Ann's folly ( a tennis star )

Chapter 1 - A love affair

Her lips investigated the soft skin of his neck and the contours of his ear. Her shoulders pressed against his chest. The small of her lower back fit nicely over the swell of his enjoyment. They sat comfortably on a bed of grass. She dared not move an inch away from the enclosure between his legs. She stared down onto the tennis courts, with her hand caressing his left cheek and her’s pressed against the other. Her two worlds came together. A spectacle of fireworks raged in her mind; This was perfect. Oh, so perfect.
She looked up at him, yearning to meet his gaze, to seal away such a moment in time, forever. But he only stared forward, unyielding to her silent cries of affection.

“Watchya thinkin’ about? She finally said to him.

Her words grounded him back to reality. “Hmm? Oh, uh, nothing. I was just thinking about you,” he replied.

“Good. I hope you enjoyed it. I want to please you, even in your daydreams.”

She nestled into his chest, her small frame lying motionless. She offered all of herself to him, entrusted him with all her heart. She felt safe in his protection. He stroked her hair. Soft, curly, and dark. Her tan skin glistened gold in the fading sunset light.

“Oh, don’t worry. Trust me, you do. More than you could ever know.”

Ann and James met at a college party. It was Halloween weekend. Ann’s roommate, Jane, introduced him to her. The two were psychology majors, and James was in her abnormal psych class this semester. Jane quickly found him to be oddly attractive and quick-witted. However, since she claimed to be an incredibly loyal long-distance girlfriend, she offered to introduce him to her new roommate.

“You know, I think you should meet my roommate, Ann, she’s the sweetest little thing, and she’s a cute tennis player. I just know you two would hit it off.” She petitioned him one day after class. She showed him a picture of her on the tennis courts.

“Oh, well she’s cute and all but, I just don’t know if she’s really my type.”

“My guy, do you not see this specimen? My roommate is the cutest thing in the world, and she keeps rejecting these other guys left and right because she keeps complaining, ‘Oh, I don’t have enough time, wah, too much drama, wah!’ She needs to get a grip if you ask me, like, c’mon, it’s college—and that goes for you too, buddy. I guarantee she’ll say yes if I vouch for you. Trust me, you won’t regret it.”

James took another look at her picture, and took a moment to think. Jane could see the curiosity in his eyes. He started to grin ever so slightly. Ultimately, he agreed.

The Halloween party kicked off in a large house just outside of campus. The street was made up of mostly fraternities and students living off-campus. A frequent stop for all students looking to get away from the stress of classes and homework, and drink themselves away to a blissful weekend. Ann was reluctant to go, but Jane was insistent.

“You’ve only been to one party this whole semester and you went home early. I don’t want to keep going out with whore Emily, she’s getting on my nerves. Please, please do this just once for me.”

“Ugh, Fine. But just this once, I can’t make this a habit. I have matches this week and my coach would be furious if she knew that I was doing this in season.” Ann replied. Not knowing what Jane was planning.

Halfway through the party, the two girls found James and Jane manage to pull him away from his friend group.

“Oh hi James, it’s so funny seeing you here. Ann this is James, he’s in one of my psych classes. James this is my roommate I was telling you about, Ann.”

James smiled, offering her a soft greeting and a wave. “Hey”

“Oh, uh, haha, hey.” Ann replied in confusion.
Even a couple drinks in, she was still awkwardly taken aback by the surprise introduction.

“Well I’m goona get us some more drinks have fun you two!”

“Wait what?” Ann said. Still kind of confused as to what her roommate was doing. Is she trying to set me up with this guy? She thought to herself. ‘I mean, I can’t lie he is pretty attractive. Dark hair, friendly smile, and … piercing blue eyes—Oh.’ Ann didn’t realize she has been staring at him for a couple seconds now.

James let out a laugh. “Oh I see, your roommate didn’t tell you about me at all did she?”

She snapped out of it. “Uh what? Oh uh yeah no, no she didn’t. Sorry if I uh—”

“It’s fine, don’t worry about it. She didn’t tell me much about you either. She only suggested that I meet her cute roommate. I guess I agreed.”

Ann’s cheeks flushed with embarrassment.
“Oh my god, ah. I’m so sorry, I hope she didn’t say anything stupid, please don’t tell me she showed you a picture.”

“Haha, oh yeah, I’m sorry she showed me. She said it was the most embarrassing picture she could find.” James lied, but still curious to what that would be. The thought made him laugh again.

Ann gasped in shock. “What! No way, I’ll kill her.”

James could barely contain his laughter now. “No, haha, no no I’m just joking. She only showed me your tennis photo I swear.”
Ann breathed a visible sigh of relief. “Thank God.”

“Well hey, it’s nice to meet you for sure, but we don’t have to make your roommate happy if you don’t want to. I was just about to get going anyway.” James said.

She didn’t know if it was the alcohol or something deeper, but something clicked inside her. She knew what she wanted. ‘Fuck it’ she thought to herself.

“No wait… I’ll deal with my roommate later. Why don’t we go someplace quieter, and actually get to know each other.”

“I was hoping you’d say that. You are a lot cuter in person.”

Ann blushed and took his hand. Guiding him through the party and outside. To Jane’s amusement, she didn’t see her roommate until she returned back to the dorm later that evening.

Six months later, Ann found herself laying on a bed of grass. Her shoulders pressed against his chest. His arms wrapped around her tight waist. She looked up at his eyes, a blue sea of wonder. She yearned to meet his gaze, to seal away such a moment in time, forever. But he only stared forward, unyielding to her silent cries of affection.

“Watchya thinkin’ about? She finally said to him.

Her words grounded him back to reality. “Hmm? Oh, uh, nothing. I was just thinking about you,” he replied.

“Good. I hope you enjoyed it. I want to please you, even in your daydreams.”

She nestled into his chest, her small frame lying motionless. She offered all of herself to him, entrusted him with all her heart. She felt safe in his protection. His dark hair and fair skin glistened gold in the light of the setting sun.

“Oh, don’t worry. Trust me, you do. More than you could ever know.”

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Hoped y'all enjoyed the first chapter. Sorry if it's a slow burn. The good stuff begins next chapter. So hopefully y'all stick around. And of course this is free. This is just writing practice for me. I really hope y'all like it.
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