Fed from beyond the grave

Chapter 4: Harry’s Defeat

Harry remained asleep for most of the following day before waking up a little groggy still. He was still tied to the metal bed and was just as naked as he had been when he had popped and torn out of his uniform. Looking down at his now morbidly obese body Harry couldn’t help feel conflicted by it. It was heavy and harder to move having gotten so big so fast as he tried to move his legs which made his large belly wobble and jiggle as he felt kind of nice before he blushed and shook his head. This wasn’t his choice and he refused to give in to what Victor wanted, for him to accept being a large fatty for the rest of his days,
“Why bother fighting when you know it’s inevitable you’ll get fatter anyway. Why not enjoy it?” a small voice said in his head as he shook his head to ignore it.

He looked around as he was still in the room with the round curtained area as he looked at the exit gap and saw it clearer than last night. The two animatronics were still stood there, still enough that he didn’t know if they were awake or not. But then he saw it, at the top just in view was a small rectangle window covered in dust and grim yet he could still make out enough to see he was in a basement of some kind in the old restaurant. He could see the window was at street level as he saw the burning orange sky, it was late evening now. He sighed; still he didn’t see a way out of this as he saw the sky begin to darken as the sun was setting.
“Are we awake yet honey?” Harry darted open. Through the opening in the curtain he could see the looming large shadow of Victor waddling towards him slowly as the sun continued to set into darkness now obscuring any shadows beyond the curtain.

The heavy footsteps continued as each thudded before through the dark gap he saw Victor emerge belly first. Harry’s eyes went wide; Victor had a pink lace apron tied over the fat bunny suit in what was no doubt another attempt to appear more alluring and feminine. Victor posed on the spot,
“So how do I look? I hope you slept well as I have more fatty fun planned for tonight” Victor said, Victor was still using the robotic Vanessa voice as Harry said nothing as Victor waddled slowly towards him on the bed. Victor was talking in a far sweeter and gentler tone now, trying to pretend his outburst the previous night had never happened Harry knew. Harry still found it sickly sweet as it was undeniably forced. Victor giggled,
“Playing tough still are we? Why fight it when you know you can’t do anything and even you have to admit your body clearly likes this” Victor said as he crawled on the bed as it creaked dangerously under both of their weights.

Harry thought the bed would break but was surprised as Victor crawled up and tried to make sure His suits cleavage was showing. Settling on his legs, Victor stopped his belly pressed into Harry’s before he ran a pudgy finger gently down Harry’s belly before ending at his nether regions as Harry tried to ignore how he knew his body would react. He wouldn’t let his body react to this twisted psychopath. Victor then jiggled his belly with his free hand as Harry gave a small grunt as Victor giggled feeling how Harry’s penis had gone erect.
“See you like this just as I said you would” there was a small amount of triumph in that robotic female voice as Harry once more heard that small voice in his head and tried to silence it. Sure he couldn’t deny a part of him liked this, but this is not how he would have chosen to do this, against his will and boundaries as he knew he would get far fatter than he would have even contemplated this way.

“Well either way I have some more fattening fun for you tonight” Victor said slipping off of him and off the bed. Harry had no doubt as Victor waddled back out of the gap to retrieve something. Harry put his head back and gave a heavy sigh, god only knew how much fatter he would be by the end of tonight. He looked up at the scales again, 415 pounds, he put that down to the remainder of the milkshakes digesting and turning to fat after Victor had left him alone last night. He once again heard the heavy footsteps and braced himself as Victor came waddling back in with what appeared to be a feeding tube, but it was connected to what looked like a pump and Harry sighed knowing what was to come as sure enough, the other two animatronics pushed and pulled a large container on a trolley towards him as well.

