
Chapter 4

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“I hope you’re hungry,” Jess said as she set down on the dining table the beautiful beef pot roast she had slow-cooked for hours, right next to the heavy cream and butter-filled mashed potatoes. “I put a lot of effort in this one, you’ll love it!” She beamed at Benny as he settled into his seat, his big round belly filling out his lap. She noticed a small sliver of pale flesh peeking out from the bottom of his shirt, but resisted the urge to say anything, as always. She knew she should order him some new clothes, but was holding out a little longer than usual. Watching them grow tighter and tighter on his fat frame was just too fun. The meal was actually quite easy to prepare, despite what she wanted Benny to believe. Over-exaggerating the amount of work that went into their dinners was an easy way to guilt her plump husband into eating more than he should. And she could use all the helpful tricks tonight. She scooped a heaping portion of the creamy mashed potatoes and loaded them onto his plate, followed by two large servings of the roast and its gravy to top it off. She placed only a little bit of the vegetables on the side as well, she’d rather him fill up on the meat and potatoes.

“Ugh that looks so good, thank you,” Benny said, eyes trained on his plate as she served him. He didn't hesitate to dig in, taking a big bite with his fork before Jess could even be seated herself.

“You’re welcome, honey.” Jess watched Benny happily as he greedily ate his dinner. His second dinner, rather. She tried to recall what she had packed him for lunch. A hefty sub using the leftover meatballs from their spaghetti dinner last night. You’d think he’d barely eaten anything today with the way he shoved food in his mouth now. Jess took her time plating up her own dinner. She had realized early on that the longer it took her to eat her small portions, the less Benny would notice how much he was eating in comparison. It’s always harder to get him to eat more when he’s self-conscious. “How is it?” Jess asked.

“Amazing, as always.” Benny smiled and took a break from eating to drink from his water glass.

“Oh, I forgot the wine! Be right back.” Jess hopped out of her seat to grab a bottle of red from the kitchen. She remembered a bag of rolls she was saving for another night and decided to grab those too. “Here you go,” she sang when she returned. She placed two rolls on his plate and filled both their wine glasses. Benny immediately picked his up and downed half of it, so she filled it again. He was already close to finishing his plate, and Jess hadn’t even taken a bite of her own.

Jess made small talk to keep him distracted, rambling about the work she’d done today although she knew he wasn’t really listening. When he only had a bite or two and a roll left, she started to load seconds onto his plate. She didn’t ask if he wanted more, as she usually would. He looked at her briefly and seemed to part his lips as if he might say something, but she continued prattling on as she served him more food, just as much as the first serving, and he didn’t interrupt. To Jess’ surprise, he dug into the second helping just as greedily as the first, possibly taking her actions as a kind of permission to really eat his fill. That didn’t last long, though. Halfway through his second plate, she noticed him slow down, taking more sips of wine and smaller bites as he continued eating. Jess could clearly see that he was starting to struggle, shifting in his seat to make room for his full belly. She began to do a mental tally of how many calories he must have had today. There were the eggs, bacon and buttered toast she’d made him for breakfast, then his lunch and the countless snacks he must have had at work, and of course his “secret” stuffing on the way home, and now a couple servings of a fattening dinner… Jess could feel herself getting wet thinking about how much she had fed him today, that he had fed himself. She eyed his thickening love handles wrapping around his sides and fattened back. He carried so much of his weight in his belly and ass, it was all she could do not to grab and fondle them at every opportunity. She hadn’t wanted to give herself and her schemes away just yet, but with every filling dinner she wondered how much longer she could keep her desires hidden. Benny managed to clear his plate, and Jess wondered if she should push him even more. He leaned back in his chair and shifted further down into his seat, the movement forcing out a burp that sent a strong tingle of arousal up through Jess’ spine. Making up her mind, Jess reached for the half-finished serving bowl of mashed potatoes and scooped more onto Benny’s plate.

“Whoa, honey I think I’m good.” Benny placed his hand on Jess’ holding the spoon, as if to stop her from filling his plate again. Jess paused for a moment and gave Benny her best doe-eyed look of fake concern.

“Oh no, do you not like the food?” Jess asked.
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Cuddlist 3 days
Love this story! Thank you smiley
Lurker888 4 days
This is the hottest thing I've ever read!
JoeJay 5 days
Built4com4t 6 days
Excellent…very arousing!
Angerday 1 week
Very hot story! Please keep writing!
Reyb1028 1 week
This was a fantastic read 😭 my imagination was piqued