Ann's folly ( a tennis star )

Chapter 5

“Oh, Ann, when you come back out, could you grab me another beer from the fridge?” Her father asked.

“Sure thing,” Ann said, strutting off to the bathroom.

“Make that two!” Her brother shouted out from the other side of the pool.

“*** Luke!” she shouted back. Ann missed her family a ton when she was away at college, but that didn’t include her insufferable younger brother.

Ann flew open the sliding door to the kitchen and greeted her mom. “Hey mom.”

“Hey, sweety, how’s the pool?”

“Feels great, what’s for dinner tonight?” Asked Ann.

“Just some roasted chicken with garlic mashed potatoes and steamed green beans.”

“Anything desert?” Ann asked sincerely.

“Oh ya, I got an apple pie from the store I thought we could try.”

“Ugh, that sounds amazing.”

Ann headed off down the hall. The mom’s eyebrows perked up as she surveyed her daughter’s backside. She was wearing one of her old bikinis. The bottoms were clearly struggling to hold onto the consequences of Ann’s new hobbies. She continued her gym rat lifestyle into the summer at her local gym, and her eating had remained the same, if not increased. A slight look of concern washed over her mom’s face as she watched Ann’s butt start to swallow her bottoms.

Luke made his way into the kitchen and to the fridge. “Do we not have any Gatorade’s left?”

“Luke, I just went to the store. You should've told me we needed more.” Their mom said.

“Ugh! Whatever.” He settled for a bottle of water from the fridge.

Ann arrived back to the kitchen. “What is he complaining about now?” She said.
“None of your business, fat ass!”

“God can you just not be annoying for one second!” Ann replied.

“Luke, stop it. Ann’s only been back for a month, can we learn to get along?” Their mom asked.

“It’s not my fault she eats all the damn food in this house.”


“Ugh, ignore him he’s an idiot,” Ann said as she made her way back out to the pool.

“Thanks, honey. Say, how’s college been?” her dad asked. Ann layed back onto the lawn chair.

“Pretty good.”

“How’s that new boy you were telling me about? What’s his name again?”

A warm smile tugged at her lips as her thoughts pivoted to James. This is the longest the two have been apart since they met.

“It’s James dad–and he’s doing good. We still Facetime a lot.”

“Ah, that’s good. You know me and your mom met in college, we used to—”

“Ya ya, I know Dad you’ve told us a million times.”

“How about that roommate of yours?” he paused. " Uh…wait, don’t tell me.” His eyes closed as the gears started to turn. “Oh, Janine!” He glared at Ann, looking for confirmation.

“Close! it’s Jane, dad–and ya, she’s doing great. She was just telling me about a trip she took to her grandparents' lakehouse. She says I should come sometime before school; she lives just two hours north of us.”

“Ohhh, a lakehouse, are we invited?”

“Ehh, maybe, if you ship Luke off to another state or something.”
“Oh c’mon, I know he can be—annoying at times, but he missed you too. He’ll just never admit it. Hey, we were going to go up to the fishing spot next week. Why don’t you come with us.”

Ann laughed at the thought of standing there fishing with her dad and brother for hours in the hot summer sun. “Hah, as much I would absolutely love to, I can’t. I have a tournament coming up next week.”

“Ah, that’s right, I’m sorry, I forgot. Where’s it at?”

“It’s just another small regional tournament again at the big complex a couple of miles south. It's nothing too special. I’m sure I’ll have a good chance.”

“Good chance? hell, you destroyed the girls in that tournament from last week. I’ll tell you what: your serve and that backhand of yours are lethal. Whatever you're doing in the gym is paying off for sure.”

“Thanks, Dad. I’ve been really liking the gym lately. James got me into it last semester, and I kind of just fell in love with it. It's such a good stress reliever. But honestly, I should really be cutting back a little and hit more cardio before the season,” Ann said as she patted her belly. It was still very flat in appearance, but a month of continued indulgence has added a slight layer of pudge, erasing any remaining outline of abs.

“Oh nonsense, you’re swing has never been as powerful. You’re having those girls running for their lives. Though I’m sorry I can’t make this one–but I’m sure you’ll do good out there.”

Her brother overheard them as he walked past. “Ya, you better win this one, me and my friends have bets on you to win it. You know that *** Ethan in my class? His sister’s in the tournament. I want you to beat the breaks off her.” He said.

“Can’t you be annoying somewhere else! And thanks, Dad, that means a lot.”

— — —

Ann won yet another tournament. In a way, she found it a little easier, at least in these smaller, less competitive tennis tournaments. However, she was still a bit worried about the season ahead. The competition back home is still nothing compared to what she faced in the national tournament back in the fall. She felt as strong as ever, but lately, she didn’t feel nearly as nimble and agile as she felt back then. She promised herself that she would start cutting, but she found it much… much harder than she thought.