“Thought this would be sexy” Victor giggled as he put the pump on the table beside the bed, the trolley also now pulled up to beside the bed. Once the other two animatronics left them to return to guarding the place, Victor crawled back on top of Harry the bed creaking again. Harry gulped, back when they had talked online Harry had let slip a fattening fantasy here and there and being tube fed to fatness was one of them as Harry knew his resistance would be tested.
“I remember a few of you little feedee dreams and so I think you should go ahead and live and enjoy them after all. Comfortable?” Victor moved to lie further atop of Harry, his fur suits belly now squashed into his own. Harry said nothing as he also knew resisting would end badly, and that voice in the back of his head was tempting him that he may as well live his dreams.

“Aww cute, open wide” Victor giggled flirtily as Harry weighing his options fast opted to not fight back and open his mouth. Harry felt the tube slowly slide down his throat as he relaxed in order to not choke. Once the tube was secured and fully pushed down all the way to Harry’s stomach, Victor gave Harry’s belly a shake and gentle slap and then giggled once more.
“You are going to love this cutie” Victor said as Harry did nothing but lay back before Victor pushed a button to star the pump. Harry closed his eyes as he felt the tube begin to pulse and the tube go cold as the chilled thick liquid pumped its way through. Harry tried not to think about it but gave an involuntary jolt when he felt it hit his stomach and begin to fill him out.

Harry felt full quickly but once more that slight fogginess engulfed his mind as he felt his body relax utterly. Victor kept on rubbing his belly as it filled out,
“That’s it now let it fill you up, and out” Victor giggled as Harry could already feel it doing just that. The liquid was already piling the pounds on as his body gurgled and churned as it digested the creamy liquid as his belly filled up and outwards. His moobs were becoming rounder and softer and his face began to fill out even more.
“There’s a good little fat boy. Just lay back and enjoy this” Victor said gently as Harry began to grunt. Victor would have been grinning widely if he still had a mouth as he watched the effects of the feeding. He watched as Harry’s belly grew rounder and flabbier and wider as he arms too were puffing up more, his legs thickening and face growing plumper and fuller. Victor put out a hand and groped Harry’s moobs as they too were growing rounder and larger as Victor giggled.

Victor looked up at the scale and giggled. Harry was blowing up in weight fast as Victor jiggled and slapped Harry’s belly. 447……..486…..538………….it went up and up as Victor cuddled up to Harry’s filling belly as he rubbed it and could hear the bubbling and churning inside his belly. Victor gave a press and heard a fart emit from underneath the blob Harry’s ass and belly had become and giggled.
“Aww someone is a cute gassy fatty” Victor cooed. Harry wasn’t paying attention; to his dismay his mind was not resisting but rather enjoying this far too much. He felt his body get heavier and rounder by the second. In his mind he could see it though, his body growing fatter and flabbier, his body trapped more and more under its new weight. He couldn’t help but remember all the old dreams as the voice came back as he imagined Vanessa Rabbit and imagined her doing this to him over Victor’s twisted version. Why did it feel so good? And why was he okay with this if it was like that?

He was on the verge of giving up completely until his mind finally began to fight back. His mind turned to Stacy, how she would cuddle him and how she didn’t mind that he was a little on the fat side before this happened. An odd thought crossed his mind as he pictured Stacy doing this in Victor’s place and found he actually wouldn’t have minded, at least with her this would have been done on his terms, he would have more control over this unlike now. This psychopath would undeniably make him far fatter than even he would have ever wanted had he gone through with it.
“Hmmmm…Hmmmmmm” Harry moaned and groaned Victor continued to play with Harry’s expanding belly and moobs. Victor giggled,
“That’s it enjoy it and be spoiled and get as fat and obese as you want” Victor said as Harry kept Stacy in mind to try and keep some sense of his sanity.

Victor was happy with his work as the pump ceased and all the liquid was inside Harry as he was 668 pounds now.
“Wow look at you cutie, so fat, so huge, come on tell me you don’t like this?” Victor said as Harry took deep breaths as Victor pulled the tube out slowly. Harry was too breathless as she suddenly felt the real weight of his body before he gave a loud and gassy belch.
“Awwww so soft and cute, like a marshmallow….” Victor jiggled his belly and went to reach up for Harry’s moobs when he stopped, did he just hear a noise from outside? With unusual speed given the size of the suit he was wearing. Victor turned to look at the basement window just outside the small gap in the curtains. Was he imagining things or had someone been there, watching through the basement window?

