Ann's folly ( a tennis star )

Chapter 3 - A Night of Ecstacy

The first night of Ann’s return overflowed her mind with pure, unadulterated ecstasy. It began with an invitation.

“My room, eight o’clock… I want you.” James sent a rather blunt text, but the message was well-received and well-understood.

Ann stared down at the phone screen. Warmth followed. Her mind and body responded as one.


The door opened—no words needed to be said. The door shut—the lock clicked. Their bodies collided with desperate hunger. His solid five-foot-ten frame engulfed her in a moment of raw passion. Her hands wrestled his shaggy hair as his hands slid down her thigh, lifting her with little effort. Her legs, strong as ever, strangled his waist. The heat between them increased—a wildfire was ignited. She released him, shoving him back onto the bed. He restrained himself for a moment quietly observing the show she so gracefully began.

The shirt was the first to depart, revealing her prized possessions. Her flat tummy and tight waist on full display. She flaunted her body, proud of her work. Her shorts were next, then the panties. Both slid off so gracefully with ease. She stood there for a moment, letting him suffer and take in the sight of her, his eyes roaming over every inch of her exposed skin. His gaze traced the lines of her toned abs, moving down to the gentle curve of her hips and down to her thighs, small in size but sculpted and smooth to perfection. She held off until she could no longer. Until she had given into those wanting eyes.

James began to undress himself with much more urgency but was quickly denied the privilege as Ann witnessed this and pounced on him. She leaned into him, whispering into his ear.

“No, let me.”

For tonight, he agreed—to let go. He surrendered control.

Ann’s patience had dwindled. She tore at him. Hastily ridding him of the confines of his shirt and jeans. She traced the outline of his abdomen down to his boxers. She discarded them slowly. The two drank in each other’s nakedness. Their exposed passion. His excitement below pleased her, and the amount to please excited her. They moved together in rhythm as one. With each moan of delight, each gasp of intoxicating pleasure, each powerful thrust of her hips sent her spiraling into ecstasy.

— —

“Let me guess, you were at James’ place.”

“Ya, sorry I forgot to tell you. His roommates weren’t back from break yet, so he invited me to stay the night.” Ann mentioned apologetically.

“Just let me know next time, so I’m not sitting here on my ass wondering if my roommate got hit by a truck or something.” Jane pleaded
“I know. I’m sorry” Ann sighed. She couldn’t help but feel a grin coming on as her mind shifted to last night. Oh if only she could have lived it forever.

“Ugh damnit.”

Ann looked over to see her roommate struggling with the button of her jeans. “What’s wrong?” She asked. Though, she could already tell. She made a note of the slightest bit of pudge on her tummy. Working overtime to prevent her from clasping together the two pieces of fabric.

“Its nothing. I think I just gained a couple pounds over winter break. Its fine though, these jeans were already tight to begin with.

This was an interesting novelty for Ann. She had never gained weight in her life, so she had never really experienced a scenario like this firsthand. But she felt compelled to help her Jane. “Here, why don’t you let me help.”

Jane was a bit taken aback at first. Still red-faced from the struggle, she replied, “Oh no, it’s fine. Don’t worry. I’ll just change into some yoga pants.”

“Oh c’mon it’s fine–here just—” Ann knelt down in front of her. She swatted away Jane’s hands and took hold of the two sides of the zipper.

Ann began to pull with all her might. “Damn these things really don’t wanna budge. Ok lemme—” Ann looked up at her roommate and stopped herself. Jane’s face grew pale. She was frozen still. She didn’t know what to do, or even how to feel. Ann cursed her ignorance. “Oh sorry, I didn’t mean—” Ann wanted to let go and leave her poor roommate alone, but something in her was determined to see this through. “wait let’s try this lay back on the bed.”

Ann’s blunt words brought redness back to Jane’s face. This whole time, Ann had never been this aggressive and touchy before. What is up with her, she thought. Ann did as she commanded and pulled the tight fabric up as far as she could. Ann grabbed hold once more.

“C’mon suck in.” Ann barked at her.

Jane couldn’t believe what was happening, but she was even more surprised that she was just—letting it happen. She didn’t resist. Why? Something stirred in her. She felt a warmness below, she hadn’t felt in a long time. She did as Ann wanted and sucked in as hard as she could. She could see her newly added pudge reverberate with every slight struggle. She winced in embarrassment. With a little effort, Ann was able to clasp the button successfully and pulled up the zipper as an added bonus.

“Ok, got it, finally. Well—” Ann looked at her roommate, still frozen on the bed. Ah! Damnit you got ahead of yourself again. You embarrassed the poor girl. She thought to herself. In a poor attempt to ease the awkwardness, she continued. “See, just needed an extra push. But hey you're welcome to come to the gym with me sometime if you want.” Only after did Ann realize what she said.

“Uh ya, I probably should, but uh—thanks. I better get going,” Jane replied shifting unconformably. She quickly got up and hurried out the door.

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I'm sorry I know it's slow but, we're getting there don't worry. Trust the process.
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