Two weeks ago she decided to cut down on the calories. It was going well for a few days, but she soon realized just how much she craved food. One evening, Ann was driving back home after a grueling leg day at the gym. On her way back, she saw a sign for McDonald’s. Her stomach rumbled furiously in protest. She had limited herself to only 2000 calories a day and had only 500 left. She couldn’t possibly give in already. It’s only been two days. But the hunger persisted, and the turn was fast approaching. At the very last moment, she finally decided against it. No! She thought to herself while clutching the steering wheel. I have to get it together. I can have a salad when I get home.

This didn’t last for long. Her stomach cried out once more as she came upon a sign for the Taco Bell.

“Shit!” The turn came up fast. Her hunger became ravenous, and she finally…gave in. She turned into the drive-through.

“Hi, could I have a beefy 5-layer burrito, a cheesy gordita crunch, a soft taco, and a small Baja blast? That should be all.”

“Alright, that’ll be 14.84 at the next window.”

Beefy 5-Layer Burrito - 490 calories
Cheesy Gordita Crunch - 500 calories
Soft Taco - 180 calories
Small Baja Blast - 220 calories
Total: 1390
All adds up to a total of 2.2 pounds of food.

Ann parked in an empty spot away from anyone else. She couldn’t resist any longer. After two days of restriction, she was fucking starving. She sat in her car, slowly gorging on the contents of the bag.

She sipped the last contents of her drink and let out a long belch. Glad to be alone. Jesus, that was so fucking good, she thought to herself. Her sweat pants clung to her sides and belly slightly more than before. She hadn’t noticed.

“So much for cutting.” She said aloud, leaning back into her chair. This voracious behavior continued. She was never quite able to stick to her promise. Food was just…too…fucking…good! She just had to go harder in the gym, she thought.
Ann arrived home later that evening. She ventured up to her room and headed to the shower. Much like the time before, she stared at the scale in her bathroom. Lately, she had been weighing herself regularly in the morning. This morning she was 134.5 pounds. It was now the start of June, so this was around a four-pound difference from the end of April. She stepped onto the scale, and it began to work it’s magic, weighing in every ounce of Ann’s body, down to the last bite of Taco Bell.


“Damn, that’s almost sixteen pounds from what I was at this time last year.” She thought to herself. Still not used to the prospect of actually gaining weight. “Oh well, I guess that’s a good thing. I’ve worked hard to get here.”

— — —

“Really Ann, it’s 1130, and you’re just now getting up?” Her mom asked as she made her way down the stairs.

Ann stood there, crusty-eyed and messy-haired. She still had on the baggie shirt and shorts she slept in. Scratching her stomach, she yawned. “Ahh, it’s fine Mom it’s summer. Can I at least enjoy it a little bit? Her eyes widened at the aroma of morning breakfast. “Oh, what’s for breakfast?” She asked enthusiastically.

The table was laden with a feast: golden waffles stacked high, crispy bacon, scrambled eggs with a sprinkle of chives, buttery toast, and a bowl of fresh strawberries and blueberries. A large glass of orange juice sat next to her plate, glistening in the morning light.

“Well, I thought your brother and father would be up by now, so I made a bunch of stuff, but I guess they got back from the lake pretty late last night.”

“Thanks mom.”

“No problem, honey. I’ll just save whatever's left and see if I can wake those two up.” Ann’s heard the laundry and headed down the basement stairs.

Ann stared down the food. She plopped down at the table. She started with the waffles, slathering them with syrup and butter and taking huge bites filling her cheeks. The eggs were next, fluffy and savory, followed by the perfectly crisp bacon that crunched satisfyingly with each bite. She alternated between bites of toast and sips of juice, the sweetness of the fruit mixing with the savory flavors of her meal.

Ann’s mom appeared from the basement with a hamper of clothes. She looked upon the table. Realizing the sheer amount her daughter managed to eat in such a short amount of time.

Ann put her dishes away, leaving barley any food left for he dad and brother.

“Thanks, Mom, those pancakes were so good,” Ann said as she made her way up the stairs to her room.

Waffles (2): 400 calories
Butter (1 tbsp): 100 calories
Syrup (1/4 cup): 100 calories
Bacon (4 slices): 168 calories
Scrambled eggs (3): 270 calories
Toast (2 slices): 150 calories
Orange juice (1 cup): 110 calories
Strawberries (1 cup): 50 calories
Blueberries (1 cup): 80 calories

Total: 1428 calories

Ann plopped down at her desk. Her shorts felt a bit snug from that little display of gluttony. But she paid no attention to it. She had plenty of time to do whatever she wanted without the stress of classes and practice. Besides tennis matches and going to the gym, she usually spent time playing games on her PC. She also accrued a stash of snacks that she occasionally snacked on when engaging in such activities. She pulled out a large bag of baked potato chips and went to work. She wasn’t generally into video games before, but James had brought up some ideas for games they could play together. She ended up taking Luke’s old gaming PC for herself. She really got into the turn-based games, and this one role-playing game was her favorite. However, yet again, James’ skill level proved to be much better than hers, and yet again, she took this as a challenge. She’d spend countless hours at her desk, snacking away, trying to beat James at one of his favorite games. It was filled with swords, magic, and weird dudes that offered no sympathy to the player. The vast and beautiful open world was great, but the bosses' difficulty proved daunting for someone new like Ann, but she wouldn’t back down.

