micah’s sets a bruising pace, the waves of his belly swaying violently into Evan, battering him over and over.

Evan can feel the bruises forming on his hips as Micah’s grip tightens, grappling to chase the more they had so desperately sought all these years. Even being battered senseless, stretched beyond belief, Evan knew Micah would never hurt him.

“You - you’re getting bigger.” Evan gasps as Micah’s cock fattens, swelling bigger until Evan can feel his flat stomach swelling, full of Micah’s knot. Swollen fat, stuck fast inside Evan’s quivering hole.

Plugged up, pinned from above and below, Micah rolls them onto their sides, his belly following to further trap Evan without potentially suffocating him to death.

A dangerous dance between Alpha dominance and Omega submission, but one that they’d managed for the first time together. Lightheaded with euphoria, Evan peppered Micah’s body with gentle licking kisses, while Micah’s hands drifted up and down like feathers over Evan’s heated flesh.

In their own ways, they stayed locked together, each wrapped up in each other’s bodies.

Micah groaned, “I’d be lonely up here if it weren’t for your tight little ass eating me up.”

Evan twitched, tightening around Micah, dragging out a hiss from his Alpha.

“You’re… you’re everything to me right now,” Evan whispers from below, “There’s not a part of me that isn’t somehow connected to you.”

His fingers glide over Micah’s thick hip and ass, his toes tickling Micah’s dimpled thighs, tongue licking at his deep belly button. With each touch, Micah gasps, tugging at his puffy nipples with each new place Evan explores.

Evan explores, playfully edging Micah, watching his Alpha’s responses as he had all the years they’d grown together. What made his Alpha smile, what made him squeal in delight and shiver with suppressed desire–too full on Evan to need more.

“You’re my entire universe. All I can quite literally see is you.”

Evan’s last word comes out in a rushed gasp as Micah thrusts forward, cumming once more behind the dam of his knot.

“I’m full of you,” Evan whimpers, panting as his skin stretches to accommodate more of Micah.

“I’ve always been hungry for you Evan. My sweet omega, mine.”Micah groaned out, still unable to move from the snug warmth of Evan’s hole.

“Always have been,” Evan grins, resting his head on Micah’s belly.

They stayed like that, full on each other, blissfully whole.
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