Ladies of Justice: the Mad God Protocols

Chapter 1:Easy A

Chapter 1: Easy A
“It was a dark night in the city, the rain beating down on my neck, the taste of black coffee and cigarettes lingering in my mouth. I go to take a swig of whiskey from my flask to-”.

“Techna-Gal if you are going to keep monologuing then turn off your mic you are taking over the comms”. Green Cyclone said in Techna Girl’s ear.

“Sorry GC, but I'm bored and it is raining. When are we going to start this thing?” Techna Girl whined.

“We start once everyone is in position, and not a moment before. If we are not in sync, we might give them time to scatter. Put some music on you private channel or something” Miss Justice replied

“Or better idea just be quiet and focus” Lady Anaconda said. This time trying to refocus everyone.

The Ladies of Justice were about to deal a major blow to Peak CIty’s organized criminal underworld. Hitting all of the Mob safe houses, usual hangouts and major cash flows all at once so the rats would have no safe place to hide. The plan was a closely guarded secret only the six ladies of justice and an anonymous whistleblower knew.

Green Cyclone voice came over the coms “Green team in position”. She and Nitro-girl were on the east side of the city, an area with lots of parks and open areas but also a lot of safehouses for people to lie low in after pulling a job. Their set up was fairly simple. Nitro-girl would use her superspeed zip around to the safe houses and grab as many goons as she could, flinging them into a whirlwind to contain them whipped up by Green Cyclone.

“Silver team is ready too” Broann’s thick accent came over the radio. She and Lady Anaconda were down by the docks, ready to destroy all of the drug and weapon caches stored there; depleting the mob’s legal war chest.

“Blue team is also good to go. So let's do this. Justice Prevails” Lady Justice said, signaling to the others to begin the raid. She and Techna Girl were going after Big Boss Clyde and his six top lieutenants since they were the most likely to have strong hired muscle.

As the signal came over the comm link. Green Cyclone focused her mind tapping into the genetic link she had with her belt. The belt had been a gift from her mother, the first Green Cyclone. Who designed and built it including a genetic lock so that only someone of her direct line could use it. A mistake as far as Melissa was concerned. Her mother had been a genius in her time, able to blend alchemy and science to create many useful inventions including the belt. But she didn't have the head for business that her daughter did. Indeed much of Melissa’s empire was built on capitalizing on her mom’s unused patents and methods. Granted a solid quarter of the empire was being spent trying to find her mother, who had been missing since 2008. Many thought she had vanished in shame from the financial collapse like many other business owners; But Melissa knew better Money didn't matter to her mother it was simply the means to do more research. Melissa had tried to get Techna-Gall to reverse engineer the belt without the genetic lock, but whatever alchemy her mother had used to make the belt did not work without it. So it was Melissa’s to use as she saw fit. And superhero-ing was more interesting than skiing in Aspen with douchey tech bro’s. She looked down at her slim fit figure, it was a better workout too.

The alchemical symbols on the belt began glowing with greenish light as they began manipulating the wind to Green Cyclone’s will. Forming a small tornado in the middle of the park that Nitro-girl had already thrown several confused and half dressed mobsters in. The wind spun them like a blender trapping them in mid-air.

At her idol’s command flaps opened on Techna-Gal’s suit, releasing a horde of drones that zipped in the restaurant that inner circle was having lunch in. The drones quickly attached themselves to the men’s wrists like handcuffs, incapacitating most of the mobsters before they even knew what was happening. Techna-Gal flew into the building confident her drones had subdue all of the mobsters “Clyde Hanna of the Ant Hill Mob, You and your conspirators are under a- OOF”. Techna-Gal’s mirandarizing was cut off as one of the hired muscles slammed into her, knocking her slim frame out of the restaurant and into an alley across the street.

“Tech!” Miss Justice yelled.

“I’m ok” Techna-Gal’s voice said through the comms “Finish them off. I'll be right there”

“Got it,” said Miss Justice. She entered the restaurant bracing herself for another attack by the brute. The guard; momentarily stunned by Miss Justice’s breast as they bounced in her costume, stared at her mouth agape, then he leaned his shoulder in and charged her with the force of a bull. Miss Justice crouched down, reading herself. Using his own momentum against him, she flipped him onto his back where he laid unable to get back onto his feet. “As we were saying, you are all under arrest”. The angry men’s response was drowned out by the flood of sirens surrounding the building. Officers flooding in to take the subdued criminals into custody.

Miss Justice watched with a smile as the cops placed all the rounded up criminals into paddy wagons and squad cars. This was the sort of thing she was made for, chosen for, making a real difference that would help a lot of people in a big way.The fact that this win was personal was just the cherry on top.

She thought back to that night, the night had been warm as she drove home from the biggest win of her career putting ‘Dum-Dum’ Hanna of the Ant-Hill Mob behind bars. She rounded a bend. Putting her on the brakes she found they had been cut. Just as she was about to crash. A crack of lightning appeared and time slowed. A vision of lady justice from the courthouse appeared before her, a scale and a sword by her side “You have shown the ability to do great justice in the world. And thus, I wish to name you my champion. Do you swear to uphold the value of justice with every fiber of your being? To stand for truth in all its forms?”

Without hesitation Abby answered by “I do”

Another flash, time moved forward, but Abbi had changed. Clad in a blue outfit she was able to roll out of the car with superhuman speed and emerge from the sabotaged vehicle unscathedl Now the latest version of the superhero named Miss Justice. Over time she had found friends and allies, some like Green Cyclone had met versions of Miss Justice from the past, who had to give up the role. Or Like Techna-Gal, a shy nerd that Abby had rescued and become a sort of protege. Abby hoped she could turn the girl's love of technology toward the side of Justice rather than Capitalism.

