Fed from beyond the grave

Chapter 2: The Pizza Trap

The year that followed Harry’s return had been hard for him. Harry had stayed out of public life for a year after what had happened. He had spent it isolated and had stayed well away from all feederism sites. Harry saw his therapist regularly as he had become anxious about stepping outside on top of everything else. He had tried to exercise and diet but with the conditioning still in his mind and his increased appetite and capacity, Harry had still ballooned up to 250 pounds over 6 months. Due to his depression he was eating to try and make himself feel better as that was what felt natural now even if he hated it. However as the year progressed after that he did begin to feel the hypnotic suggestions to always be eating begin to fade. At 28 Harry had one positive influence in his life now though, and that was his girlfriend Stacy. He had met Stacy who was a nurse at the hospital when he went for his appointments and the two had hit it off. After 4 months he had asked her out and she had said yes.

Stacy was a year younger than he was and had long waist length dark brown hair. She was plump at around 187 pounds and had bright green eyes. It was for her he was trying to get his life back on track as he was finally looking for a new job. He only had experience in security so he tried to look for a nice security job that was a desk job rather than a standing around and maybe chasing people jobs at his current weight. He was having no luck though as he looked for a whole month before he had a hit. However the job listing surprised him. The job was a sitting desk job in security but it was for the old abandoned pizza place, apparently a new owner was attempting a reopening of the brand.
“Maybe if nothing else comes up I’ll apply” Harry sighed as he kept on searching. But after another solid month he gave up and had to apply for the only job he had found, it was ideal as it was a desk job, plus he barely had to interact with people.

A week later he heard back from them that he had the job, his acceptance had been sent via e-mail.
“Hello Mr Miles,
You have been accepted for the position as security guard at the new and improved Rabbit Run Pizza. Your uniform will consist of a simple plain grey button up shirt and black trousers with black tie. The current security system is an older model using VHs tapes but we will be looking at upgrading in the near future. The start date is on Monday the 5th and we’ll see you then”
Harry read that, Monday 5th was in 4 days’ time.
“Congrats babe” Stacy said once Harry told her about it.
“Thanks, I just gotta go and buy my uniform now. How is Europe?” Harry asked. Stacy was currently on vacation and was traveling Europe with a friend whilst he was house sitting for her.

“Hot and nice, sucks you couldn’t join us, but I understand why” Stacy said.
“Hopefully next year I’ll be able too. I have been getting better with my anxiety” Harry sighed. He felt like he could be a better boyfriend to her if he wasn’t like he was, but he knew he couldn’t help it.
“Let’s hope, oh Lunch is here, I’ll love you and leave you, kisses” Stacy said as she blew kisses into the phone and then hung up. Harry made his way out to get his uniform as he still kept looking over his shoulder every 5 minutes; it was a habit he had developed. Despite his sister, Stacy and his therapist assuring him the chances of him being kidnapped again was extremely small he still couldn’t help it. Thankfully the clothes shop he used was fairly empty when he entered. He found the shirts and found a simple medium grey and grabbed a few sizes to try on and did the same with the trousers. It had been a long time since he wore anything other than stretchy clothing.

Stepping into a changing room he slipped off his hoodie and sweat pants. He looked into the mirror and sighed. He was unrecognizable from a year ago. His rounded face had a thick double chin and puffy cheeks now. His arms were thick and wobbled. He had developed moobs now too as his belly was like a large beach ball. His ass was wider than ever and fuller as his thighs were touching half was down to his knees. He was fat overall and looked very round in the middle most. He thought briefly of Victor, his kidnapper and how he would love to see the consequences of his handy work right now. It frustrated him as he had promised to start losing weight once he stared his job. He already had a black tie at home to use so he didn’t need to buy a new one at least. He found his size and paid for them before he headed home and found his black tie among his things.
“Guess I should tell Rebecca too” Harry said as he texted her about his new job. She was overjoyed as she wished him luck.
“I know you’ll be fine”
“Thanks Sis”
Harry smiled, he was always close with Rebecca but the last year they had gotten closer. She had been there for him through it all before he met Stacy; in fact Rebecca was the one who pushed him to ask her out.

