Ned and claire a gaining story

Chapter 2

“Claire, does it bother you that I’m so fat now?” She giggled and poked my belly, “no Ned it doesn’t, I seem to be attracted to heavier guys since I gained all this weight. I’d love to hear how you gained so much weight, it’s weird since I’ve gained weight I’m fascinated to hear how others have gained.” “I’ll tell you if you tell me how you gained.” She giggled, poking my belly and patting her’s, “deal.”

We got to the buffet, I paid the fee and we broke for the lines. We both loaded trays to the point we had trouble carrying them. We went back for seconds, thirds and a fourth trip before getting a tray of desserts. Both of us sitting back rubbing our respective, bulging bellies, “Ned, tell me how did you gain all this weight.” She poked my engorged belly, giggling how firm it was stuffed.

“Claire, I’ve always been a big eater, given my parents are both morbidly obese, at our house it’s hard not to overeat. I got to University and I loved the cafeteria food and it was open like eighteen hours a day. I ate when I felt the least bit hungry. That accounted for my first ten pounds. I rushed a fraternity and joined. Our cook was a morbidly obese lady of color, who was and is the nicest person I have ever met. She loved overweight young men. She made sure that all of us “chubby” guys got all we could eat and more. That accounts for my next fifteen pounds.” I finished an ice cream sundae and started in on a large slice of cheese cake.

“Ned tell me about all the weight you gained with your grandmother?” “Claire, I’m getting to that. When I got home from University, my mom teased me about all the weight I gained, then she got serious, she told me that her mom was having a very hard time after my grandfather died last year. He weighed over four hundred pounds. My grandmother had a lot to do with why he was so fat. She was really gaining weight, and my mom was worried that she would either eat herself to death or become immobile. She asked me, “Ned I want you to go stay with grandma this summer and eat her out of house and home.” I protested, “Mom I’ll get huge staying with her.” My mom giggled, poked my belly, “Ned, so what, I know you are enjoying getting fat, so just let grandma feed you all summer. I know you will have the best summer staying with her.” I chuckled, I actually got a little aroused when she said that.”

“I left for my grandmother’s house the very next day. She lives in Florida, very near a beach and she has an in-ground swimming pool. Mom told me to pack only t-shirts, bathing suits and briefs, she said the weigh I’ll be eating nothing I bring will fit in a few days anyway. When I arrived at her house, any doubt about what I would be doing all summer was dispelled immediately. She had put on at least fifty more pounds from the last time I saw her. She admonished me that I was so skinny and led me into the kitchen. The table was covered with rich fattening food, she started serving and I started eating, and eating and eating. I had six meals day, with nearly constant snacking and nibbling in between. The first week I felt stuffed and engorged, but by the middle of the second week of eating, I was getting hungry only an hour or so after a binge.”

“Oh my god Ned, that’s amazing you only gained fifty pounds. The amount you and your grandmother were eating, I would have thought you would have gained eighty or one hundred pounds!” I chuckled, “I know, I thought I would be weigh over three hundred pounds, the weigh my grandmother was feeding me. Okay, now it’s your turn, how did you get this awesome figure?”

Claire patted her belly, “Ned, you know my parents got divorced. My dad was a total asshole to my mom. He was having an affair with his secretary, a skinny little bitch. His lawyer took mom to the cleaners accusing her of mental cruelty and other nasty things. Mom was left with nearly nothing. She got a job at Perkins Restaurant and Bakery as a waitress. She didn’t really like it, but the money was okay. One problem though was all the baked goods and left over food. She started to nibble here and there. She was pretty depressed and the eating was calming. Of course she started to put on weight. Most of the other waitresses were heavy or even obese, so her gaining wasn’t a big deal there anyway. Even on her days off, she was eating. I was home, bored out of my mind, since I couldn’t go to University because my father got my college money too. Mom would badger me into eating with her and soon I was putting on weight too. I did manage to enroll at the community college and got my CNA, so at least was out of the house. I think if I was home most of day, I would be a lot bigger then I am now . I’m still living at home, so I haven’t lost any weight, my mom sees to that.”

“Claire, how do you really feel about your weight?” “Ned, I’m embarrassed to admit it, but I’m starting too really like being fat.” I laughed, “Come on Claire, admit, you really love being fat now don’t you?” She blushed bright red, “Yes Ned, you’re right I really love being fat. I lied earlier, I still eat with my mom, I’m not dieting or even watching what I eat.” “Claire, are you and your mom pretty much eating all the time?” She giggled, “Ned you really know your fat girls, yes, Mom and I stuff ourselves whenever we’re at home.”

She poked my belly again, “Okay Ned come clean, how do you feel about being fat?” I laughed, “Claire I fricking love it!” My mom was so right when she sent me to grandmother’s house, she knew I was enjoying myself on University and frat house food.”

We sat at our table holding hands in between the dirty dishes littering our table, “So what are we going to do about our desires to keep getting fat?” I asked. Claire teared up, “Ned I want you so bad after I saw you in your tight briefs with your awesome belly bulging over the waist band.” “Claire I don’t want to let you out of my sight, you’re so hot, I love your body!”

We left holding hands, in the car some very serious heavy fondling. I dropped her off at her mom’s house.
Her mom asked, “How was your date with Ned, dear? I’m surprised you’re out so late.” “Mom it was great, he’s so sweet and considerate, and mom he’s so fat now, I’m really falling for him.”

I got home, my mom asked me, “How was your date with Claire, it really late Ned.” “Mom it was awesome, I’m falling in love with her, she’s such a little sweetie.” Mom giggled, “And fat to boot too.”
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