
Chapter 6

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Jess watched as Benny leaned back in his chair once again, except this time with a loud groan and half his belly exposed. Seeing him force the entire plate of food down, while clearly full, was almost too much for Jess. She had to step away for a moment with the excuse of getting more wine, even grabbed an ice cream bar in an effort to cool herself down, or at least keep her mouth busy so she wouldn’t bite her lip or let a moan escape. By this point she was fully aroused, practically squirming in her seat as she observed Benny stifle burps and pathetically rub his overfilled belly. She wanted so badly to help him out, get her hands all over the belly she’d spent years building. But she still had more planned tonight for her overweight husband.

“Wanna watch a movie?” Jess asked, pretending not to notice how much of a bloated mess Benny was.

“Sure,” he replied, hiccuping softly as he tugged at his shirt, remembering himself. Benny made an attempt to sit up, but the heft of his belly got in the way, forcing him back down with an “oof.” He tried again, successful this time, and held his belly tenderly as he winced from all the movement.

Jess let out a whimpering sigh, overwhelmed by Benny’s brief display of struggle. She didn’t trust her voice not to give away her arousal, so she simply left for the living room without a word, wine glasses and bottle in hand. She sat on their deep, large sofa, one she had been careful to pick out at the start of their marriage knowing her plans for Benny, and switched on the TV. Benny followed a few moments later and plopped down beside her with a grunt. Jess could tell he was trying hard not to give away how stuffed he was as they went back and forth discussing what to watch. She’d catch his hands drifting to his belly to comfort the aches he was likely feeling, but would think better and let them fall to his sides or lap awkwardly. They eventually decided on a new show neither of them had seen, some medieval period piece with a dramatic sounding plot, and spent the next thirty minutes or so getting into it. Jess managed to get Benny to drink another glass of wine in that time. She wasn’t trying to get him drunk, but maybe a bit tipsy and influenceable. Once he seemed relaxed, and had digested enough, she left for the kitchen to grab dessert: a sticky toffee pudding bundt cake and a pint of vanilla ice cream. She’d left the cake in the pan stored with the residual heat of the oven’s broiler drawer, so it was still warm when she turned it out onto a glass cake plate.

“I made your favorite for dessert! I know it’s been a while but I wanted to treat you tonight, I guess.” Jess set the dessert down on the coffee table with a bit of flare. The sweet smell emanating from the cake made her own mouth water, and it was clear the same was true for Benny. He straightened up in his spot on the couch and his mouth hung open as Jess poured the toffee sauce over the cake, practically drooling. Jess took her time letting the thick, gooey sauce cascade down, rhythmic and slow to build Benny’s anticipation. She couldn’t keep from biting her lip as she recalled all the butter, sugar, heavy cream and molasses she had used in the sauce. The thought of pouring it directly into Benny’s mouth came to mind, filling a funnel and his belly with sickeningly sweet and fattening calories. She made a mental note to add that to her feeder bucket list. Once the cake was completely drowned, she picked up the cake server to cut a slice. Hesitating, she wondered how big of a slice would be appropriate for her overfed husband. Was he still full? Did he even have room for dessert at all? Next to her, Benny picked up the pint of ice cream and opened it, already impatiently preparing the next step. Jess smiled. Who was she kidding? She’d done well in turning her husband into a fat and greedy pig. Even if he didn’t want to show it or admit it, it was obvious, and getting more so with each fattening passing day. She cut a quarter of the cake and confidently served it onto Benny’s waiting plate.
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Cuddlist 5 days
Love this story! Thank you smiley
Lurker888 6 days
This is the hottest thing I've ever read!
JoeJay 1 week
Built4com4t 1 week
Excellent…very arousing!
Angerday 1 week
Very hot story! Please keep writing!
Reyb1028 1 week
This was a fantastic read 😭 my imagination was piqued