“OMG! How are you doing so much damage? I can’t do shit to him.” Ann asked James on game chat.

“Look, he’s susceptible to poison; just poison him. Stop casting spells at him.”

“Ugh fine.” Ann replied. She knew she still couldn’t beat James in a duel. She sighed and took another handful of chips before realizing she was all out. She managed to finish the whole family-sized bag of chips.

A whole family-sized bag of baked potato chips:
840 calories.
Total for the day:

After a few hours of gaming, the clock struck 3.

“Lunch is ready!” Her mom shouted from downstairs.

“Sorry babe, I’m going to go eat real quick, I might be on later.” Ann said over game chat. She turned her PC off and headed downstairs.

“Look who finally crawled out of her cave.” Said Luke.

“Shut the fuck up Luke you’re always in your room.” Ann replied.

“Well, at least I don’t eat everyone else’s breakfast ***.” The two scowled at each other at the kitchen table.

“Oh, quit it, both of you! Can I go for one second without hearing you fight? Luke, stop calling your sister fat. She’s not fat,” their dad said.

The two rolled their eyes and dug into their mom’s food. For lunch, Ann had a turkey and avocado wrap. Within a couple of minutes, Ann finished her wrap and thanked her mom for the meal, promptly returning to her room. She got ready for the gym and left accordingly. It was back day, her least favorite. After suffering through an hour and a half of lat pulldowns and bent over rows, she headed back home. On her way back, she stopped at taco bell once again. This was pretty much a habitual practice by now. As much as she tried to resist it. This time she only opted for a chicken soft taco, bean burrito, a cheesy roll-up, and a small baja blast.

Chicken Soft Taco - 190 calories
Bean Burrito - 350 calories
Cheesy Roll-Up - 180 calories
Small Baja Blast - 220 calories
A total of 940.
Total for the day: 3768.

Ann returned to the house, absolutely stuffed from today’s food intake. She ventured back up to her room and showered. This time, she didn’t even bother to check the scale. She returned to her favorite game. A couple of hours passed before it was time for dinner. Shit, she thought. I pretty much ate dinner already, but she couldn’t ignore the rumbling in her tummy. “How tf could I be hungry already?”

Nonetheless, she headed the call. What awaited her was a good-sized portion of spaghetti and meatballs. She came down, greeted her family, and began to chow down, with them not knowing of her recent Taco Bell run. After some light conversation and dodging stupid comments from her brother, she finished up, thanked her mom, and headed back to her room.

Spaghetti (2 cups cooked)- 400 calories
Marinara sauce (1 cup)- 100 calories
Meatballs (4 medium)- 350 calories
A total of 850 calories.
Total for the day: 4618.

Ann ended today with an excessive amount of calories. Tonight, she lay in bed with regret. She knew she had overdid it. She had to get her shit under control. There were only two more months before school and the new tennis season. She had to show some kind of self-restraint. For the next eight weeks, she stuck to her promise. She managed to keep her caloric intake to 2500. However, some days, she might have gone up over 3000.

— — —

Even so, after eight weeks, Ann stood in front of her bedroom mirror. While her increased muscle mass is evident in her more defined arms, legs, and booty, she has also gained a noticeable amount of pudge. This added softness became apparent around her midsection, hips, and thighs, giving her a fuller, curvier figure. She also noted a bit more fullness in her breasts. Her bras were finally beginning to tighten. She wondered if it was the time for a bigger size. Ann's vibrant energy and active lifestyle were still evident, but she now carried a more voluptuous physique. She flexed for the mirror, “Damn girl, you looking good.” She said to herself. Ann entered the bathroom, curious about her morning weight. She stood on it, letting it work its magic. She read the number.


—-------------------- -------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------
Hey y’all, just wanted to provide a detailed description of Ann’s gain so far:

Starting Point:

Initial Weight: 121 pounds
Height: 5'5"

After 1 year:

Final Weight: 145 pounds

Total Gain:

Total Weight Gain: 24 pounds

Composition of the Gain:

Muscle Gain:

Ann's consistent gym routine, particularly focusing on strength training, has resulted in a noticeable increase in muscle mass.

Muscle Gain: Around 6 pounds
More defined muscles, especially in her arms, legs, and booty.

Fat Gain:

With her higher caloric intake, Ann has also gained a good amount of fat, adding to her fuller figure.

Fat Gain: Around 18 pounds
Added softness around her midsection, hips, and thighs, giving her a curvier appearance.

—---------------------------- -------------------------------------------------- -----------------------

Thanks for sticking around y’all. Hope you’re enjoying the story thus far. More on it’s way soon.
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