Ann's folly ( a tennis star )

Chapter 4 - Balls and Tacos


Ann smashed the ball with a powerful backhand sending it hurling toward the back corner. Unreachable. Game point. Three-love.


Ann raced to the other side of the court. She extended her body and sliced at the ball, grazing it and sending it tumble leisurely over the net. Game point. Four-love


Ann directed the serve down the line with a commanding forehand. Untouchable. Game point. Five-love.

“Ad In.”

With another dominant forehand from behind the back line, Ann had her opponent stretching for a desperate half-hazard return. An easy volley to the other end of the court. Game set. (6-0).

The two players made their way to the benches. Ann’s opponent fell into her seat and tossed her towel behind her begrudgingly. Ann looked over toward the stands. James sat in the top row. Her eyes widened, and her smile grew. She felt a warmth wash over her, and her legs grew weak. No, remember, keep your head in the game, she thought to herself.

The two returned to the practice match. Ann bounced around the court. Eager to finish this in two sets.

“Ad out.”

Ann sprinted toward the reciprocated forehand, barely getting a hold. A weak swing. Ripe for a powerful finishing blow toward the middle of the court. Game point. Love-one. This was a common theme for the set. Ann held the upper hand in terms of power and accuracy, but her stamina began to wane. This is bullshit, she thought to herself. Her steps began to feel heavy and off balance. They struggled on. Ann glanced over at the scoreboard affixed to the net. Four-four. Her opponents serve. Her chest heaved in and out. Sweat dripping on the surface below. She jostled her racket back and forth impatiently.

“Ad in!”
The serve was perfect. A flat strike toward the middle line, catching Ann flatfooted. An ace. Game point. Four-five.

Ann’s opponent, a sophomore on the team, appeared more energetic with each swing. Darting to balls that Ann thought would have otherwise been unreachable. Untouchable. Ann’s steps grew loud and forceful. Her body moved in slow motion. She lost the set and plopped her ass on the bench, gulping down water.

“Fucking hell.” I gotta get it together. It may only be a practice match, but I can’t let this girl show me up. She gave all she had in that set; she’s bound to be gassed here soon. Ann thought to herself. She let out a grin of satisfaction. It was the start of May, the day after finals week. The Spring Semester has finally concluded. Ann’s recent eating habits have finally started to materialize. However, any differences to be noticed in her physique, she mostly just chalked up to her ‘winter bulk.’ Which of course, was entirely of her doing, free of any outside influence. For the majority of the spring semester, she traded in her hours of cardio for weight training, which she became quite fond of. She eventually weened out cardio altogether other than actual tennis practice. She felt stronger and in control. However, she had yet to grow accustomed to her mass on the tennis court. It’s been a month or two since she’s played a full match. Right now she wishes she’d spent more time on the treadmill than deadlifts. C’mon now’s not the time for excuses! She thought. The two stepped back onto the court. It was time to put that strength to the test.


This is it. Up five-one in the last set. Although her opponent managed to keep most games within close margins, Ann has overpowered and outplayed her opponent in every measure. She powered her serve into the far corner for an ace. Ann now had the advantage on the match point. She cursed herself as her first serve smacked the white of the net with fury. She sliced at her second serve. It trailed away from her opponent who returned a weak ball to the middle of the court. Ann wasted no time with an unapologetic backhand bounce veering off the right side of the court. Game, set, match.

The sparse crowd of teammates and random acquaintances applauded the two. Ann looked out onto the stands but couldn’t see James. Where is he? No way he left before the last set. She asked herself. After a friendly gesture of sportsmanship, Ann packed her stuff and headed out. Walking along the path, she felt a hand pull back on her shoulder.

“Jesus James, you scared the shit out of me. Where did you go? Did you even see the last set?” She asked, letting out a deep sigh, her voice sharp and weary. She was proud of her work, she knew that, but why was it so important to her that he share that feeling. Her thoughts began to stir, but as she heard his words, those thoughts melted away, and her face began to light up.

“Of course I did. You killed it out there. Watching that wicked serve of yours, how can I take my eyes off you? That other girl was practically fighting for her life out there, but damn this little endeavor of yours got me fighting for my life out there too. Look at you, my little gym rat.” He smiled. “Flex for me real quick.”

