
Chapter 3

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Benny pulled on some plaid pajama pants to go with the plain grey t-shirt he had changed into. He’d prefer to wear something a bit nicer for dinner but there were very few casual clothes that fit him these days, and there was no way he could sit and eat more in those tight, restricting work clothes. He made a mental note to revamp his wardrobe, though he knew he likely wouldn’t until Jess bought some things for him, as she always did. He preferred it that way. If not, he’d have to figure out what size he wore himself and face the reality that he actually was getting fat, a fact that he very much didn’t want to accept. He’d much rather remain ignorant to it all and avoid scales and size tags whenever possible. But the physical changes were hard to ignore. Everything felt more difficult to do these days. He actually had to try twice to heave himself out of bed that morning. Twice! Simple tasks like putting on his shoes made him out of breath, and he dreaded mowing the lawn whenever Jess would bother him to get it done, all the walking and pushing of the mower felt like hours and hours of intense exercise. But he appreciated her forcing him. Honestly if it wasn’t for her he’d likely laze around the house every weekend. His waistline had grown immensely since they had gotten married, and he did less and less around the house as the years passed. But Jess never complained. Not really anyway. Not unless his out-of-control eating got in the way of enjoying the meals she made him. Maybe if he didn’t always go for seconds, or keep far too many snacks in his office drawers, or stop by fast food restaurants when Jess wasn’t around, he’d be slimmer. He was grateful to have such a caring, nonjudgmental wife who didn’t seem to mind his gains. Or maybe she just didn’t notice, like with his car binge this time around. Maybe he was getting better at keeping his lack of self-control a secret.

“Baby, dinner’s ready!” Jess called from the kitchen.

Benny became aware of the delicious smells drifting in from the hall, and despite not being remotely hungry, he felt his stomach growl in response.
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Cuddlist 3 days
Love this story! Thank you smiley
Lurker888 4 days
This is the hottest thing I've ever read!
JoeJay 5 days
Built4com4t 6 days
Excellent…very arousing!
Angerday 1 week
Very hot story! Please keep writing!
Reyb1028 1 week
This was a fantastic read 😭 my imagination was piqued