Scanning the progress of the officers she thought “Yes, today has been a fruitful day for Justice.”

“That's the last of it”. Lady Anaconda said. She casually tossed another box of drugs into a police evidence boat, full of contraband weapons and narcotics.

Broann cocked her head and listened. “According to Tech’s little toy there should be one more hidden room, one that may not have flooded”.

“Let's go then” Lady Anaconda said, cocking her head to the flooded warehouse.

“You go. if I stop concentrating the rooms will drain. The Water doesnt like being held in place, and it certainly doesn't like me forcing it to”. Lady Anaconda turned around in the water and dove back under, searching the warehouse for missing boxes. The water was cold, but Lady Anaconda’s training had hardened her to push past the discomfort. Near the top of one of the buildings, a stream of bubbles was coming from the office. Swimming up to the glass the warrior could see a man struggling to keep his head in the last pocket of air. He looked like a janitor, but could have been hired as muscle for the mob. Either way she was not going to let him drown.She swam down to the door and tried to open it. Locked, as she assumed. Gripping the doorknob she punched the glass as hard as she could. Green Cyclone would whine about the property damage, but a life was at stake. The glass didn't break. It must have been reinforced somehow. She hit it again and again and it didn't break. Lady Anaconda’s lungs were running out of air. Strong that she was, she still needed to breathe. Closing her eyes she calmed her mind. Shutting out her body’s complaining, she hit the glass again and felt it crack just a bit. Her vision was starting to tunnel. She was out of time. If the glass didn’t break… no she couldn’t give up, she had to keep fighting. With one final punch the glass broke and She was able to swim into the office. A small pocket of air was all that was left in the nearly filled room, barely enough space to poke her nose out of the water but it was enough. Pulling a inhale of super compressed air, Lady Anaconda was able to grab the civilian and get him out of the warehouse. They surfaced in the harbor next to the evidence boat “Did you find the stash?” Broaann asked.

“No one had to rescue a civilian first. I'll head back in after I catch my breath”

“The other teams are nearly done, so I think we can do this the easy way” Broann lowered her sword and deactivated her powers. The celtic runes all over her body stopped glowing with soft blue light as the water that had flooded all of the mob warehouses flooded back into the bay. Their part had been the simplest but the most crucial. Broann had caused the water to rise, covering the warehouses making all the drugs and weapons that were hidden there, even the ones in hidden compartments unusable. It also served to short out any traps that had been laid out to prevent trespassers. Then with her great stamina and strength Lady Anaconda was able to bring the biggest cache up to the surface to be logged as evidence.

“Any plans for this evening? Broann asked. They were searching for the last cache of drugs in the now dripping wearhouse. Her muscular frame now relaxed from not having to command the water into an unnatural shape.

“Not really I might watch one of the movies on Techna-Gal’s list, she has been pestering me to get through a few, says it will ‘help me communicate with people better”

“What she means is it will help you understand her references more, the girl is smart but she needs to get out and touch grass sometimes”

“That's part of why I’m going to watch one of the movies on her list, every minute I waste watching one of her films is a minute she has to spend training with me. I’ll make her a proper Tu Alahian warrior yet”

“Well good luck with that, let me know if you need a sparring partner. I could use a bit more work controlling my powers”

“Will do” the pair found the last box behind a fake wall and began heading back to the command center to meet with the rest of the team.

Unsurprisingly, Nitro-girl beat them back to HQ “Everything went good?” she asked in between bites of a sandwich

“Yes” Lady Anaconda said walking inside, “How about your end”

“A real workout this time. I had to stop to refuel halfway through, and GC is going to really need a nap. I’ve never seen a tornado that big!” Nitro-girl said between bites of her sandwich. Walking backwards she matched Lady Anaconda’s stride, every now and again glancing at the Warrior Woman’s toned rear jiggle as she walked.

“We all need a rest after this, hopefully taking out the whole organization at once with quiet things down for a bit”. Lady Anaconda said rubbing her sword arm, swimming with all of those crates had taken more out of her then realized.

Green Cyclone landed near the trio. “Unfortunately I doubt you will get it. We just created a huge power vacuum, sooner or later someone will try and fill it.”

“Well, so long as they aren’t dumping toxic waste into the river tonight, maybe the goddess will let me get a full night's rest”. Broann said “She doesn't always get the fact that us wee humans need a break now and then.”

“Yes, supernatural patrons are a bit single minded like that” Miss Justice said as she and Techna-Gal walked in. “If Justice had her way, I would do nothing but throw low level crooks in jail. Never working my way up to people who need real help from changing a broken system,” Techna-Gal was holding an ice pack to her head. Lady Anaconda frowned just a bit at the genius, her long ponytail swishing as she shook her head “See, that is why you need more combat training. your toys are fine but they can only do so much”.Techna-Gal didn't respond, just slumped forward in her chair.

“What no quip TG? You must have really been hit hard” Nitro-girl said, smirking at her runner's frame, practically vibrating with energy.

Techna-Gal mumbled something inaudible. Miss Justice started the debriefing looking around the table at the rest of the team. “Good work today. Taking down this big of an organization is a complex thing, but getting them all off the streets even for a little while can go a long way to restoring justice to our city. As for tonight, get some rest you will need. Because tomorrow the hard part starts, we got the charges now let's make them stick. Justice prevails” The rest of the team raised a fist in the air “Justice prevails!”
9 chapters, created 3 months , updated 1 month
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Stevita 3 months
Thrilled that this series is still going!