“***.” She replied, laughing. He paused briefly as he surveyed her body up and down. Ann felt his hands rest on her hips, quickly moving down toward her backside. Surveying her curves. Then she felt a liberal squeeze from the rear.

“Hey! We’re in public–show some restraint, my lord.” She said, only half-serious.

“Okay, okay. Well, I’m free for lunch. What do you say we go hit up some Mexican food before I go to work. I hear your favorite place has a deal on quesadillas.”

Ann’s mouth watered the moment his words tongued at her ears. God, that sounds so fucking good right now, she thought. She could feel the rich cheese melting on her tongue already. She caught herself staring into the sky, biting her lip in anticipation, and well, hunger. She felt the emptiness in her belly and her wallet. But, wait, shit.

“Oh no, I completely forgot. I was going to meet up with Jane later. She had some stuff she had to return at the mall, and I asked if I could go with her. I’m not going to lie; I could go for some new clothes,” Ann replied.

“What time? It’s only 12:32 right now.”

“She said she’d meet me back at the room around like, three thirty-ish.” Ann replied.

“What are you talking about that’s plenty of time.” He exclaimed.

“Well, I would have to go all the way back to the room, shower, get ready, and make it back to the restaurant, and then head all the way back to the room again–and we going to get some food while we’re there too, but—”

“Babe look, you’re overcomplicating this. Just head back, get a quick shower, and call me when you’re ready. I have to head back to my place to get my card. And besides, have you even eaten breakfast yet? I know you don’t usually eat much before a match you’re probably starving. We can stop in for some quick food. You’ll have plenty of time to get back, trust me.”

Fuck he’s right, she thought. Ann's stomach let out a deep rumble, demanding her attention. “Okay, fine. I’ll call you when I’m ready.”

“See ya then,” replied James. The two shared a kiss and quickly departed.

— — —

Ann turned the shower knob, promptly undressed, and waited impatiently for the water to warm. The two girls were lucky to have a bathroom and shower to themselves, even though it was incredibly small. In the corner of her eye, she spotted Jane’s scale that she kept beside the sink. Ann pursed her lips and squinted in contemplation. It’s been about two months since she last weighed herself. She last remembers the scale reading 121. Normally, she had no desire to pay attention to it. Lately, she has been hitting the gym to feel stronger. She preferred to track the weight on her squat rather than the weight on the scale. However, it could also be that deep down, it frightened her just a little bit. But she hadn’t eaten at all yet today, so now would be a good time as any, she thought. She placed it in the only available space on the bathroom floor and stepped onto it. She peered down at the screen. CALC…130.3. Wow, she thought.

“I’m up nine pounds on an empty stomach. Damn, I might be taking the bulk to far, I should probably think about cutting soon,” she said aloud to herself. Her stomach began to cry out again in a rumbling plea. “Fuck, it’s like it heard me.”

Stepping out of the shower, she dried off quickly and looked at her phone.


“Ok I have time, no worries.”

In their room was a full-length mirror hung straight across from the bathroom. She knew Jane wouldn’t be back yet, so she decided to just change out in the room instead of the cramped bathroom. Entering the room, she stared herself down with her enchanting green eyes. Still curious, she walked two paces more. Tilting her head just a bit, her soft curls falling gently to the side of her head. She threw her towel to the side, unveiling her nakedness. She hasn’t taken much time to fully marvel at her work this semester. To appreciate her new but subtle features. Her calves have always been sculpted from years of competition, not much change to be found there. Her quads and hamstrings seemed fuller, adding to the overall girth of her legs, but the real changes could be seen in her hips and ass. She probably added about an inch or two around both by her estimates. Most of it was muscle, though the nature of her added calorie intake this semester definitely demanded some extra padding to be taken on whether she liked it or not. Though she must say, seeing her added curves in all their glory felt nice.

She tried counting her calories, but she was very loose with it. She transitioned over to lifting around early February. When James convinced her to join him for a session or two. She remembers him laughing at her lack of strength. Well, compared to him. She would stand and watched as he squatted 225 for reps with ease. She kept having to yell at him to take of the plates so she could go. He always complained. “You gotta start eating, bro. You’re like a chipmunk when we eat together. Get some meat on those bones first.” He would say to her.

