Extra motivation

Chapter 6- this is what happens to rebels

There were a handful of rebels in this society. Skinny folks who wanted to stay that way. Unfortunately for them, they were found fairly quickly. One of these was Monica. She had been found in hiding 2 months after the full acceptance and brought directly to Cassie. She was towering over everyone. The scale nearby read that she weighed 12,000 pounds, while Lily, who was now 4,500 pounds, sat next to her and given the honor of constant sexual pleasure. Obscenely overweight men had lined up to her as she lay on her back and take turns having sex with her. She still ate copious amounts of food, but her primary form of weight gain was now being filled with loads of cum. She was having too much fun to be responsive.

As Monica stood before Cassie, the voice had gotten to her.

"You have evaded me for too long, and for that, you must be punished. But think it not as a bad thing. Think of it as a gift. In a few moments, you will be made to climb the queen, be bored by her, and finally give in to your gluttonous desires as you live inside Cassie and make her grow more in turn. Are you ready."

"You got everyone else, but you'll never get me," Monica said.

"Oh we'll see about that," the voice replied.

Suddenly, Monica's legs started moving without her control. She tried to fight it, but she slowly started to feel more and more compelled to move towards Cassie. She grabbed the mountainous range of fat and climbed up towards Cassie's head. There, Cassie swallowed Monica whole and Monica thought surely this would be her demise. Shockingly, though, she was protected. Assumingly inside Cassie's stomach Monica saw food fall down to her. If she didn't want to drown in it, she needed to eat.

Monica's rebellion was slowly replaced by hunger and obedience as she ate every bite that Cassie ate before her, getting fatter inside what was once her friend. She eventually filled up the space in Cassie's stomach, and began to make Cassie expand in turn.

Cassie, Lily, Monica, and the rest of the city slowly got bigger, fatter, and softer. No end was ever in sight. As the people got bigger, they got more aroused. Constant sex filled the streets, and it just made people bigger.
8 chapters, created StoryListingCard.php 3 weeks , updated 3 weeks
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Wk23 3 weeks
This is honestly kinda really good. I like what’s going on in your brain bro