The weekend passed by fast as he felt anxious but knew he needed to do this. He was working the evening shifts of 5PM to 5AM so at least so he didn’t have to get up too early. He spent it trying to keep relaxed as he did a few test trips to the old Rabbit Run Pizza to get used to walking to work, he had decided to walk to try and get fitter again. Monday he awoke mid-day and showered before he shaved and cleaned himself up a little as he cut his shaggy hair back to his short spiked up look. It made him look like a plumped up version of how he looked a year ago. He ate lunch and then made and packed a small meal to take with him when he got hungry and changed into his black trousers and grey shirt.
“Right, I have got this” Harry said to himself in a mirror as he did his tie up. It was 4PM now as he locked up and began his walk to the Pizza place. He passed by people and was thankful he had taken his anxiety meds as he arrived at the outskirts of town by 4:40.

He was already feeling tired and was panting a little as he was already a little out of breath.
“Geez I’m so out of shape” Harry huffed as he finally saw the Pizza place in sight.
“Nearly there” he huffed as he slowed up a bit and saw the sun was beginning to set. He arrived at the gate and saw it was a combination pad lock. He got a slip of paper out of his pocket and used the combination they had given him and unlocked the gate. He relocked it behind him per his instructions and walked towards the main building. It was already 4:55 as he put in the door code and entered the building. It was dark as he pulled out his phone and turned on flashlight mode as he walked through the lobby. He saw the old stage with a couple of the old worn down animatronic on it, the centre animatronic of Vanessa Rabbit was missing though. He walked passed as he got a closer look at the two remaining characters of Kitty Kat and Walter Bark. Both were run down and their outer suits were beginning to rot and decay, he could see the endo skeletons and wires through the gaps in the material.

“Wow this place is more run down then I thought” Harry said before he walked away from the stage and headed down another hallway towards the security office. It was at the end of the hallway by the kitchen and opposite the old managers’ office. He opened the door to the smallish room with a small desk with an old security system with three monitors with switch board for the various cameras. He closed the door and put his bag down as he saw an envelope with his written on it placed on the desk. He opened it and saw a printed out letter that seemed to be instructions on the buildings systems.
“Mr Harry Miles.
You’ll find the main breaker for the power in your office; the power can be temperamental and may dip from time to time making the lights flicker.
Best of luck, Management”

Harry turned around and after a few minutes found the main breaker and flipped it up as he heard the thud and hum of the generator as the cameras flicked on. All the lights followed too though they did seem a bit dimmer but the bulbs were still older ones he reminded himself. He finally sat down and saw the screens were a little fuzzy but clear enough to see what was going on as he flicked through the camera buttons to familiarise himself with where the cameras were in the building. He flicked over and saw the middle monitor show the main stage with the two animatronics.
“That’s kind of creepy” Harry said as he flipped the camera and saw one pointing right at his office door. He set up his portable radio and then began to relax as he had his flask of tea with him. He had little to do other than keep people out as he read though a book he had brought with him.

Three hours passed by as he read and had a few cups of tea. As he checked the camera again, he had taken to doing this every few minutes, the lights flickered and he sighed as the monitors went fuzzy. He had to wait for the lights to stop flickering as sat back and closed his eyes. He had his back to the monitors as they were fuzzy and also down for the moment as very quickly the lights stopped and the cameras were also back up. Harry sighed as he looked back at the monitor and paused watching the stage camera as one of the animatronics was absent.
“What the….” Harry said as he heard a thudding noise from down the hall. He felt his belly rumble and looked up at the clock seeing it was almost 10PM. He ignored his belly as he was cycling through the camera feeds panicking. He could not see the missing animatronic anywhere as he returned to the stage camera and now saw the second was gone too.
“No way is this happening” Harry said.