Victor slipped off of the bed and from Harry carefully as he sighed and gave Harry’s belly a last playful pat.
“Well I’ll leave you to sleep now babe, I promise I will make you happy that you’ll never want for anything else again other than to be a big fat blob like you’re becoming if you let me” Victor said in a gentle loving tone. Harry felt too tired to say anything as through half closed he watched Victor slip of the creaking bed and then waddle away through the dark gap once more. He could feel his belly still digesting the last of the shake as he soon enough succumbed to sleep. All his old dreams came back to him as he slept. Every fat dream he had ever had played out before him as they were only more real given his situation in real life weighing a good half ton now.

Harry woke up the following evening again as he saw the familiar sight of the setting sun through the tiny window outside of his confined area. His belly gave a loud growl as he blushed, he was really hungry, which given he weighed 685 pounds it wasn’t too surprising he had the appetite now to match.
“Damn it, I could eat” Harry sighed before he spotted he was surrounded by food on tables around the bed as his belly growled again. Harry went to sit up and expected the pull of the ropes on his fat wrists, only they weren’t there. His arms were free as he was sat there naked and fat on the bed.
“What the….” Harry said as he finally felt how heavy his arms were now that he could move them about. His belly growled again demanding food as he needed to eat, he hated it but he couldn’t deny how hungry he was anymore.

He grabbed the first pastry and scarfed it down and moaned at the fluffy texture and creamy filling. He grabbed another and another greedily as he ate and ate. He was so entrapped by the taste of the food that he didn’t notice how his body filled out that little more, how he got that little fatter with each pastry and burger that went into his belly. He was acting like the fatty he was, gluttonous and greedy. He didn’t notice how his arms grew heavier and fuller or how his moobs rounded and sagged, his face plumped up more, burying his already non-existent neck more under a round face and thick puffy shoulders.
“Hmmm….Hmmmm….” Harry moaned as he belched and farted rubbing his growing belly as the sky darkened completely as the hours went by. Finally Harry lay back against the metal head board and pillows as he felt stuffed, he had not paid attention to how much he had eaten or how much fatter he had gotten until now.

He looked down at himself and froze before he looked up at the scales and his eyes went wide. 889 pounds, Harry was stunned, he was bed bound now, and he had eaten himself to that point by himself as he looked around and saw all the tables empty and barren.
“Looks like someone was super hungry?” Harry closed his eyes as he knew what he had done, he had slipped and let his resolves waver enough for him to give into his inner fatty and lose control. Victor came waddling into view as he waddled over to Harry and patted his mountain like belly.
“You ate everything and got so huge” Victor giggled. Harry was horrified at himself, and that fact he had enjoyed it. Victor waddled behind Harry and then hugged him from behind taking care to cup Harry’s massive moobs and jiggle them as Harry hated how good it felt to have his moobs played with.

“Damn you” Harry moaned as Victor gave his moobs a gentle squeeze. Victor giggled as he leant down closer to Harry’s face,
“Now come on, I want to hear you say it” Victor whispered flirtily in Harry’s ear as he felt a quiver run down his spine. Harry panted and bit his lip as Victor kept on playing with his fat as he hated that he wanted to say it and that he was going to.
“I…….You win………Just keep feeding me food, I am a Fatty I can’t lie anymore I was always meant to be a big fat blob” Harry felt the last of his spirit die with those words. Victor gave a cry of happiness as he danced around the bed before climbing on top of Harry,
“Then I will make sure to keep you well fed my cute little fatty” Victor said with glee as Harry didn’t care anymore, he was fat and that’s was what he will be forever now.
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Beatlemaster... 2 weeks
Fun story, excited to see where things go.
DamnGood27 2 weeks
Very interesting, I can't wait to read the next chapters