Ann's folly ( a tennis star )

Chapter 2 - The Observant Roomate

The library was filled to the brim with students trying to fail with dignity in their last moments before finals week. The anxious flaps of limbs and the nervous taps of keyboards, pens, and tears onto the old wooden tables gnawed at Jane.

“Ugh what’s the use, I might as well just give up now,” Jane said, closing her thick textbook with a hard thud disturbing the quiet roomscape. She looked up at Ann sitting across from her, somehow not surprised that the sound hadn’t affected her in the slightest. Yet again a moment comes to her where she wishes she had never introduced her to James. She leaned into the table staring at her absent-minded friend, beckoning her attention.

“Did you hear that Ann? I’m dropping out. And also, my Grandma died. And I fucked my professor. And I punched a baby… and I uh— Jesus Christ Ann will you snap out of it already!”

Jane witnessed Ann’s soul come back to her body.

“Oh sorry Jane. What did you say?” Ann asked non-inquisitively.

“Ugh, nevermind… I’ll tell you what, I don’t know how in the world he does it, but that boy’s got an insane grip on you. Every time he’s around you can’t take your hands off the man, and at the rare times y’all ain't together, you just sit here, head in the clouds, thinking you know who. And don’t tell me that’s not what you were thinking of, I know you. It’s like even when you're here… you’re not here. You know?

As Ann’s relationship progressed, Jane grew concerned for her roommate. In the first couple of months, Ann was consistent with her studies and her tennis matches. She wouldn’t dare let someone, even James, tear down what she has worked so hard to build. She was an honor student and recently made captain of the team. Jane would often go and watch her home matches. She never failed to spot James sitting in the top of the stands closest to her. However, Jane did enjoy spending time with her fellow classmates. By all accounts, when He was away from Ann, Jane found him funny and oddly comforting to be around. He had such an openness about him that was hard to explain.

During the holidays, she watched closely as they began to grow closer to each other. She killed her freshman season, even making it into the second round of the tournament, only to lose pretty badly to a highly-ranked senior. However, the tennis season was over, and so were finals. Day by day with compounding frequency, Ann was away for longer and longer. Jane couldn’t help but feel a bit hurt. Her own relationship continued to be strained by the distance that separated them. It gave her no respite from the loneliness she felt. Though soon the semester came to a close. All three of them returned home to their respective families for the holidays.

When the two roommates returned, they both shared a strong embrace, elated to finally be back. Although she loathed her studies, she cursed winter break for being so long. She was happy to be back. She noticed Ann looked about the same as when they had left. Ann stood at about five foot five. She had quite the athletic build, with not an ounce of fat on her body. If any were present, they might have been relegated to the upper portion of her torso, just below her collarbone. A c cup stood out prominently on the girl’s small frame. If Jane were to guess, she’d say she weighed around 125, 130 at most. A bit of a contrast to herself. Jane stood at around five foot seven. She never had much interest in sports, but she went to the gym occasionally and never ate that much to begin with. She came to school at around 135. Unfortunately for her, after break was over, the number seemed to climb up to around 141. A measly six pounds was nothing to worry herself over, though it was certainly a new phenomenon. ‘My god does this woman ever put on weight.’ Jane thought to herself. However, she quickly realized the jealousy in her thoughts.

‘No, I’m just reflecting my own insecurities. Obviously, I don’t play tennis and workout like a madman but still, it’s ridiculous. Guess I’ll have to get back into the gym. Yes, a routine. I can finally have a routine. I’m glad to be back.’ She thought back to her own winter break. Jane and her boyfriend met up a couple of times back home, but ultimately she decided it was best to cut things off. She wanted more control and freedom. Surely the opposite of her roommate, she thought.

“I know I know, I’m really sorry, Jane. It’s just– no you’re right. I’ve really been slacking on my work haven’t I.

“I think you’ve been slacking on everything.” Jane replied coldly.

Though not… everything, she thought. Jane had begun to notice something that peaked her curiosity, the more she paid mind to it. She recalled back to the fall semester. For a girl active as her, Ann would eat fairly modestly. Most of the time she would opt for the healthier option. Keeping her portion size at bay. She never really had an interest in food, but Jane couldn’t help but notice that began to change over the spring semester.

They didn’t eat together nearly as often as they did during the fall. Considering all the time she began to spend with James. When they were so fortunate to eat together, it was hard for Jane not to notice. At first it was just a little extra. That turned into some generous portions, which now turned into what seemed to be double the portion. Not only that but fruit turned to chocolates, salads to chicken wings, and vegetables to, well more vegetables. And by god did this girl fucking love tacos.

There were only a couple things that remained constant. Her workouts for one, she did not let up. Even though it was off-season, she still continued to go hard in the gym and on the courts. If not harder than before. Secondly, her weight. For what Jane could see, that damn girl still didn’t gain a thing. If anything she put on a bit more muscle. With the gym and a consistent diet besides the occasional weekend part, Jane managed to slim back down to her normal weight. Nonetheless she still couldn’t imagine eating like Ann. She would be huge by now. Considering Ann’s ever increasing eating habits, the question of her stagnant physique puzzled Jane. Almost to the point of frustration. That is until now.

“Ugh, Ok I give up, my brains gonna implode. I think I’ll head back to the room and get some sleep” Ann exclaimed after an hour of ‘intense’ study.

“No worries, I’ll stay here for a little bit longer and finish this study guide. I’ll see ya later.”

“Cool, see ya.”

As Ann stood up and made her way to the exit behind her, Jane caught a glimpse of something that shocked her. Ann wore a loose fitting tennis hoody, so nothing could be made out from that. However, she happened to be wearing a pair of jeans that they had thrifted together last semester. To Jane’s surprise, they became much more tight fitting than she remembered. Ann never had much when it came to her lower half. Her hips were always a less pronounced feature of hers. Her butt was never flat, it normally remained nice and firm in her tight shorts. But they never made themselves known when contained under her tennis skirts.

Now, her hips desired to be noticed. Jutting out from the sides. Wrapped nicely in a denim veneer. Her butt was suffocated by the strained fabric. It effortlessly displayed the contours of her added plush, creasing below at the will of gravity. At this point, the subsequent movement came as no surprise. As she strutted away, each side seemed to move independently. ‘God damn, how did I not notice this before? That girl’s finally got an ass to her.’ Jane thought quietly to herself. She stared intently, as she made her way out of the library.

“About damn time!” Jane said aloud. She was then hit back with a louder ‘SHH!’ from a passing librarian.

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Hi Y'all, Thanks for reading. Hope y'all are enjoying. If you have any suggestions feel free to leave a comment. I'll have the next chapter up soon.
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