He was frantically searching the cameras when suddenly he could smell fresh pizza as his belly growled again. He put a hand on his round belly as he felt a small hunger pang.
“Not now, where the hell are they?” Harry asked as his belly growled loudly as he was getting hungry. He flicked though and found the kitchen camera as he then spotted on of the animatronics walking through the room before it stopped to look up at the camera slowly. Harry sat back quickly as he stared as fear, panic and anxiety flooded his mind. They knew he was watching them.
“Shit……Shit….Shit” Harry muttered as he couldn’t think straight as his belly growled again. Between the growing smell of the pizza making him hungrier by the minute and the panic he was all over the place.
“Why am I suddenly so hungry?” Harry asked himself as it was a huge distraction right now. He was about to keep flicking through the cameras when He stopped when he heard heavy footsteps coming down the hall way outside towards his office.

Harry stood up and walked over to the door and locked quickly it as he heard the footsteps come closer. He stepped back from the door as he heard the footsteps came to a stop right outside of his door as he saw a shadow from under the door. The other thing that had come closer too was the strong smell of fresh baked pizza which made his belly growl loudly and painfully. He felt like he was starving as his mind kept drifting to the desire to eat that pizza but he shook his head, now wasn’t the time. As he was thinking he saw the shadow move and head back down the hallway as the footsteps then began to walk away as Harry listened to them grow fainter before he could no longer hear the anymore. Harry felt his legs give out as he collapsed against the door tired already. He slid down to sit on the floor and was panting as he was starting to really panic about the situation. As he sat there he found himself relaxing suddenly as the fresh smell of pizza once again hovered across his nose. The pizza had clearly he thought been left outside is office.

His belly growled again loudly demanding to be fed. Was it possible, he thought, that the smell of the pizza was calming him down? His belly growled again as he felt pain this time and also felt his mind slowly start to fog over a little as he felt drowsy.
“So Hungry……but…….Must…….Resist…..Pizza he said as he found he suddenly had no energy. He didn’t know what was going on here but it for sure wasn’t normal. Sitting there Harry tried to clear his mind but his belly was keeping it on food as he felt his willpower begin to dwindle. All the suggestions to just eat and be fat flooded back to his mind in force after so many months of being silent. He kept having hunger pangs as after 10 minutes he finally gave up. He was just too hungry and too tired to resist the temptation for any longer. He sat back and unlocked the door to see that two pizzas had been left in their boxes outside of his office door. He grabbed them and made his way across the room to sit in his chair as he placed the pizzas on the desk.

As he opened the first box he noticed that despite how long he had waited to eat them, they were still warm and still smelt fresh despite the time that had passed. But he didn’t care right now as he shoved the first slice into his mouth.
“So…Hungry…so Delicious” He moaned before he scarfed the rest of the slice in one. It tasted like heaven as he quickly moved onto the next, and then the next. With each slice he was eating he didn’t notice as his shirt began to tighten around his belly more as it was getting bigger and even his trouser waist band was digging in more. The whole of the first pizza was eaten in under just a few minutes as he didn’t hesitate to move on to the second pizza. He didn’t pay any attention as he moved on to the second pizza that small gaps began to form between his shirt buttons as pale fat began to show proudly as his belly gurgled and bubbled. Harry was eating like a man possessed by sheer gluttony and hunger now.

He had never been this hungry before as his shirt really began to tighten around his belly as even his ass and was looking wider now beginning to overflow the chair sides. He belched loudly and sat back once he was done and he looked packed tight into his uniform now, it looked close to bursting off of him. He felt stuffed and sleepy as his eye lids began to close.
“Must…Stay…Awake” he said under his breath before he could stop himself falling asleep entirely. When he re awoke he was no longer in his office as he looked around and saw he was tied to a metal famed bed once again with a long purple velvet curtain draped in a circle around him that swept the floor from the ceiling. He saw a gap in the curtain about a meter wide in front of him and could see nothing but darkness beyond the opening. The only light in the room was the one above him.
“Where am I now? Hello!” Harry called as he saw a shape move in the darkness.
“Awake are you? Good I see you’ve fattened up nicely since we last saw each other” the voice said. It chilled Harry to the core hearing that voice again, the voice of a dead man.
6 chapters, created StoryListingCard.php 2 weeks , updated 1 week
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Beatlemaster... 2 weeks
Fun story, excited to see where things go.
DamnGood27 2 weeks
Very interesting, I can't wait to read the next chapters