
Chapter 9

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Benny tried not to let his thoughts worry him too much as he scrolled on his phone, looking at nearby gyms on Google Maps. Maybe Jess wasn’t even really watching? He couldn’t remember, having been so engrossed in stuffing his fat face. No she definitely saw, how could she not? She was sitting right next to him. He was convinced she was likely texting one of her friends or calling her sister to complain as she always did whenever she was upset by his actions. He suddenly felt very embarrassed. Did he really have to do that? In front of her, no less! They’d always felt comfortable around each other, and neither of them really judged the other, but maybe he went too far? Benny shook his head and frowned. He would’ve gone after her but his belly was just too full to get up, which only mortified him more. He recounted how much of a fat ass he had been, it was no wonder Jess was disgusted. He focused on thoughts of getting in shape, starting tomorrow. Not Monday as he’d placated himself with before. He’d find a gym, sign up, and go every day until he was back to looking like the fit, toned man Jess had fallen in love with.

“Hi.” Jess’ voice came from the entrance of the living room.

Benny looked up, startled, instinctively tugging on his shirt to ensure his gut was covered. His expression quickly changed to one of confusion upon laying eyes on her.

“Um, hi,” Benny said, his voice tentative. Jess stood before him completely naked, breasts and curves on full display. He noticed her hair was more curled than when she left, and it appeared that she had reapplied her lipstick. “You’re naked.”

“Mmhmm,” Jess affirmed with a smile. She flipped her hair over her shoulders, better revealing her nipples. “What about it?”

“Nothing. I just didn’t expect…like I didn’t um…well, I was worried that uh ....” Benny stumbled over his words. He’d been prepared to explain his actions, apologize for being such a fat ass. But seeing Jess before him, no clothes on and seemingly not upset, caught him off guard.

“You didn’t finish your dessert.” Jess interrupted him, her eyebrows furrowed. She walked toward the coffee table and picked up the remote to turn off the TV. She then began to cut the remaining half of the cake into four sizable pieces.

“What?” Benny was confused. Had she not seen him eat half the cake and finish off a whole pint of ice cream?

“Your dessert. There’s still some left.” Jess picked up one of the pieces with her hand, the gooey sauce oozing over her almond shaped acrylics. “Want me to feed you?” She looked at Benny innocently, as if what she was saying wasn’t completely out of the ordinary.

“Feed me? Baby, what–” Before Benny could finish his question, Jess came over and placed her free hand on his belly. She was bent over, full breasts hanging in his face. Without thinking, he grabbed her wrist and pulled her hand off. He held on to it, incredulous. “What are you doing? Don’t…don’t do that.”

Jess didn’t react in the slightest, save for a small smirk. She lowered herself onto the sofa next to him and lifted the slice of cake to his lips. “Open up,” she said.

“Honey, I don’t know what’s gotten into you but I’m not–”

“Benny. Open your fucking mouth.” Jess looked at him resolutely, the smile gone from her face.

Benny looked at her in shock, then at the slice of cake in her hand. He considered reasoning with her again but the look in her eyes told him not to try it. He slowly parted his lips. She wanted him to have a bite, he could do that, to placate her while he thought about what to do. Had she lost it? Should he call a hospital or her mom?

“Atta boy,” Jess said as he took a bite. She moved her hand to his belly once again and began to rub it. Benny withstood it for a few seconds before he grew uncomfortable again, he was unsettled by her obvious recognition of his fat body.

“Jess, I–” Benny’s words were cut off once again, this time by the slice of cake being shoved into his mouth.

“You made such a pig of yourself today, babe. What got into you?” Jess slipped her hand under Benny’s tshirt and continued to rub his stuffed gut. The feeling of her hand directly on his stretched skin gave him shivers. Benny opened his mouth to reply, but Jess just pushed cake into it once again. “It’s like you couldn’t control yourself the whole night. First three servings of dinner, then all of this cake. And the way you chugged that ice cream was…” Jess shifted around next to him. “It was a lot, huh? And all that on top of the McDonald’s you had on the way home.” Benny’s face grew bright red.

“What, did you think I didn’t notice?” Jess giggled as she raised the last bit of the slice of cake to Benny’s lips. She didn’t have to force him this time, he obediently opened up and accepted it, glad to have an excuse to keep his mouth busy rather than respond. “You’re such a pig.” Jess bit her lip and grabbed the soft lower portion of his belly.

Benny felt so exposed. He’d convinced himself all night that his lack of self-control wasn’t showing, that his secret car stuffing was just that, a secret. But that clearly wasn’t the case. The idea that Jess knew the entire time, and still witnessed him overindulging as if he hadn’t already eaten made him feel incredibly embarrassed all over again. So why was his dick getting hard at her words?

Jess picked up another piece of cake, and Benny became aware that she likely meant to feed him all of it, every slice. He suddenly remembered the fullness in his belly, there was no way he could eat anymore, just no way. But as Jess held the next slice in front of his face, he couldn’t help but think about how hot it would be if he did, if she forced him. He opened his mouth and took a bite as she fed him.

'What is wrong with me? What is wrong with me?' The question repeated itself in Benny’s head as he willingly allowed Jess to feed him more cake. Like if he stayed aware that something must be wrong, then it made it okay for him to feel how he did in the moment, so long as he knew. It was a comfort that Jess was aroused as well, he wasn’t the only one. She planted kisses on his fat neck and sucked on it greedily, leaving hickeys in her wake. Benny took her arousal as permission to grab at her naked body, running his hands over every inch of her soft skin. She continued to fondle him in return, finding all the fattest parts of him to grope. When he had finished the cake she held she pulled away slightly.

“Take off your clothes,” she said breathlessly.

Benny didn’t hesitate. He pulled off his tight shirt easily, but struggled with his pants. The waistband was stretchy, but had reached its limit after the immense amount of food he’d eaten. He tried his best to be quick, but the tight band made it difficult to shimmy off. He would need to sit up properly for leverage, but his painfully stuffed belly didn’t want to be disturbed and made it difficult to move. He spent the next few moments grunting and shifting around in a manner that made his face red, primarily from the effort but also from the embarrassment of struggling so much with something so simple, and in front of Jess too. 'What have I done to myself? What the fuck have I done to my body?' Benny had never felt so fat in his life, his gut weighed on him heavily and shifting even an inch felt like a huge task. Jess watched him intently, her lips parted in lust as she patiently waited for him to remove his pants and then his boxers. After what felt like forever, Benny finally got them off and fell back into the couch, completely out of breath. The movement had loosened some trapped air in his gut and he let out several burps, one after the other. He tried his best to stifle them, his plump body was completely exposed and he didn’t want to come off as even more of a bloated pig, but suppressing them only caused him to hiccup, which made his fat ripple and jiggle in response. The fit only lasted a few seconds, but it was long enough for him to feel undesirable again.

Jess seemed to think differently. She moaned and threw herself onto Benny, kissing him deeply on the lips as she squeezed his moobs desperately.
10 chapters, created StoryListingCard.php 1 week , updated 1 week
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Cuddlist 5 days
Love this story! Thank you smiley
Lurker888 6 days
This is the hottest thing I've ever read!
JoeJay 1 week
Built4com4t 1 week
Excellent…very arousing!
Angerday 1 week
Very hot story! Please keep writing!
Reyb1028 1 week
This was a fantastic read 😭 my imagination was piqued