“Oh so what am I, you’re gym bro now? Mr gym expert.” She asked humorously.

He chuckled. “Hey I’m just saying, if you want to keep up in the weight room you gotta keep up with me in the dining hall.”

“Ya whatever—move over and leave me and my 95 pound bar alone, and don’t stare at my ass when I’m squatting.” She commanded.

“What ass?” He joked, laughing aloud.

“Shut up!” she shouted. Even though she knew he was just joking, it did kind of annoy her. After this, she started going to the weight room more often—even without James sometimes. But she soon realized that she actually started to enjoy it—really enjoy it. However, for the first month into her consistent efforts, she really wasn’t seeing any drastic results, and she didn’t get that much stronger. She was still struggling with 115 pounds on the squat rack. As March arrived, she finally started to take James’ advise and try to eat more. This proved pretty difficult at first, but James was highly encouraging. Slowly, her small stomach capacity, indicative of a girl her size, began to increase. As did her appetite. Early on James had convinced her essentially start a ‘dirty bulk,’ by swapping out her staple healthy diet in favor of one that’s much more calorie rich. Saying it was much easier to get in calories that way. Then maybe some protein powder. Very reluctantly, she agreed.

I’ll just spend some more time on the Stairmaster. It’ll be fine. She thought to herself.

Through the month of March, Ann began to spiral into not one but two ‘addictions’ unknowingly. She hadn’t yet seen much results physically, but she could definitely tell she was getting stronger. However, she was also becoming somewhat of a foodie. She cursed herself for missing out on such good food all her life. She never realized just how good this shit can be. Who knew? However, with her tight schedule of class, gym and practice, as well as her light pockets, she often struggled to get enough maintenance calories in, let alone surplus. James helped out where he could, of course, but he too, was strapped for time during the semester. But now, with classes and practices almost at a close, they finally had a couple of weeks to relax before returning home for the summer.

Ann looked back at her mirror once more. Moving up from hips, she admired her waist. Still small and slender, but she noticed the outlining of her abs had faded just slightly. No worries, she thought. She was also kind of glad that her breasts had remained the same for the most part. While flexing, she noticed her arms as well, admiring her bigger biceps. After she was satisfied with her observations, she moved over to the dresser and looked at her phone.


“Shit stop playing around I gotta get reading.” She said to herself. She hastily threw on her jeans, she encountered the slightest bit of resistance as she pulled them over her butt. She was going to go for a baggy sweatshirt, but the weather was a bit warm today, and hey, why not show some of the upper body, she thought. So she threw on a bra and tank top, and headed out the door. She texted James, “I’m ready, meet you there soon!”

She met James just outside the Mexican restaurant. She looked at her phone to check the time.


They sat down with their menus. Ann immediately knew what she was going to order.
“Hi guys welcome in, can I get you guys started with anything?” The waiter asked.

“Hi thank you, yes could I get a Jarritos pineapple soda?” Ann asked.

“Certainly, and you sir?”

“I’ll just have water, thank you,” James replied.

“Alright, and are we ready to order yet or do we need a second?”

James started to speak but Ann quickly cut him off and added or order. “Oh we should be ready, um, I’ll have three cheese quesedillas, three traditional style tacos, and a churro—Oh! And can we get chips and salsa as well?”

“Alright no problem, and you sir?”

“I’ll just have two tacos and an empanada. Thanks.” James replied.

“No problem, I’ll be back out with the chips and drinks soon.” The waiter strutted off. Ann caught James trying to suppress his laughter.

“Hey, what’s so funny?” She asked him.

“Nothing, that’s just a shit ton of food. You know the tacos here are way bigger than the one’s from the taco truck on campus. There’s no chance you finish all of that.” He said jokingly

“Oh? you wanna bet? I haven’t eaten all day, I’m starving. Just watch me.”

After the two scarfed down the basket of chips, though it was mostly Ann eating them, the waiter brought out the food. Ann’s eyes bulged out of her head, her mouth watered and her stomach cried out. Her mind was slightly intimidated by the amount in front of her, but her stomach didn’t care. She dug in. Downing the three tacos in a matter of minutes. One bite into the quesadilla and her tastebuds danced in pleasure. She finished the quesadilla and leaned back a bit. Damn, these are incredible, but they’re so filling, she thought. Slowly she ate her way through the second. She felt a growing tightness below. The waistband of her jeans began to press into her belly. “Ugh, curse these tight-ass jeans, why didn’t I think to wear yoga pants?” She thought to herself. Letting out a small but audible groan.

