Extra motivation

Chapter 7- The last rebel

The person that was considered the last rebel on earth, a girl named Luna, remained in hiding, trying to figure out how to stop this fat plague.

She determined that she needed to stop it at the source. She didn't know how, but she had to snap Cassie out of this trance, and this required Luna to get close to her without being spotted.

She traversed the streets watching as these mountains of dough kneaded themselves as they gorged on endless amounts of food.

Before she could even get close, Luna was spotted. A crowd of lard balls began chasing her, looking to force feed her and make her give into the endless pleasure. They got close enough to grab her, but she was able to slip away.

She was out of sight, but soon the whole town would know of her presence. She had to get to Cassie fast.

She ran through the streets, not bothering to remain hidden, dodging the handful of cake and offers for sex being shoved in her face. Her luck ran out soon, though, when a group of people cornered her, held her down, and made her eat an entire buffets worth of food. Thinking that would be enough to get her to turn, they let her go. Luna's determination, however, would not give up. The voice had found her and began speaking but she took her 275 pound belly and frame and kept moving.

She got slower and slower. More and more food kept being given to her and she found herself eating it u controllable. By the time she got to the town's center, she was at least 400 pounds.

She began to doubt herself, thinking that she should just give in and enjoy growing. That would be interrupted by another step towards Cassie taken. She was so close, but so close wasn't good enough. The mob caught her, and held her down again. This time, they wouldn't stop until she had caught up to their size. They kept shovel food into her mouth until she stopped fighting. She gave up and became just like them. The only thoughts that crossed her mind were where to find more food and how to get bigger faster. She was 1,500 pounds by now and with her mind taken over, there was no way to stop everyone from growing forever.
8 chapters, created StoryListingCard.php 3 weeks , updated 3 weeks
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Wk23 3 weeks
This is honestly kinda really good. I like what’s going on in your brain bro