“You sure you’re goona finish that?” James asked tauntingly.

“Ugh, yes, just give me a minute to breath,” Ann replied. She felt beyond stuffed. Her breaths grew shallow, and she grimaced at the last quesadilla. She can definitely admit now that she underestimated the amount of food there would be. Nonetheless, Ann was a competitor at heart, and she knew she could get it done. Where there’s a will, there’s a way. She was going to prove him wrong. Ann discreetly unbuttoned her jeans. She felt her tummy jut forward a few inches, but the relief was immense. After a few stifled burps, she breathed a sigh of relief and got back to business. She threw down the last quesadilla. All that remained was the churro.

James looked over. She could see him trying to hide the amazement on his face. “Hmm, I got to admit I’m impressed. Now can I have that churro?” James asked.

“Hell no, I’m finishing this damn thing.” At this point, Ann felt sickeningly full. She had never been this stuffed in her entire life. She slowly but surely pecked away at the sweet cinnamony goodness. And with that, it was over. Ann leaned back with a hand on her stuffed tummy. “I win!”

“It wasn’t a competition, but sure. You're the quesadilla queen, I guess.”

“Shut up, you taco tyrant!” Ann spouted out groggily, eyes half shut. I could use a nap about right now, but oh, wait. Ann heaved herself up on the chair with an embarrassing amount of effort. “What time is it?”

“Relax, it’s only 2:50,” he reassured Ann.

She stifled another burp, “ugh ‘scuse me… well I should get going then, and oh, about the food… uh is it okay if—”

“Don’t worry about it I got it covered.” James insisted.

“Ah thanks so much, baby. I’m sorry for getting so much. I can pay you back when I get paid next week.”

“Stop, please don’t even worry about it. You can get going I’ll handle it. I’ll see ya after work maybe. I’ll be right back, let me just head to the bathroom real quick.” He gave her a quick peck on the cheek and left for the restroom.

“Ugh, you’re the best; thank you so much.” Ann was about to stand up but remembered her unbuttoned jeans at the last second. Shit! She peered down. Her slim waist was now swelled out into a small tummy. Jutting a little bit past her waistband. Jesus, what an impressive food baby, she thought. She grabbed each end of the fabric and sucked in as best she could, barely making a difference. After a couple failed attempts, she finally managed to get it buttoned and zipped. She shifted uncomfortably as the waistband cut into her belly button. Giving the top of her tummy a more rounded appearance that she hoped wasn’t too visible through her tank top. “God, I way overdid it, I don’t know what came over me.” She said quietly to herself. She let out another small groan. “Ugh, but it was so fucking good.”

#!— — —!#
Hi Y'all, Let’s take a moment to break down Ann’s little impromptu stuffing here.

First, Let’s see how much food she managed to eat:
Let's calculate the total weight in ounces:

3 tacos, each weighing 6 ounces: 18 ounces
3 quesadillas, each weighing 10 ounces: 30 ounces
1 churro, weighing approximately 3 ounces (assuming a typical size): 3 onces
1 8oz glass of soda: 8oz
1 basket of chips (assuming a standard serving size of around 4 ounces): 4 ounces

Now, add these together and we get a total of 63 ounces of food. That’s equivalent to almost four pounds of food. In one sitting!

Now, let’s calculate the total calories:

3 Tacos: 3 x 250 calories = 750 calories
3 Quesadillas: 3 x 500 calories = 1500 calories
1 Churro: 250 calories
1 8oz Glass of Soda: 120 calories
1 Basket of Chips: 200 calories

Total Calories: 750 + 1500 + 250 + 120 + 200 = 2820 calories
With 2820 calories consumed before three O’clock, Ann has already met her maintenance calories for the day. Intriguing.

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Hey y’all, hope you enjoyed the chapter, this was definitely a longer one. Chapter five should be soon. To the mall changing rooms maybe. We shall see.
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